brute-force search

时间:2022-07-31 00:15:40
 #include <pcl/search/brute_force.h>
#include <pcl/common/common.h>
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
using namespace pcl; int main()
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // x+y+z=1平面
for (float x = -1.0; x <= 1.0; x += 0.5)
for (float y = -1.0; y <= 1.0; y += 0.5)
pcl::PointXYZ cloud_;
cloud_.x = x;
cloud_.y = y;
cloud_.z = - x - y;
} pcl::search::BruteForce<pcl::PointXYZ> bfsearch;
std::vector<int> k_indices;
std::vector<float> k_distances;
pcl::PointXYZ p(-1.0,-1.0,3.0);
bfsearch.nearestKSearch(p,,k_indices,k_distances); return ;
 template <typename PointT> int
pcl::search::BruteForce<PointT>::denseKSearch (
const PointT &point, int k, std::vector<int> &k_indices, std::vector<float> &k_distances) const
// container for first k elements -> O(1) for insertion, since order not required here
std::vector<Entry> result;
result.reserve (k);
std::priority_queue<Entry> queue; Entry entry;
for (entry.index = ; entry.index < std::min (static_cast<unsigned> (k), static_cast<unsigned> (input_->size ())); ++entry.index)
entry.distance = getDistSqr (input_->points[entry.index], point);
result.push_back (entry);
} queue = std::priority_queue<Entry> (result.begin (), result.end ()); // add the rest
for (; entry.index < input_->size (); ++entry.index)
entry.distance = getDistSqr (input_->points[entry.index], point);
if ( ().distance > entry.distance)
queue.pop ();
queue.push (entry);
} k_indices.resize (queue.size ());
k_distances.resize (queue.size ());
size_t idx = queue.size () - ;
while (!queue.empty ())
k_indices [idx] = ().index;
k_distances [idx] = ().distance;
queue.pop ();
} return (static_cast<int> (k_indices.size ()));

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