
时间:2022-09-06 01:17:53

I'm looking for a solution for this problem in C or C++.
edit: To clarify. This is on a linux system. Linux-specific solutions are absolutely fine. Cross-plaform is not a concern.

我正在寻找C或C ++中这个问题的解决方案。编辑:澄清。这是在Linux系统上。特定于Linux的解决方案绝对没问题。跨平台不是一个问题。

I have a service that runs in its own thread. This service is a class with several methods, some of which need to run in the own service's thread rather than in the caller's thread.


Currently I'm using wrapper methods that create a structure with input and output parameters, insert the structure on a queue and either return (if a "command" is asynchronous) or wait for its execution (if a "command" is synchronous).


On the thread side, the service wakes, pops a structure from the queue, figures out what to execute and calls the appropriate method.


This implementation works but adding new methods is quite cumbersome: define wrapper, structure with parameters, and handler. I was wondering if there is a more straightforward means of coding this kind of model: a class method that executes on the class's own thread, instead of in the caller's thread.


edit - kind of conclusion:
It seems that there's no de facto way to implement what I asked that doesn't involve extra coding effort.
I'll stick with what I came up with, it ensures type safeness, minimizes locking, allows sync and async calls and the overhead it fairly modest.
On the other hand it requires a bit of extra coding and the dispatch mechanism may become bloated as the number of methods increases. Registering the dispatch methods on construction, or having the wrappers do that work seem to solve the issue, remove a bit of overhead and also remove some code.

编辑 - 一种结论:似乎没有事实上的方法来实现我所要求的,不涉及额外的编码工作。我会坚持我提出的方法,它确保类型安全,最小化锁定,允许同步和异步调用以及相当适度的开销。另一方面,它需要一些额外的编码,并且随着方法数量的增加,调度机制可能变得臃肿。在构造上注册调度方法,或者让包装器执行该工作似乎可以解决问题,消除一些开销并删除一些代码。

5 个解决方案



There are several ways to achieve this, depending upon the complexity you want to accept. Complexity of the code is directly proportional to the flexibility desired. Here's a simple one (and quite well used):


Define a classes corresponding to each functionality your server exposes. Each of these classes implements a function called execute and take a basic structure called input args and output args.

定义与服务器公开的每个功能相对应的类。这些类中的每一个都实现一个名为execute的函数,并采用一个名为input args和output args的基本结构。

Inside the service register these methods classes at the time of initialization. Once a request comes to the thread, it will have only two args, Input and Ouput, Which are the base classes for more specialized arguments, required by different method classes.


Then you write you service class as mere delegation which takes the incoming request and passes on to the respective method class based on ID or the name of the method (used during initial registration).


I hope it make sense, a very good example of this approach is in the XmlRpc++ (a c++ implementation of XmlRpc, you can get the source code from sourceforge).

我希望它有意义,这个方法的一个很好的例子是在XmlRpc ++(XmlRpc的c ++实现,你可以从sourceforge获取源代码)。

To recap:

struct Input {
  virtual ~Input () = 0;

struct Ouput {
  virtual ~Output () = 0;

struct MethodInterface {
   virtual int32_t execute (Input* __input, Output* __output)  = 0;

// Write specialized method classes and taking specialized input, output classes
class MyService {

  void registerMethod (std::string  __method_name, MethodInterface* __method);
  //external i/f
  int32_t execute (std::string __method, Input* __input, Output* __output);

You will still be using the queue mechanism, but you won't need any wrappers.




My standard reference for this problem is here.


Implementing a Thread-Safe Queue using Condition Variables


As @John noted, this uses Boost.Thread.


I'd be careful about the synchronous case you described here. It's easy to get perf problems if the producer (the sending thread) waits for a result from the consumer (the service thread). What happens if you get 1000 async calls, filling up the queue with a backlog, followed by a sync call from each of your producer threads? Your system will 'play dead' until the queue backlog clears, freeing up those sync callers. Try to decouple them using async only, if you can.




IMHO, If you want to decouple method execution and thread context, you should use Active Object Pattern (AOP)


However, you need to use ACE Framework, which supports many OSes, e.g. Windows, Linux, VxWorks

但是,您需要使用ACE Framework,它支持许多操作系统,例如Windows,Linux,VxWorks

You can find detailed information here


Also, AOP is a combination of Command, Proxy and Observer Patterns, if you know the details of them, you may implement your own AOP. Hope it helps




In addition to using Boost.Thread, I would look at boost::function and boost::bind. That said, it seems fair to have untyped (void) arguments passed to the target methods, and let those methods cast to the correct type (a typical idiom for languages like C#).

除了使用Boost.Thread之外,我还会看一下boost :: function和boost :: bind。也就是说,将无类型(void)参数传递给目标方法似乎是公平的,并且让这些方法转换为正确的类型(C#等语言的典型习惯用法)。



Hey now Rajivji, I think you have it upside-down. Complexity of code is inversely proportional to flexibility. The more complex your data structures and algorithms are, the more restrictions you are placing on acceptable inputs and behaviour.


