
时间:2025-01-05 11:04:08
  1. EnumUtils.isValidEnum(JnRouteProViewStateEnum.class, status) : 判断 status是否在 枚举集合中。
  2. MapUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getExtraProperty()) :

    Null returns false.
    true if non-null and non-empty

  3. boolean org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.containsAny(Collection coll1, Collection coll2)

    Returns true iff at least one element is in both collections.
    In other words, this method returns true iff the intersection of coll1 and coll2 is not empty.
    coll1 the first collection, must not be null
    coll2 the first collection, must not be null
    true iff the intersection of the collections is non-empty 两个集合的交集不为空