I'm using async-await in .Net. How can I limit the number of concurrent asynchronous calls?
4 个解决方案
One relatively simple way is to (ab)use TPL Dataflow. Something like:
一种相对简单的方法是(ab)使用TPL Dataflow。就像是:
public IEnumerable<TOutput> AsyncThrottle<TInput, TOutput>(
IEnumerable<TInput> inputs, Func<TInput, Task<TOutput>> asyncFunction,
int maxDegreeOfParallelism)
var outputs = new ConcurrentQueue<TOutput>();
var block = new ActionBlock<TInput>(
async x => outputs.Enqueue(await asyncFunction(x)),
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
{ MaxDgreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism });
foreach (var input in inputs)
return outputs.ToArray();
Depending on the code, the simplest approach might be using Parallel.For(Each) and specify the max parallelism in the parallel options.
根据代码,最简单的方法可能是使用Parallel.For(Each)并在并行选项中指定max parallelism。
Note: I leave this here for legacy. Don't do it this way because there will be too many tasks waiting on the WhenAny
simultaneously. And the stack will get deep.
Based on this code by Stephen Toub:
根据Stephen Toub的代码:
const int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 15;
Uri [] urls = …;
int nextIndex = 0;
var imageTasks = new List<Task<Bitmap>>();
while(nextIndex < CONCURRENCY_LEVEL && nextIndex < urls.Length)
while(imageTasks.Count > 0)
Task<Bitmap> imageTask = await Task.WhenAny(imageTasks);
Bitmap image = await imageTask;
catch(Exception exc) { Log(exc); }
if (nextIndex < urls.Length)
I wrote this:
Private ThrottleGroups As New Dictionary(Of Object, List(Of Task))
Public Async Function ThrottleAsync(Of TResult)(ByVal f As Func(Of Task(Of TResult)), GroupId As Object, MaxCount As Integer) As Task(Of TResult)
If Not ThrottleGroups.ContainsKey(GroupId) Then
ThrottleGroups.Add(GroupId, New List(Of Task))
End If
If ThrottleGroups(GroupId).Count < MaxCount Then
Dim NewTask As Task(Of TResult) = f()
Return Await NewTask
Dim FinishedTask As Task = Await Task.WhenAny(ThrottleGroups(GroupId))
Return Await ThrottleAsync(f, GroupId, MaxCount)
End If
End Function
To use, just replace:
ExampleTaskAsync(param1, param2)
Dim f As Func(Of Task(Of Integer))
f = Function()
Return ExampleAsync(param1, param2)
End Function
Const CONCURRENT_TASKS As Integer = 4
Return ThrottleAsync(f, "ExampleAsync", CONCURRENT_TASKS)
Notice that we have to wrap the call to the task in a function f
because otherwise we would be already starting the Task. The second parameter to ThrottleAsync is any object that identifies the "group"; I used a string. All asynchronous tasks in the same "group" are limited to CONCURRENT_TASKS
tasks, in this case 4.
请注意,我们必须在函数f中包含对任务的调用,否则我们将启动Task。 ThrottleAsync的第二个参数是标识“组”的任何对象;我用了一根绳子。同一“组”中的所有异步任务仅限于CONCURRENT_TASKS任务,在本例中为4。
Here's sample code that show how only four threads run at a time. All Ready!
displays immediately because the subroutine is asynchronous. Also, even if the threads start or end out of order, the "output" lines will still be in the same order as the input.
Dim results As New List(Of Task(Of Integer))
For i As Integer = 0 To 20
Dim j As Integer = i
Dim f As Func(Of Task(Of Integer))
f = Function() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Task.Run(Function() As Integer
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Starting " & j)
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Ending " & j)
Return j
End Function)
End Function
results.Add(ThrottleAsync(f, "PutOjbectAsync", CONCURRENT_UPLOADS))
Debug.WriteLine("all ready!")
For Each x As Task(Of Integer) In results
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Output: " & Await x)
I like this technique better. I'm using TaskCompletionSource
to create output tasks for the incoming tasks. This is necessary because I want to return a Task
before I even run it! The class below associates each input Func(of Task(of Object))
with a TaskCompletionSource
which is returned immediately and puts them into a queue.
我更喜欢这种技术。我正在使用TaskCompletionSource为传入的任务创建输出任务。这是必要的,因为我想在运行它之前返回一个Task!下面的类将每个输入Func(Task(of Object))与TaskCompletionSource相关联,该TaskCompletionSource立即返回并将它们放入队列中。
Elements from the queue are dequeued into a list of running tasks and a continuation sets the TaskCompletionSource
. An invocation to WhenAny
in a loop makes sure to move elements from the queue to the running list when room frees up. There's also a check to make sure that there isn't more than one WhenAny
at a time, though it might have concurrency issues.
To use, just replace synchronous functions like this:
Task.Run(AddressOf MySyncFunction) 'possibly many of these
with this:
Dim t1 As New Throttler(4)
t1.Run(AddressOf MySyncFunction) 'many of these, but only 4 will run at a time.
