
时间:2021-07-26 00:20:29

1.Sql server自动生成拼音的函数

2.根据Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS 排序获取读音
CREATE function f_GetPying(@str varchar(100))
returns varchar(8000)
declare @re varchar(8000)
declare @t table(chr nchar(1) collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS,py nvarchar(20))
insert into @t select'吖','a'
insert into @t select'厑','aes'
insert into @t select'哎','ai'
insert into @t select'安','an'
insert into @t select'肮','ang'
insert into @t select'凹','ao'
insert into @t select'八','ba'
insert into @t select'挀','bai'
insert into @t select'兡','baike'
insert into @t select'瓸','baiwa'
insert into @t select'扳','ban'
insert into @t select'邦','bang'
insert into @t select'勹','bao'
insert into @t select'萡','be'
insert into @t select'陂','bei'
insert into @t select'奔','ben'
insert into @t select'伻','beng'
insert into @t select'皀','bi'
insert into @t select'边','bian'
insert into @t select'辪','uu'
insert into @t select'灬','biao'
insert into @t select'憋','bie'
insert into @t select'汃','bin'
insert into @t select'冫','bing'
insert into @t select'癶','bo'
insert into @t select'峬','bu'
insert into @t select'嚓','ca'
insert into @t select'偲','cai'
insert into @t select'乲','cal'
insert into @t select'参','can'
insert into @t select'仓','cang'
insert into @t select'撡','cao'
insert into @t select'冊','ce'
insert into @t select'膥','cen'
insert into @t select'噌','ceng'
insert into @t select'硛','ceok'
insert into @t select'岾','ceom'
insert into @t select'猠','ceon'
insert into @t select'乽','ceor'
insert into @t select'叉','cha'
insert into @t select'犲','chai'
insert into @t select'辿','chan'
insert into @t select'伥','chang'
insert into @t select'抄','chao'
insert into @t select'车','che'
insert into @t select'抻','chen'
insert into @t select'阷','cheng'
insert into @t select'吃','chi'
insert into @t select'充','chong'
insert into @t select'抽','chou'
insert into @t select'出','chu'
insert into @t select'膗','chuai'
insert into @t select'巛','chuan'
insert into @t select'刅','chuang'
insert into @t select'吹','chui'
insert into @t select'旾','chun'
insert into @t select'踔','chuo'
insert into @t select'呲','ci'
insert into @t select'嗭','cis'
insert into @t select'从','cong'
insert into @t select'凑','cou'
insert into @t select'粗','cu'
insert into @t select'汆','cuan'
insert into @t select'崔','cui'
insert into @t select'邨','cun'
insert into @t select'瑳','cuo'
insert into @t select'撮','chua'
insert into @t select'咑','da'
insert into @t select'呔','dai'
insert into @t select'丹','dan'
insert into @t select'当','dang'
insert into @t select'刀','dao'
insert into @t select'恴','de'
insert into @t select'揼','dem'
insert into @t select'扥','den'
insert into @t select'灯','deng'
insert into @t select'仾','di'
insert into @t select'嗲','dia'
insert into @t select'敁','dian'
insert into @t select'刁','diao'
insert into @t select'爹','die'
insert into @t select'哋','dei'
insert into @t select'嚸','dim'
insert into @t select'丁','ding'
insert into @t select'丟','diu'
insert into @t select'东','dong'
insert into @t select'吺','dou'
insert into @t select'剢','du'
insert into @t select'耑','duan'
insert into @t select'叾','dug'
insert into @t select'垖','dui'
insert into @t select'吨','dun'
insert into @t select'咄','duo'
insert into @t select'妸','e'
insert into @t select'奀','en'
insert into @t select'鞥','eng'
insert into @t select'仒','eo'
insert into @t select'乻','eol'
insert into @t select'旕','eos'
insert into @t select'儿','er'
insert into @t select'发','fa'
insert into @t select'帆','fan'
insert into @t select'匚','fang'
insert into @t select'飞','fei'
insert into @t select'吩','fen'
insert into @t select'丰','feng'
insert into @t select'瓰','fenwa'
insert into @t select'覅','fiao'
insert into @t select'仏','fo'
insert into @t select'垺','fou'
insert into @t select'夫','fu'
insert into @t select'猤','fui'
insert into @t select'旮','ga'
insert into @t select'侅','gai'
insert into @t select'甘','gan'
insert into @t select'冈','gang'
insert into @t select'皋','gao'
insert into @t select'戈','ge'
insert into @t select'给','gei'
insert into @t select'根','gen'
insert into @t select'更','geng'
insert into @t select'啹','geu'
insert into @t select'喼','gib'
