
时间:2022-02-12 22:48:43


有时发现一个句子单词都他妈认识,可就是不知道意思! 郁闷!




He is father of the romantic movement, the initiator (创始者) of systems of thoutht which infer (推断出)  non-human facts from human emotions (情感), and the inventors of the political philosophy of pseudo-democratic (伪名主的) *s (*政治) as opposed to traditional absolute monarchies.

他是浪漫主义运动之父       他是思想体系的创始者,什么样的思想体系呢?从人类情感中推断出非人类事实的思想体系。      他是政治哲学的发明者,什么样的政治哲学呢? 与传统君主专制政体对立的伪**政治哲学。


In 1742, he testified (证明) that a house in which he was living in 1730 had been miraculously (奇迹般的) saved from a fire by a bishop's (主教的) prayers.

在1742年,他证明了由于主教的祈祷而奇迹般的避免了房子的烧毁,什么房子呢? 他从1730年一直住着的房子。


The problem is to find a form of association(组织)which will defend and protectwith the whole common forcethe person and goods of each associate (合伙人), and in which eachwhile uniting himself with all,may still obey himself alone, and remain as free as before.

主句是The problem is to find a form of associate, which will defend and protect the person and goods of each associate是定语从句。问题就在于寻找到这样的一种组织,什么样的组织呢?该组织会维护和保障每个合伙人的个人以及财产安全。 with the whole common force在这里是状语,修饰defend和protect,用来表示维护和保障的程序,这里的意思是全力以赴的意思 -- 该组织全力维护和保障每个合伙人的个人以及财产安全。and in which each may still obey himself alone, and remain as free as before用来修饰associate -- 组织里的每个人只服从他自己,仍然像以前一样*!那么while uniting himself with all修饰谁呢?应该是修饰obey的-- 尽管组织将每个人联系在一起,但每个人只服从他自己,仍然像以前一样*.



The broad general principles with which he startsand which he presents as if they (the principles) solved political problemsdisappear when he condescends(屈尊) to detailed(详尽的) considerations(考虑).

句子的主干就是The broad general principles disappear --  这个广泛的一般性原则消失了。什么样的principles呢?with which he starts,and which he presents as if they (the principles) solved political problems是定语从句,用来修饰principles -- 他开始学习并提出的广泛一般性原则似乎解决了很多政治问题。when he condescends to detailed consideration是一个时间状语从句,修饰disappear -- 当他屈尊去详尽的考虑时,之前的原则消失了。



perhaps for us today, two of the most significant aspects of most of these studiesofgenius are the frequency with which early encouragement and teaching by parents and tutors had beneficial effects on the intellectual, artistic or musical development of the children but caused great difficulties of adjustment later in their lives, and the frequency with which abilities went unrecognized by teachers and schools.

也许对于今天的我们来说,绝大多数关于天才的研究中得出的两大最重要因素是:①父母和导师的早期鼓励与教育,这些教导有利于儿童的智力发育,艺术天分以及音乐天分的培养,但是对他们今后生活的适应造成了非常大的阻碍。② 没有被老师和学校发掘的才能。


genius is a term we apply to those whom we recognize for their outstanding achievements andwho stand near the end of the continuum of human abilitieswhich reaches back through the mundane and mediocre   to the incapable.




复合句 -- compound sentence 复杂句 -- complex sentence

主句 -- main clause 从句 -- subordinate clasuse

短语 -- phrase