For functions which already return a Task, it's important to convert those into functions that return Task so that the thottler can run them. Replace:
NewTask = MyFunctionAsync()
NewTask = t1.Run(Function () return MyFunctionAsync())
The class below also implements many different signatures for Throttler.Run() depending on whether the function is sync/async, has/hasn't input, has/hasn't output. Converting Task to Task(Of Output) is especially tricky!
Class Throttler
Property MaxCount As Integer
Sub New(Optional MaxCount As Integer = 1)
Me.MaxCount = MaxCount
End Sub
Private Running As New List(Of Task)
Private Waiting As New Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue(Of System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)))
Private AlreadyWaiting As Boolean
Async Sub MakeWaiter()
If AlreadyWaiting Then Exit Sub
AlreadyWaiting = True
Do While Waiting.Count > 0
Dim CurrentWait As System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)) = Nothing
Do While Running.Count < MaxCount AndAlso Waiting.TryDequeue(CurrentWait)
Dim NewFunc As Func(Of Task(Of Object)) = CurrentWait.Item1
Dim NewTask As Task(Of Object) = NewFunc()
Dim CurrentTcs As TaskCompletionSource(Of Object) = CurrentWait.Item2
NewTask.ContinueWith(Sub(t2 As Task(Of Object))
End Sub)
If Waiting.Count > 0 Then
Dim Waiter As Task(Of Task)
Waiter = Task.WhenAny(Running)
Dim FinishedTask As Task = Await Waiter
Await FinishedTask
End If
AlreadyWaiting = False
End Sub
Function Run(f As Func(Of Task(Of Object))) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewTcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)
Waiting.Enqueue(New System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object))(f, NewTcs))
Return NewTcs.Task
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Task), input As TInput) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return f(input)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Task(Of Object)), input As TInput) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return f(input)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(f As Func(Of Task)) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return f().ContinueWith(Function(t As task) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Object), input As TInput) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return Task.Run(Function() As Object
Return f(input)
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Action(Of TInput), input As TInput) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return Task.Run(Sub()
End Sub)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
Function Run(f As Func(Of Object)) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return Task.Run(Function()
Return f()
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(f As Action) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return Task.Run(Sub()
End Sub)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
End Class
One relatively simple way is to (ab)use TPL Dataflow. Something like:
一种相对简单的方法是(ab)使用TPL Dataflow。就像是:
public IEnumerable<TOutput> AsyncThrottle<TInput, TOutput>(
IEnumerable<TInput> inputs, Func<TInput, Task<TOutput>> asyncFunction,
int maxDegreeOfParallelism)
var outputs = new ConcurrentQueue<TOutput>();
var block = new ActionBlock<TInput>(
async x => outputs.Enqueue(await asyncFunction(x)),
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
{ MaxDgreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism });
foreach (var input in inputs)
return outputs.ToArray();
Depending on the code, the simplest approach might be using Parallel.For(Each) and specify the max parallelism in the parallel options.
根据代码,最简单的方法可能是使用Parallel.For(Each)并在并行选项中指定max parallelism。
Note: I leave this here for legacy. Don't do it this way because there will be too many tasks waiting on the WhenAny
simultaneously. And the stack will get deep.
Based on this code by Stephen Toub:
根据Stephen Toub的代码:
const int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 15;
Uri [] urls = …;
int nextIndex = 0;
var imageTasks = new List<Task<Bitmap>>();
while(nextIndex < CONCURRENCY_LEVEL && nextIndex < urls.Length)
while(imageTasks.Count > 0)
Task<Bitmap> imageTask = await Task.WhenAny(imageTasks);
Bitmap image = await imageTask;
catch(Exception exc) { Log(exc); }
if (nextIndex < urls.Length)
I wrote this:
Private ThrottleGroups As New Dictionary(Of Object, List(Of Task))
Public Async Function ThrottleAsync(Of TResult)(ByVal f As Func(Of Task(Of TResult)), GroupId As Object, MaxCount As Integer) As Task(Of TResult)
If Not ThrottleGroups.ContainsKey(GroupId) Then
ThrottleGroups.Add(GroupId, New List(Of Task))
End If
If ThrottleGroups(GroupId).Count < MaxCount Then
Dim NewTask As Task(Of TResult) = f()
Return Await NewTask
Dim FinishedTask As Task = Await Task.WhenAny(ThrottleGroups(GroupId))
Return Await ThrottleAsync(f, GroupId, MaxCount)
End If
End Function
To use, just replace:
ExampleTaskAsync(param1, param2)
Dim f As Func(Of Task(Of Integer))
f = Function()
Return ExampleAsync(param1, param2)
End Function
Const CONCURRENT_TASKS As Integer = 4
Return ThrottleAsync(f, "ExampleAsync", CONCURRENT_TASKS)
Notice that we have to wrap the call to the task in a function f
because otherwise we would be already starting the Task. The second parameter to ThrottleAsync is any object that identifies the "group"; I used a string. All asynchronous tasks in the same "group" are limited to CONCURRENT_TASKS
tasks, in this case 4.