insert into @t select'嗰','go'
insert into @t select'工','gong'
insert into @t select'兝','gongfen'
insert into @t select'兣','gongli'
insert into @t select'勾','gou'
insert into @t select'估','gu'
insert into @t select'瓜','gua'
insert into @t select'乖','guai'
insert into @t select'关','guan'
insert into @t select'光','guang'
insert into @t select'归','gui'
insert into @t select'丨','gun'
insert into @t select'呙','guo'
insert into @t select'妎','ha'
insert into @t select'咍','hai'
insert into @t select'乤','hal'
insert into @t select'兯','han'
insert into @t select'魧','hang'
insert into @t select'茠','hao'
insert into @t select'兞','haoke'
insert into @t select'诃','he'
insert into @t select'黒','hei'
insert into @t select'拫','hen'
insert into @t select'亨','heng'
insert into @t select'囍','heui'
insert into @t select'乊','ho'
insert into @t select'乥','hol'
insert into @t select'叿','hong'
insert into @t select'齁','hou'
insert into @t select'乎','hu'
insert into @t select'花','hua'
insert into @t select'徊','huai'
insert into @t select'欢','huan'
insert into @t select'巟','huang'
insert into @t select'灰','hui'
insert into @t select'昏','hun'
insert into @t select'吙','huo'
insert into @t select'嚿','geo'
insert into @t select'夻','hwa'
insert into @t select'丌','ji'
insert into @t select'加','jia'
insert into @t select'嗧','jialun'
insert into @t select'戋','jian'
insert into @t select'江','jiang'
insert into @t select'艽','jiao'
insert into @t select'阶','jie'
insert into @t select'巾','jin'
insert into @t select'坕','jing'
insert into @t select'冂','jiong'
insert into @t select'丩','jiu'
insert into @t select'欍','jou'
insert into @t select'凥','ju'
insert into @t select'姢','juan'
insert into @t select'噘','jue'
insert into @t select'军','jun'
insert into @t select'咔','ka'
insert into @t select'开','kai'
insert into @t select'乫','kal'
insert into @t select'刊','kan'
insert into @t select'冚','hem'
insert into @t select'砊','kang'
insert into @t select'尻','kao'
insert into @t select'坷','ke'
insert into @t select'肎','ken'
insert into @t select'劥','keng'
insert into @t select'巪','keo'
insert into @t select'乬','keol'
insert into @t select'唟','keos'
insert into @t select'厼','keum'
insert into @t select'怾','ki'
insert into @t select'空','kong'
insert into @t select'廤','kos'
insert into @t select'抠','kou'
insert into @t select'扝','ku'
insert into @t select'夸','kua'
insert into @t select'蒯','kuai'
insert into @t select'宽','kuan'
insert into @t select'匡','kuang'
insert into @t select'亏','kui'
insert into @t select'坤','kun'
insert into @t select'拡','kuo'
insert into @t select'穒','kweok'
insert into @t select'垃','la'
insert into @t select'来','lai'
insert into @t select'兰','lan'
insert into @t select'啷','lang'
insert into @t select'捞','lao'
insert into @t select'仂','le'
insert into @t select'雷','lei'
insert into @t select'塄','leng'
insert into @t select'唎','li'
insert into @t select'俩','lia'
insert into @t select'嫾','lian'
insert into @t select'簗','liang'
insert into @t select'蹽','liao'
insert into @t select'毟','lie'
insert into @t select'厸','lin'
insert into @t select'伶','ling'
insert into @t select'溜','liu'
insert into @t select'瓼','liwa'
insert into @t select'囖','lo'
insert into @t select'龙','long'
insert into @t select'娄','lou'
insert into @t select'噜','lu'
insert into @t select'驴','lv'
insert into @t select'寽','lue'
insert into @t select'孪','luan'
insert into @t select'掄','lun'
insert into @t select'頱','luo'
insert into @t select'呣','m'
insert into @t select'妈','ma'
insert into @t select'遤','hweong'
insert into @t select'埋','mai'
insert into @t select'颟','man'
insert into @t select'牤','mang'
insert into @t select'匁','mangmi'
insert into @t select'猫','mao'
insert into @t select'唜','mas'
insert into @t select'庅','me'
insert into @t select'呅','mei'
insert into @t select'椚','men'
insert into @t select'掹','meng'
insert into @t select'踎','meo'
insert into @t select'瞇','mi'
insert into @t select'宀','mian'
insert into @t select'喵','miao'
insert into @t select'乜','mie'
insert into @t select'瓱','miliklanm'
insert into @t select'民','min'
insert into @t select'冧','lem'
insert into @t select'名','ming'
insert into @t select'谬','miu'
