I'm trying to take my output from my python code and write it into a chart on an online SQL database. I attempted to use sqlite3 here:
def write_sql(index, data):
conn = sqlite3.connect('tt.db')
c = conn.cursor()
#c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IPlist(IP text, Availibility real)''')
for key in data:
print key
c.execute("INSERT INTO IPlist VALUES (%s,%d)" , (key, data[key]))
However, I get an operational error and I'm also unsure of how to connect to the online database as opposed to just a local test document.
1 个解决方案
Assuming that you're using the standard sqlite3
library, then you're specifying the parameters to the query incorrectly. From the documentation:
The sqlite3 module supports two kinds of placeholders: question marks (qmark style) and named placeholders (named style).
You're attempting to use ANSI C printf format codes, which is not supported. Try either of the following:
您正在尝试使用不受支持的ANSI C printf格式代码。请尝试以下任一操作:
c.execute("INSERT INTO IPlist VALUES (?,?)" , (key, data[key]))
c.execute("INSERT INTO IPlist VALUES (:key,:data)" , {"key":key, "data":data[key]})
Assuming that you're using the standard sqlite3
library, then you're specifying the parameters to the query incorrectly. From the documentation:
The sqlite3 module supports two kinds of placeholders: question marks (qmark style) and named placeholders (named style).
You're attempting to use ANSI C printf format codes, which is not supported. Try either of the following:
您正在尝试使用不受支持的ANSI C printf格式代码。请尝试以下任一操作:
c.execute("INSERT INTO IPlist VALUES (?,?)" , (key, data[key]))
c.execute("INSERT INTO IPlist VALUES (:key,:data)" , {"key":key, "data":data[key]})