
时间:2021-04-25 23:06:51

This is a challenge for someone experienced with SQL (MS-Access in this case)


I have 2 tables: holdings and valuations.


holdings contains all the assets a particular account holds on a given date and their respective values. These are the fields:


id{primary key/auto-inc}, accountid {int}, holdingdate {date}, holdingid {int}, holdingvalue {double}

id {primary key / auto-inc},accountid {int},holdingdate {date},holdingid {int},holdingvalue {double}

valuations contains the sum of the holdings of a particular account on a given date. These are the fields:


id{primary key/auto-inc}, accountid {int}, valuationdate {date}, valuation {double}.

id {primary key / auto-inc},accountid {int},valuationdate {date},valu {double}。

Post Jan 2012, for every valuation in the valuations table I have a corresponding collection of holdings in the holdings table whose summed value = the valuation.


Prior to this date I only have the valuations, no holdings.


For example in valuations I would have a record like so:


id  |  accountid  |  valuationdate  |  valuation
56  |  12345      |  2013-03-31     |  2000000

Correspondingly I would have these holdings (which add up to valuation for this account on this date:


id  |  accountid  |  holdingdate  |  holdingid  |  holdingvalue
250 |  12345      |  2013-03-31   |  16         |  1000000
251 |  12345      |  2013-03-31   |  38         |  500000
252 |  12345      |  2013-03-31   |  27         |  500000

As mentioned above, there are some cases where I only have the record in the valuations table, I have no corresponding holdings.


In order to simplify/optimize my database structure I want to eliminate the valuations table as it is essentially duplicating information that should be present in the holdings table by simply summing the assets for an account on a given date. In order to obtain a client's valuation going forward I can simply sum their holdings for a given date, negating the need for the valuations table completely.


My goal is to populate the holdings table with the data from valuations for dates where it doesn't exist.


Essentially, if no holdings exist for an account number/valuation date combination then insert a dummy holding (holdingid = 999) to the holdings table for that account number/valuation date equal to the valuation on that date.

基本上,如果账号/估价日期组合不存在持股,则将持有(holdid = 999)的虚拟持有(holdid = 999)插入到该账号/估值日期的持股表中,该日期等于该日期的估值。

Is it possible to construct an SQL query to achieve the above?


2 个解决方案



Either one of these should work:


insert into holdings (accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue) 
select v.accountid, v.valuationdate, 999, v.valuation
from valuations v
left join holdings h on h.accountid=v.accountid and h.holdingdate=v.valuationdate
where h.holdingdate is null 

EDIT: Corrected the second version to use a correlated WHERE clause.

insert into holdings (accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue) 
select v.accountid, v.valuationdate, 999, v.valuation 
from valuations v
where v.valuationdate not in (select distinct holdingdate from holdings where accountid=v.accountid)



You could use WHERE NOT IN based on the date.

您可以根据日期使用WHERE NOT IN。

INSERT INTO holdings
(accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue)
SELECT accountid, valuationdate, NULL, valuation 
FROM valuations
WHERE valuationdate NOT IN (
  SELECT holdingdate 
  FROM holdings

I don't know if you still need both an Id column and a holdingid column. You'll have to decide what to do with those.




Either one of these should work:


insert into holdings (accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue) 
select v.accountid, v.valuationdate, 999, v.valuation
from valuations v
left join holdings h on h.accountid=v.accountid and h.holdingdate=v.valuationdate
where h.holdingdate is null 

EDIT: Corrected the second version to use a correlated WHERE clause.

insert into holdings (accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue) 
select v.accountid, v.valuationdate, 999, v.valuation 
from valuations v
where v.valuationdate not in (select distinct holdingdate from holdings where accountid=v.accountid)



You could use WHERE NOT IN based on the date.

您可以根据日期使用WHERE NOT IN。

INSERT INTO holdings
(accountid, holdingdate, holdingid, holdingvalue)
SELECT accountid, valuationdate, NULL, valuation 
FROM valuations
WHERE valuationdate NOT IN (
  SELECT holdingdate 
  FROM holdings

I don't know if you still need both an Id column and a holdingid column. You'll have to decide what to do with those.