insert into @t select'摸','mo'
insert into @t select'乮','mol'
insert into @t select'哞','mou'
insert into @t select'母','mu'
insert into @t select'旀','myeo'
insert into @t select'丆','myeon'
insert into @t select'椧','myeong'
insert into @t select'拏','na'
insert into @t select'腉','nai'
insert into @t select'囡','nan'
insert into @t select'囔','nang'
insert into @t select'乪','keg'
insert into @t select'孬','nao'
insert into @t select'疒','ne'
insert into @t select'娞','nei'
insert into @t select'焾','nem'
insert into @t select'嫩','nen'
insert into @t select'莻','neus'
insert into @t select'鈪','ngag'
insert into @t select'銰','ngai'
insert into @t select'啱','ngam'
insert into @t select'妮','ni'
insert into @t select'年','nian'
insert into @t select'娘','niang'
insert into @t select'茑','niao'
insert into @t select'捏','nie'
insert into @t select'脌','nin'
insert into @t select'宁','ning'
insert into @t select'牛','niu'
insert into @t select'农','nong'
insert into @t select'羺','nou'
insert into @t select'奴','nu'
insert into @t select'女','nv'
insert into @t select'疟','nue'
insert into @t select'瘧','nve'
insert into @t select'奻','nuan'
insert into @t select'黁','nun'
insert into @t select'燶','nung'
insert into @t select'挪','nuo'
insert into @t select'筽','o'
insert into @t select'夞','oes'
insert into @t select'乯','ol'
insert into @t select'鞰','on'
insert into @t select'讴','ou'
insert into @t select'妑','pa'
insert into @t select'俳','pai'
insert into @t select'磗','pak'
insert into @t select'眅','pan'
insert into @t select'乓','pang'
insert into @t select'抛','pao'
insert into @t select'呸','pei'
insert into @t select'瓫','pen'
insert into @t select'匉','peng'
insert into @t select'浌','peol'
insert into @t select'巼','phas'
insert into @t select'闏','phdeng'
insert into @t select'乶','phoi'
insert into @t select'喸','phos'
insert into @t select'丕','pi'
insert into @t select'囨','pian'
insert into @t select'缥','piao'
insert into @t select'氕','pie'
insert into @t select'丿','pianpang'
insert into @t select'姘','pin'
insert into @t select'乒','ping'
insert into @t select'钋','po'
insert into @t select'剖','pou'
insert into @t select'哣','deo'
insert into @t select'兺','ppun'
insert into @t select'仆','pu'
insert into @t select'七','qi'
insert into @t select'掐','qia'
insert into @t select'千','qian'
insert into @t select'羌','qiang'
insert into @t select'兛','qianke'
insert into @t select'瓩','qianwa'
insert into @t select'悄','qiao'
insert into @t select'苆','qie'
insert into @t select'亲','qin'
insert into @t select'蠄','kem'
insert into @t select'氢','qing'
insert into @t select'銎','qiong'
insert into @t select'丘','qiu'
insert into @t select'曲','qu'
insert into @t select'迲','keop'
insert into @t select'峑','quan'
insert into @t select'蒛','que'
insert into @t select'夋','qun'
insert into @t select'亽','ra'
insert into @t select'囕','ram'
insert into @t select'呥','ran'
insert into @t select'穣','rang'
insert into @t select'荛','rao'
insert into @t select'惹','re'
insert into @t select'人','ren'
insert into @t select'扔','reng'
insert into @t select'日','ri'
insert into @t select'栄','rong'
insert into @t select'禸','rou'
insert into @t select'嶿','ru'
insert into @t select'撋','ruan'
insert into @t select'桵','rui'
insert into @t select'闰','run'
insert into @t select'叒','ruo'
insert into @t select'仨','sa'
insert into @t select'栍','saeng'
insert into @t select'毢','sai'
insert into @t select'虄','sal'
insert into @t select'三','san'
insert into @t select'桒','sang'
insert into @t select'掻','sao'
insert into @t select'色','se'
insert into @t select'裇','sed'
insert into @t select'聓','sei'
insert into @t select'森','sen'
insert into @t select'鬙','seng'
insert into @t select'閪','seo'
insert into @t select'縇','seon'
insert into @t select'杀','sha'
insert into @t select'筛','shai'
insert into @t select'山','shan'
insert into @t select'伤','shang'
insert into @t select'弰','shao'
insert into @t select'奢','she'
insert into @t select'申','shen'
insert into @t select'升','sheng'
insert into @t select'尸','shi'
insert into @t select'兙','shike'
insert into @t select'瓧','shiwa'
insert into @t select'収','shou'
insert into @t select'书','shu'
insert into @t select'刷','shua'