请注意,我们必须在函数f中包含对任务的调用,否则我们将启动Task。 ThrottleAsync的第二个参数是标识“组”的任何对象;我用了一根绳子。同一“组”中的所有异步任务仅限于CONCURRENT_TASKS任务,在本例中为4。
Here's sample code that show how only four threads run at a time. All Ready!
displays immediately because the subroutine is asynchronous. Also, even if the threads start or end out of order, the "output" lines will still be in the same order as the input.
Dim results As New List(Of Task(Of Integer))
For i As Integer = 0 To 20
Dim j As Integer = i
Dim f As Func(Of Task(Of Integer))
f = Function() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Task.Run(Function() As Integer
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Starting " & j)
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Ending " & j)
Return j
End Function)
End Function
results.Add(ThrottleAsync(f, "PutOjbectAsync", CONCURRENT_UPLOADS))
Debug.WriteLine("all ready!")
For Each x As Task(Of Integer) In results
Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now & "Output: " & Await x)
I like this technique better. I'm using TaskCompletionSource
to create output tasks for the incoming tasks. This is necessary because I want to return a Task
before I even run it! The class below associates each input Func(of Task(of Object))
with a TaskCompletionSource
which is returned immediately and puts them into a queue.
我更喜欢这种技术。我正在使用TaskCompletionSource为传入的任务创建输出任务。这是必要的,因为我想在运行它之前返回一个Task!下面的类将每个输入Func(Task(of Object))与TaskCompletionSource相关联,该TaskCompletionSource立即返回并将它们放入队列中。
Elements from the queue are dequeued into a list of running tasks and a continuation sets the TaskCompletionSource
. An invocation to WhenAny
in a loop makes sure to move elements from the queue to the running list when room frees up. There's also a check to make sure that there isn't more than one WhenAny
at a time, though it might have concurrency issues.
To use, just replace synchronous functions like this:
Task.Run(AddressOf MySyncFunction) 'possibly many of these
with this:
Dim t1 As New Throttler(4)
t1.Run(AddressOf MySyncFunction) 'many of these, but only 4 will run at a time.
For functions which already return a Task, it's important to convert those into functions that return Task so that the thottler can run them. Replace:
NewTask = MyFunctionAsync()
NewTask = t1.Run(Function () return MyFunctionAsync())
The class below also implements many different signatures for Throttler.Run() depending on whether the function is sync/async, has/hasn't input, has/hasn't output. Converting Task to Task(Of Output) is especially tricky!
Class Throttler
Property MaxCount As Integer
Sub New(Optional MaxCount As Integer = 1)
Me.MaxCount = MaxCount
End Sub
Private Running As New List(Of Task)
Private Waiting As New Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue(Of System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)))
Private AlreadyWaiting As Boolean
Async Sub MakeWaiter()
If AlreadyWaiting Then Exit Sub
AlreadyWaiting = True
Do While Waiting.Count > 0
Dim CurrentWait As System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)) = Nothing
Do While Running.Count < MaxCount AndAlso Waiting.TryDequeue(CurrentWait)
Dim NewFunc As Func(Of Task(Of Object)) = CurrentWait.Item1
Dim NewTask As Task(Of Object) = NewFunc()
Dim CurrentTcs As TaskCompletionSource(Of Object) = CurrentWait.Item2
NewTask.ContinueWith(Sub(t2 As Task(Of Object))
End Sub)
If Waiting.Count > 0 Then
Dim Waiter As Task(Of Task)
Waiter = Task.WhenAny(Running)
Dim FinishedTask As Task = Await Waiter
Await FinishedTask
End If
AlreadyWaiting = False
End Sub
Function Run(f As Func(Of Task(Of Object))) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewTcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of Object)
Waiting.Enqueue(New System.Tuple(Of Func(Of Task(Of Object)), TaskCompletionSource(Of Object))(f, NewTcs))
Return NewTcs.Task
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Task), input As TInput) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return f(input)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Task(Of Object)), input As TInput) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return f(input)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(f As Func(Of Task)) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return f().ContinueWith(Function(t As task) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Func(Of TInput, Object), input As TInput) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return Task.Run(Function() As Object
Return f(input)
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(Of TInput)(f As Action(Of TInput), input As TInput) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return Task.Run(Sub()
End Sub)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
Function Run(f As Func(Of Object)) As Task(Of Object)
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task(Of Object))
NewF = Function() As Task(Of Object)
Return Task.Run(Function()
Return f()
End Function)
End Function
Return CType(Me.Run(NewF), Task(Of Object))
End Function
Function Run(f As Action) As Task
Dim NewF As Func(Of Task)
NewF = Function() As Task
Return Task.Run(Sub()
End Sub)
End Function
Return Me.Run(NewF)
End Function
End Class