在Classic asp中,我可以在Session对象中存储数据库连接吗?

时间:2021-08-12 01:32:49

Can I store a database connection in the Session object?


5 个解决方案



It is generally not recommended to do so, a connection string in the Application variable, with a nice helper function/class is a much preferred method. Here is some reference. (Dead link removed because it now leads to a phishy site)

通常不建议这样做,Application变量中的连接字符串,带有一个好的辅助函数/类是一个非常优选的方法。这里有一些参考。 (删除了死链接,因为它现在导致了一个网站)



I seem to recall doing so will have the effect of single threading your application which would be a bad thing.




In general, I wouldn't store any objects in Application variables (and certainly not in session variables).


When it comes to database connections, it's a definite no-no; besides, there is absolutely no need.


If you are use ADO to communicate with the database, if you use the same connection string (yes, by all means, store this in an Application variable) for all your database connections, 'connection pooling' will be implemented behind the scenes. This means that when you release a connection, it isn't actually destroyed - it is put to one side for the next guys who wants the same connection. So next time you request the same connection, it is pulled 'off the shelf' rather than having to be explicitly created and instantiated - which is a quite a nice efficiency improvement.

如果使用ADO与数据库进行通信,如果对所有数据库连接使用相同的连接字符串(是的,将其存储在Application变量中),则会在后台实现“连接池”。这意味着当你释放一个连接时,它实际上并没有被破坏 - 它被放在一边,为下一个想要相同连接的人。因此,下次您请求相同的连接时,它将被“提供”,而不是必须明确创建和实例化 - 这是一个非常好的效率改进。



From this link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/243543


You shouldnt store database connection in Session.


From what I understand, if you do then subsequent ASP requests for the same user must use the same thread.


Therefore if you have a busy site its likely that 'your' thread will already be being used by someone else, so you will have to wait for it to become available.


Multiply this up by lots more users and you will get everyone waiting for everyone elses thread and a not very responsive site.




As said by CJM, there is no need to store a connection in a Session object : connection pooling is much better.




It is generally not recommended to do so, a connection string in the Application variable, with a nice helper function/class is a much preferred method. Here is some reference. (Dead link removed because it now leads to a phishy site)

通常不建议这样做,Application变量中的连接字符串,带有一个好的辅助函数/类是一个非常优选的方法。这里有一些参考。 (删除了死链接,因为它现在导致了一个网站)



I seem to recall doing so will have the effect of single threading your application which would be a bad thing.




In general, I wouldn't store any objects in Application variables (and certainly not in session variables).


When it comes to database connections, it's a definite no-no; besides, there is absolutely no need.


If you are use ADO to communicate with the database, if you use the same connection string (yes, by all means, store this in an Application variable) for all your database connections, 'connection pooling' will be implemented behind the scenes. This means that when you release a connection, it isn't actually destroyed - it is put to one side for the next guys who wants the same connection. So next time you request the same connection, it is pulled 'off the shelf' rather than having to be explicitly created and instantiated - which is a quite a nice efficiency improvement.

如果使用ADO与数据库进行通信,如果对所有数据库连接使用相同的连接字符串(是的,将其存储在Application变量中),则会在后台实现“连接池”。这意味着当你释放一个连接时,它实际上并没有被破坏 - 它被放在一边,为下一个想要相同连接的人。因此,下次您请求相同的连接时,它将被“提供”,而不是必须明确创建和实例化 - 这是一个非常好的效率改进。



From this link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/243543


You shouldnt store database connection in Session.


From what I understand, if you do then subsequent ASP requests for the same user must use the same thread.


Therefore if you have a busy site its likely that 'your' thread will already be being used by someone else, so you will have to wait for it to become available.


Multiply this up by lots more users and you will get everyone waiting for everyone elses thread and a not very responsive site.




As said by CJM, there is no need to store a connection in a Session object : connection pooling is much better.