insert into @t select'摔','shuai'
insert into @t select'闩','shuan'
insert into @t select'双','shuang'
insert into @t select'谁','shei'
insert into @t select'脽','shui'
insert into @t select'吮','shun'
insert into @t select'哾','shuo'
insert into @t select'丝','si'
insert into @t select'螦','so'
insert into @t select'乺','sol'
insert into @t select'忪','song'
insert into @t select'凁','sou'
insert into @t select'苏','su'
insert into @t select'痠','suan'
insert into @t select'夊','sui'
insert into @t select'孙','sun'
insert into @t select'娑','suo'
insert into @t select'他','ta'
insert into @t select'襨','tae'
insert into @t select'囼','tai'
insert into @t select'坍','tan'
insert into @t select'铴','tang'
insert into @t select'仐','tao'
insert into @t select'畓','tap'
insert into @t select'忒','te'
insert into @t select'膯','teng'
insert into @t select'唞','teo'
insert into @t select'朰','teul'
insert into @t select'剔','ti'
insert into @t select'天','tian'
insert into @t select'旫','tiao'
insert into @t select'怗','tie'
insert into @t select'厅','ting'
insert into @t select'乭','tol'
insert into @t select'囲','tong'
insert into @t select'偷','tou'
insert into @t select'凸','tu'
insert into @t select'湍','tuan'
insert into @t select'推','tui'
insert into @t select'旽','tun'
insert into @t select'乇','tuo'
insert into @t select'屲','wa'
insert into @t select'歪','wai'
insert into @t select'乛','wan'
insert into @t select'尣','wang'
insert into @t select'危','wei'
insert into @t select'塭','wen'
insert into @t select'翁','weng'
insert into @t select'挝','wo'
insert into @t select'乌','wu'
insert into @t select'夕','xi'
insert into @t select'诶','ei'
insert into @t select'疨','xia'
insert into @t select'仙','xian'
insert into @t select'乡','xiang'
insert into @t select'灱','xiao'
insert into @t select'楔','xie'
insert into @t select'心','xin'
insert into @t select'星','xing'
insert into @t select'凶','xiong'
insert into @t select'休','xiu'
insert into @t select'旴','xu'
insert into @t select'昍','xuan'
insert into @t select'疶','xue'
insert into @t select'坃','xun'
insert into @t select'丫','ya'
insert into @t select'咽','yan'
insert into @t select'欕','eom'
insert into @t select'央','yang'
insert into @t select'吆','yao'
insert into @t select'椰','ye'
insert into @t select'膶','yen'
insert into @t select'一','yi'
insert into @t select'乁','i'
insert into @t select'乚','yin'
insert into @t select'应','ying'
insert into @t select'哟','yo'
insert into @t select'佣','yong'
insert into @t select'优','you'
insert into @t select'迂','yu'
insert into @t select'囦','yuan'
insert into @t select'曰','yue'
insert into @t select'蒀','yun'
insert into @t select'帀','za'
insert into @t select'災','zai'
insert into @t select'兂','zan'
insert into @t select'牂','zang'
insert into @t select'遭','zao'
insert into @t select'啫','ze'
insert into @t select'贼','zei'
insert into @t select'怎','zen'
insert into @t select'曽','zeng'
insert into @t select'吒','zha'
insert into @t select'甴','gad'
insert into @t select'夈','zhai'
insert into @t select'毡','zhan'
insert into @t select'张','zhang'
insert into @t select'钊','zhao'
insert into @t select'蜇','zhe'
insert into @t select'贞','zhen'
insert into @t select'凧','zheng'
insert into @t select'之','zhi'
insert into @t select'中','zhong'
insert into @t select'州','zhou'
insert into @t select'劯','zhu'
insert into @t select'抓','zhua'
insert into @t select'专','zhuan'
insert into @t select'转','zhuai'
insert into @t select'妆','zhuang'
insert into @t select'骓','zhui'
insert into @t select'宒','zhun'
insert into @t select'卓','zhuo'
insert into @t select'孜','zi'
insert into @t select'唨','zo'
insert into @t select'宗','zong'
insert into @t select'棸','zou'
insert into @t select'哫','zu'
insert into @t select'劗','zuan'
insert into @t select'厜','zui'
insert into @t select'尊','zun'
insert into @t select'昨','zuo' declare @strlen int
select @strlen=len(@str),@re=''
while @strlen>0
select top 1 @re=UPPER(substring(py,1,1) )+substring(py,2,len(py))+@re,@strlen=@strlen-1
from @t a where chr<=substring(@str,@strlen,1)
order by chr collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS desc
if @@rowcount=0
select @re=substring(@str,@strlen,1)+@re,@strlen=@strlen-1