To the OP: your description seems perfectly general and the only solution, although there are different encodings of it. The simplest may be to derive a class from:


struct Xqt { virtual void xqt(){} virtual ~Xqt(){} };

and then have a thread-safe queue of pointers to Xqt. The service thread then just pops the queue to px and calls px->xqt(), and then delete px. The most important derived class is this one:

然后有一个指向Xqt的线程安全指针队列。然后,服务线程将队列弹出到px并调用px-> xqt(),然后删除px。最重要的派生类是这一个:

  struct Dxqt : Xqt { 
    xqt *delegate; 
    Dxqt(xqt *d) : delegate(d) {}
    void xqt() { delegate->xqt(); }

because "all problems in Computer Science can be solved by one more level of indirection" and in particular this class doesn't delete the delegate. This is much better than using a flag, for example, to determine if the closure object should be deleted by the server thread.




There are several ways to achieve this, depending upon the complexity you want to accept. Complexity of the code is directly proportional to the flexibility desired. Here's a simple one (and quite well used):


Define a classes corresponding to each functionality your server exposes. Each of these classes implements a function called execute and take a basic structure called input args and output args.

定义与服务器公开的每个功能相对应的类。这些类中的每一个都实现一个名为execute的函数,并采用一个名为input args和output args的基本结构。

Inside the service register these methods classes at the time of initialization. Once a request comes to the thread, it will have only two args, Input and Ouput, Which are the base classes for more specialized arguments, required by different method classes.


Then you write you service class as mere delegation which takes the incoming request and passes on to the respective method class based on ID or the name of the method (used during initial registration).


I hope it make sense, a very good example of this approach is in the XmlRpc++ (a c++ implementation of XmlRpc, you can get the source code from sourceforge).

我希望它有意义,这个方法的一个很好的例子是在XmlRpc ++(XmlRpc的c ++实现,你可以从sourceforge获取源代码)。

To recap:

struct Input {
  virtual ~Input () = 0;

struct Ouput {
  virtual ~Output () = 0;

struct MethodInterface {
   virtual int32_t execute (Input* __input, Output* __output)  = 0;

// Write specialized method classes and taking specialized input, output classes
class MyService {

  void registerMethod (std::string  __method_name, MethodInterface* __method);
  //external i/f
  int32_t execute (std::string __method, Input* __input, Output* __output);

You will still be using the queue mechanism, but you won't need any wrappers.




My standard reference for this problem is here.


Implementing a Thread-Safe Queue using Condition Variables


As @John noted, this uses Boost.Thread.


I'd be careful about the synchronous case you described here. It's easy to get perf problems if the producer (the sending thread) waits for a result from the consumer (the service thread). What happens if you get 1000 async calls, filling up the queue with a backlog, followed by a sync call from each of your producer threads? Your system will 'play dead' until the queue backlog clears, freeing up those sync callers. Try to decouple them using async only, if you can.




IMHO, If you want to decouple method execution and thread context, you should use Active Object Pattern (AOP)


However, you need to use ACE Framework, which supports many OSes, e.g. Windows, Linux, VxWorks

但是,您需要使用ACE Framework,它支持许多操作系统,例如Windows,Linux,VxWorks

You can find detailed information here


Also, AOP is a combination of Command, Proxy and Observer Patterns, if you know the details of them, you may implement your own AOP. Hope it helps




In addition to using Boost.Thread, I would look at boost::function and boost::bind. That said, it seems fair to have untyped (void) arguments passed to the target methods, and let those methods cast to the correct type (a typical idiom for languages like C#).

除了使用Boost.Thread之外,我还会看一下boost :: function和boost :: bind。也就是说,将无类型(void)参数传递给目标方法似乎是公平的,并且让这些方法转换为正确的类型(C#等语言的典型习惯用法)。



Hey now Rajivji, I think you have it upside-down. Complexity of code is inversely proportional to flexibility. The more complex your data structures and algorithms are, the more restrictions you are placing on acceptable inputs and behaviour.


To the OP: your description seems perfectly general and the only solution, although there are different encodings of it. The simplest may be to derive a class from:


struct Xqt { virtual void xqt(){} virtual ~Xqt(){} };

and then have a thread-safe queue of pointers to Xqt. The service thread then just pops the queue to px and calls px->xqt(), and then delete px. The most important derived class is this one:

然后有一个指向Xqt的线程安全指针队列。然后,服务线程将队列弹出到px并调用px-> xqt(),然后删除px。最重要的派生类是这一个:

  struct Dxqt : Xqt { 
    xqt *delegate; 
    Dxqt(xqt *d) : delegate(d) {}
    void xqt() { delegate->xqt(); }

because "all problems in Computer Science can be solved by one more level of indirection" and in particular this class doesn't delete the delegate. This is much better than using a flag, for example, to determine if the closure object should be deleted by the server thread.

