为什么在SQL Server 2008中无法识别ROW_NUMBER()?

时间:2021-11-11 22:59:18

Why is ROW_NUMBER() not recognized as a function name in SQL Server 2008?

为什么ROW_NUMBER()在SQL Server 2008中不被识别为函数名?

I try this


    ROW_NUMBER() AS Row, Lname

and I get this error:


Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1 'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name.


4 个解决方案



You appear to be using the wrong syntax. Here is an example using the AdventureWorks database.


    row_number() over(order by Name),   
from HumanResources.Department



Extending the other 2 answers...


I've tried the exact same command on SQL 2005 with 2 databases.

我在SQL 2005上用2个数据库尝试了完全相同的命令。

For both compatibility levels 80 and 90, the error is:


Msg 1035, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'ROW_NUMBER', expected 'OVER'.

I can only generate this error on a SQL 2000 box:

我只能在SQL 2000框上生成此错误:

Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name.

What does SELECT @@version say? I'd make 100% sure that you are on the version you expect...

SELECT @@版本说什么?我百分百肯定你的版本是你期望的......

My other thought is compat level 65 which can't be set explicitly in SQL Server 2005 and above it seems. And I don't have any legacy databases lying around to test.

我的另一个想法是compat level 65,它无法在SQL Server 2005及其上面显式设置。我没有任何遗留数据库可供测试。



Check your database compatibility; ensure that it's set to 90 or higher.


It appears there are at least 2 things that are off the mark here.


  • The syntax in your question is incorrect, but wouldn't be producing the unrecognized function error.
  • 您的问题中的语法不正确,但不会产生无法识别的函数错误。
  • SQL 2005 and 2008 do support the ROW_NUMBER OVER() keywords/command. Perhaps are you using SQL 2008 Management Studio to connect to a SQL 2000 machine? Double check with SELECT @@Version that your DB is indeed a SQL 2008 DB.
  • SQL 2005和2008确实支持ROW_NUMBER OVER()keywords /命令。也许您使用SQL 2008 Management Studio连接到SQL 2000计算机?请仔细检查SELECT @@ Version,确保您的数据库确实是SQL 2008 DB。



If you're using SSMS that says SQL Sever 2008, doesn't necessarily mean that you're connect to the respective DB. Using @@version to check the version of the DB you're connected to because SQL 2005 uses : [ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ColName)]

如果您使用的是SSMS,它说的是SQL Sever 2008,并不一定意味着您将连接到相应的数据库。使用@@ version检查您连接的数据库的版本,因为SQL 2005使用:[ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY ColName)]



You appear to be using the wrong syntax. Here is an example using the AdventureWorks database.


    row_number() over(order by Name),   
from HumanResources.Department



Extending the other 2 answers...


I've tried the exact same command on SQL 2005 with 2 databases.

我在SQL 2005上用2个数据库尝试了完全相同的命令。

For both compatibility levels 80 and 90, the error is:


Msg 1035, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'ROW_NUMBER', expected 'OVER'.

I can only generate this error on a SQL 2000 box:

我只能在SQL 2000框上生成此错误:

Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name.

What does SELECT @@version say? I'd make 100% sure that you are on the version you expect...

SELECT @@版本说什么?我百分百肯定你的版本是你期望的......

My other thought is compat level 65 which can't be set explicitly in SQL Server 2005 and above it seems. And I don't have any legacy databases lying around to test.

我的另一个想法是compat level 65,它无法在SQL Server 2005及其上面显式设置。我没有任何遗留数据库可供测试。



Check your database compatibility; ensure that it's set to 90 or higher.


It appears there are at least 2 things that are off the mark here.


  • The syntax in your question is incorrect, but wouldn't be producing the unrecognized function error.
  • 您的问题中的语法不正确,但不会产生无法识别的函数错误。
  • SQL 2005 and 2008 do support the ROW_NUMBER OVER() keywords/command. Perhaps are you using SQL 2008 Management Studio to connect to a SQL 2000 machine? Double check with SELECT @@Version that your DB is indeed a SQL 2008 DB.
  • SQL 2005和2008确实支持ROW_NUMBER OVER()keywords /命令。也许您使用SQL 2008 Management Studio连接到SQL 2000计算机?请仔细检查SELECT @@ Version,确保您的数据库确实是SQL 2008 DB。



If you're using SSMS that says SQL Sever 2008, doesn't necessarily mean that you're connect to the respective DB. Using @@version to check the version of the DB you're connected to because SQL 2005 uses : [ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ColName)]

如果您使用的是SSMS,它说的是SQL Sever 2008,并不一定意味着您将连接到相应的数据库。使用@@ version检查您连接的数据库的版本,因为SQL 2005使用:[ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY ColName)]