SELECT dbo.fn_GetPying('中文字段') AS pymc

2.sql server自动生成拼音首字母的函数

CREATE function fn_GetPy(@str nvarchar(4000))
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @intLen int
declare @strRet nvarchar(4000)
declare @temp nvarchar(100)
set @intLen = len(@str)
set @strRet = ''
while @intLen > 0
set @temp = ''
select @temp = case
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '帀' then 'Z'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '丫' then 'Y'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '夕' then 'X'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '屲' then 'W'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '他' then 'T'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '仨' then 'S'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '呥' then 'R'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '七' then 'Q'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '妑' then 'P'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '噢' then 'O'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '拏' then 'N'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '嘸' then 'M'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '垃' then 'L'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '咔' then 'K'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '丌' then 'J'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '铪' then 'H'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '旮' then 'G'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '发' then 'F'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '妸' then 'E'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '咑' then 'D'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '嚓' then 'C'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '八' then 'B'
when substring(@str,@intLen,1) >= '吖' then 'A'
else rtrim(ltrim(substring(@str,@intLen,1)))
if (ascii(@temp)>127) set @temp = ''
if @temp = '(' or @temp = ')' set @temp = ''
select @strRet = @temp + @strRet
set @intLen = @intLen - 1
return lower(@strRet)


SELECT dbo.fn_GetPy('中文字段') AS pymc


  1. SQL SERVER 得到汉字首字母函数四版全集 --【叶子】

    --创建取汉字首字母函数(第三版) create function [dbo].[f_getpy_V3] ( ) ) ) as begin ),) ,@len = len(@col),@sql = ' ...

  2. sql获取汉字的拼音首字母的函数

    ql获取汉字的拼音首字母   if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[fn_ChineseToSpell]') and ...

  3. sql获取汉字的拼音首字母

    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[fn_ChineseToSpell]') and xtype in (N'FN' ...

