I have a method to add an enemy, and I want to know how I can make it so I run it a certain number of times (say 10). I call the method with a scheduler in cocos2d and by doing [self addEnemy]; Need any more info?
我有一个添加敌人的方法,我想知道我是如何做到的,所以我运行它一定次数(比如10)。我用cocos2d中的调度程序调用该方法并执行[self addEnemy];需要更多信息?
1 个解决方案
If the selector you schedule is methodA
[self schedule:@selector(methodA:) interval:1/60];
then a simple way to do what you are looking for is:
- (void) methodA:(ccTime)adelta {
static int counter = 10;
if (--counter >= 0) {
//-- do your processing
} else {
counter = 10; //-- this in case you want to reschedule the method at some later point
[self unschedule:@selector(methodA:)];
If you prefer it, you could use an ivar in your class to track the number of repetitions.
If the selector you schedule is methodA
[self schedule:@selector(methodA:) interval:1/60];
then a simple way to do what you are looking for is:
- (void) methodA:(ccTime)adelta {
static int counter = 10;
if (--counter >= 0) {
//-- do your processing
} else {
counter = 10; //-- this in case you want to reschedule the method at some later point
[self unschedule:@selector(methodA:)];
If you prefer it, you could use an ivar in your class to track the number of repetitions.