
时间:2020-12-04 23:58:19

I have few extensions which I want to exclude from xcopy. I don't know in which folder/directory those may exist.


Below is the command I'm using:


xcopy /r /d /i /s /y C:\test1 C:\test2 /exclude:.txt+.exe

Anh help on this?


1 个解决方案



What you are looking for is this:


xcopy /R /D /I /S /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt "C:\test1" "C:\test2"

Together with the following content of exclude.txt:



However, the /EXCLUDE option of xcopy is very poor. It does not really exclude files with the given extensions, it actually excludes all items whose full paths contain .txt or .exe at any position. Supposing there is a source file C:\test1\my.txt.files\file.ext, it is going to be excluded also.

但是,xcopy的/ EXCLUDE选项非常差。它并不真正排除具有给定扩展名的文件,它实际上排除了其完整路径在任何位置包含.txt或.exe的所有项目。假设有一个源文件C:\ test1 \ my.txt.files \ file.ext,它也将被排除。

There are several methods to overcome this, some of which I want to show you:


  1. Use the robocopy command and its /XF option:

    使用robocopy命令及其/ XF选项:

    robocopy "C:\test1" "C:\test2" /S /XO /XF "*.txt" "*.exe"
  2. Create a , using a for /F loop, together with xcopy /L, to pre-filter the files:

    使用for / F循环和xcopy / L创建批处理文件,以预过滤文件:

    set /A "COUNT=0"
    for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
        rem/ // List files that would be copied without `/L`; remove summary line: ^& ^
            xcopy /L /R /D /I /S /Y "C:\test1" "C:\test2" ^| find ".\"
    ') do (
        rem // Check file extension of each file:
        if /I not "%%~xF"==".txt" if /I not "%~xF"==".exe" (
            rem // Create destination directory, hide potential error messages:
            2> nul mkdir "C:\test2\%%~F\.."
            rem // Actually copy file, hide summary line:
            > nul copy /Y "C:\test1\%%~F" "C:\test2\%%~F" && (
                rem // Return currently copied file:
                set /A "COUNT+=1" & echo(%%~F
            ) || (
                rem // Return message in case an error occurred:
                >&2 echo ERROR: could not copy "%%~F"!
    echo         %COUNT% file^(s^) copied.



What you are looking for is this:


xcopy /R /D /I /S /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt "C:\test1" "C:\test2"

Together with the following content of exclude.txt:



However, the /EXCLUDE option of xcopy is very poor. It does not really exclude files with the given extensions, it actually excludes all items whose full paths contain .txt or .exe at any position. Supposing there is a source file C:\test1\my.txt.files\file.ext, it is going to be excluded also.

但是,xcopy的/ EXCLUDE选项非常差。它并不真正排除具有给定扩展名的文件,它实际上排除了其完整路径在任何位置包含.txt或.exe的所有项目。假设有一个源文件C:\ test1 \ my.txt.files \ file.ext,它也将被排除。

There are several methods to overcome this, some of which I want to show you:


  1. Use the robocopy command and its /XF option:

    使用robocopy命令及其/ XF选项:

    robocopy "C:\test1" "C:\test2" /S /XO /XF "*.txt" "*.exe"
  2. Create a , using a for /F loop, together with xcopy /L, to pre-filter the files:

    使用for / F循环和xcopy / L创建批处理文件,以预过滤文件:

    set /A "COUNT=0"
    for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
        rem/ // List files that would be copied without `/L`; remove summary line: ^& ^
            xcopy /L /R /D /I /S /Y "C:\test1" "C:\test2" ^| find ".\"
    ') do (
        rem // Check file extension of each file:
        if /I not "%%~xF"==".txt" if /I not "%~xF"==".exe" (
            rem // Create destination directory, hide potential error messages:
            2> nul mkdir "C:\test2\%%~F\.."
            rem // Actually copy file, hide summary line:
            > nul copy /Y "C:\test1\%%~F" "C:\test2\%%~F" && (
                rem // Return currently copied file:
                set /A "COUNT+=1" & echo(%%~F
            ) || (
                rem // Return message in case an error occurred:
                >&2 echo ERROR: could not copy "%%~F"!
    echo         %COUNT% file^(s^) copied.