  4. MySQL数据库获取多个汉字拼音的首字母函数

    需求简介:最近的一个项目,想实现如下图所示的显示效果.很明显,如果能够获取对应的汉字词组中每个汉字的拼音首字母就可以实现了,如果是固定的几组汉字,人为的拼一下就可以 了,不过项目中有多处功能需要这个效 ...

  5. Linq to Sql自动生成实体类重名情况的处理

    使用Linq to sql自动生成实体类时,如果要生成多个库的实体类,往往会遇到类名重名的情况,也就是表名重名,这样编译会不通过,这种情况下要在自动生成的实体类文件中(.designer.cs后缀)将 ...

  6. vscode笔记(一)- vscode自动生成文件头部注释和函数注释

    VsCode 自动生成文件头部注释和函数注释 作者:狐狸家的鱼 本文链接:vscode自动生成文件头部注释和函数注释 GitHub:sueRimn 1.安装插件KoroFileHeader 2.设置 ...

  7. &lbrack;Silverlight&rsqb;&lbrack;linq to sql&rsqb;不能找到linq to sql自动生成类型

    最近在做Silverlight项目,结合使用了WCF RIA service,通过linq to sql自动生成model类型,使用起来非常方便.具体可见linq to sql之silverlight ...

  8. SQL Server 字段提取拼音首字母

    目前工作中遇到一个情况,需要将SQL Server中的一个字段提取拼音的首字母,字段由汉字.英文.数字以及“-”构成,百度了一堆,找到如下方法,记录一下,以备后用! 首先建立一个函数 --生成拼音首码 ...

  9. C&num;&amp&semi;Sql获取中文字符拼音首字母的方法

    C#获取字符拼音首字母,可以存储在数据库中以备将来按字母搜索的需求. public static string GetAc(string s) { try { string temp = Servic ...


  1. InnoDB关键特性学习笔记

    插入缓存 Insert Buffer Insert Buffer是InnoDB存储引擎关键特性中最令人激动与兴奋的一个功能.不过这个名字可能会让人认为插入缓冲是缓冲池中的一个组成部分.其实不然,Inn ...

  2. Android界面架构&lpar;Activity&comma;PhoneWiondow&comma;DecorView&rpar;简介

    在一个Android应用程序中,用户界面通过View和ViewGroup对象构建.所有View的子类成为"Widget",所有ViewGroup的子类成为"Layout& ...

  3. java&sol;python中的队列

    Queue<TreeNode> que=new LinkedList<>(); 用linkedlist实现队列,offer,poll进出队列,peek对列顶部元素 python ...

  4. Docker的镜像

    镜像是容器的运行基础,容器是镜像运行后台的形态 镜像的概念 镜像是一个包含程序运行必要依赖环境和代码的只读文件,它采用分层的文件系统,将每一次改变以读写层的形式增加到原来的只读文件上 镜像的系统结构 ...

  5. Spring 3&period;0就这么简单读书笔记

    一般情况下,spring容器中的大部分Bean都是单实例的,所以一般无须通过@Repository.@Service.@Component等注解的value属性为Bean指定名称,也无须使用@Qual ...

  6. 国内ip信息库的组建

    1.从 APNIC 分析得到国内的段 数据源位置:http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest 2.从QQ纯真库分析得到国 ...

  7. Android UI方面的学习记录

    1,android:textAllCaps=“false” android5.0后有可能button的text显示全是大写,设置这个后才能正常显示小写 2,优化listview性能: 1,view重用 ...

  8. SQLServer查询计划

    参考:http://blog.csdn.net/luoyanqing119/article/details/17022649 1. 开启方式 菜单栏:query---Display Estimated ...

  9. 版本管理工具Git&lpar;3&rpar;VS2013下如何使用git

    Git系列导航 版本管理工具Git(1)带你认识git 版本管理工具Git(2)git的安装及使用 版本管理工具Git(3)VS下如何使用git VS下创建项目 vs中新建项目MyGitTest201 ...

  10. &lbrack;视频&rsqb;K8飞刀 exploit管理功能 演示教程

    [视频]K8飞刀 exp管理功能 演示教程 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rYb3rh4od3j07TZAAq_smw 提取码: kksa