
时间:2021-12-02 01:10:11

I would like to kill a php script, say script A.php, (while it is running) from inside another php script say script B.php. When script A.php starts I would like to save some kind of ID into the database. When script B.php starts running I want to get that ID from the database and use that to exit or kill script A.php inmediately.


Is this possible, and how can I do that?



There can be multiple instances of A.php in which case I only want to kill a single instance of A.php. I can get the Process ID at the beginning of each script and save it either in a database or SESSION variable B.php knows which A.php script to kill.


This application is used within the backend program of a website. The reason for killing the scripts A.php is because some users click on many buttons which trigger A.php to run. As A.php takes around 5 seconds to run and only the latest version of A.php is required I would like to kill other A.php scripts that are still running to save server resources as I am not interesting in the outcome anymore.


1 个解决方案



To kill scriptA.php from scriptB.php you must be able to execude system commands, and you should not running this within a webserver.


You could store the pid of scriptA.php within the database. To get it use getmypid(). In scriptB.php you could use the system() function to kill the other process:


system("kill $pidOfScriptA");



To kill scriptA.php from scriptB.php you must be able to execude system commands, and you should not running this within a webserver.


You could store the pid of scriptA.php within the database. To get it use getmypid(). In scriptB.php you could use the system() function to kill the other process:


system("kill $pidOfScriptA");