1. please check the below timing first.
K9F1G08U0E vs K9F1G08U0D Timing difference
K9F1G08U0E Max. 40us Max. 900us Max. 16ms 1
K9F1G08U0D Max. 40us Max. 750us Max. 10ms 4
2. if timing is OK, please kindly know the 21nm SLC NOP=1 , not 4
it means every NAND page you can just write one time,
if you want to write the data in the same page again, you need to erase first
3. please note :
due to 21nm SLC NOP=1, it means you can not use "Partial Program" for it
if you use this function in our 42 nm SLC and want to change to 21nm SLC
the way to solve it is modify host FTL algorithm
there is FTL (flash transfer layer) between file-system and raw NAND
( FTL : flash transfer layer ; such as bad blocks, page size write /read, ECC , wearleveling.....)
in solution base such as eMMC or SSD, the inside controller handle FTL
but for Raw NAND, it has NO controller inside and needs host to handle this algorithm
4. image-partition FAT table error
please kindly check the physcial to logical table
in logical, you can write the data in the same area
but, in physical, when you want to write or update the new data to the same page
you can not write directly in the same page due to NOP=1
you need to write to another page
K9F1G08U0E vs K9F1G08U0D Timing difference
K9F1G08U0E Max. 40us Max. 900us Max. 16ms 1
K9F1G08U0D Max. 40us Max. 750us Max. 10ms 4
2. if timing is OK, please kindly know the 21nm SLC NOP=1 , not 4
it means every NAND page you can just write one time,
if you want to write the data in the same page again, you need to erase first
3. please note :
due to 21nm SLC NOP=1, it means you can not use "Partial Program" for it
if you use this function in our 42 nm SLC and want to change to 21nm SLC
the way to solve it is modify host FTL algorithm
there is FTL (flash transfer layer) between file-system and raw NAND
( FTL : flash transfer layer ; such as bad blocks, page size write /read, ECC , wearleveling.....)
in solution base such as eMMC or SSD, the inside controller handle FTL
but for Raw NAND, it has NO controller inside and needs host to handle this algorithm
4. image-partition FAT table error
please kindly check the physcial to logical table
in logical, you can write the data in the same area
but, in physical, when you want to write or update the new data to the same page
you can not write directly in the same page due to NOP=1
you need to write to another page