
时间:2022-12-30 22:36:36


        location /info {
add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/html';
echo "http_user_agent :$http_user_agent <br>";
echo "http_cookie :$http_cookie <br>";
echo "http_user_agent :$http_user_agent <br>";
echo "http_cookie :$http_cookie <br>";
echo "arg_name :$arg_name <br>";
echo "args :$args <br>";
echo "binary_remote_addr :$binary_remote_addr <br>";
echo "body_bytes_sent :$body_bytes_sent <br>";
echo "bytes_sent :$bytes_sent <br>";
echo "connection :$connection <br>";
echo "connection_requests :$connection_requests <br>";
echo "content_length :$content_length <br>";
echo "content_type :$content_type <br>";
echo "cookie_name :$cookie_name <br>";
echo "document_root :$document_root <br>";
echo "document_uri :$document_uri <br>";
echo "uri :$uri <br>";
echo "host :$host <br>";
echo "hostname :$hostname <br>";
echo "http_name :$http_name <br>";
echo "https :$https <br>";
echo "is_args :$is_args <br>";
echo "limit_rate :$limit_rate <br>";
echo "msec :$msec <br>";
echo "nginx_version :$nginx_version <br>";
echo "pid :$pid <br>";
echo "pipe :$pipe <br>";
echo "proxy_protocol_addr :$proxy_protocol_addr <br>";
echo "query_string :$query_string <br>";
echo "realpath_root :$realpath_root <br>";
echo "remote_addr :$remote_addr <br>";
echo "remote_port :$remote_port <br>";
echo "remote_user :$remote_user <br>";
echo "request :$request <br>";
echo "request_body :$request_body <br>";
echo "request_body_file :$request_body_file <br>";
echo "request_completion :$request_completion <br>";
echo "request_filename :$request_filename <br>";
echo "request_length :$request_length <br>";
echo "request_method :$request_method <br>";
echo "request_time :$request_time <br>";
echo "request_uri :$request_uri <br>";
echo "scheme :$scheme <br>";
echo "sent_http_name :$sent_http_name <br>";
echo "server_addr :$server_addr <br>";
echo "server_name :$server_name <br>";
echo "server_port :$server_port <br>";
echo "server_protocol :$server_protocol <br>";
echo "status :$status <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rtt :$tcpinfo_rtt <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rttvar :$tcpinfo_rttvar <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :$tcpinfo_snd_cwnd <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rcv_space :$tcpinfo_rcv_space <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rtt :$tcpinfo_rtt <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rttvar :$tcpinfo_rttvar <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :$tcpinfo_snd_cwnd <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rcv_space :$tcpinfo_rcv_space <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rtt :$tcpinfo_rtt <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rttvar :$tcpinfo_rttvar <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :$tcpinfo_snd_cwnd <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rcv_space :$tcpinfo_rcv_space <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rtt :$tcpinfo_rtt <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rttvar :$tcpinfo_rttvar <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :$tcpinfo_snd_cwnd <br>";
echo "tcpinfo_rcv_space :$tcpinfo_rcv_space <br>";
echo "time_iso8601 :$time_iso8601 <br>";
echo "time_local :$time_local <br>";
echo "uri :$uri <br>";



http_user_agent :Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.104 Safari/537.36
http_user_agent :Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.104 Safari/537.36
arg_name :
args :a=1&b=2
binary_remote_addr :�w�
body_bytes_sent :0
bytes_sent :0
connection :6
connection_requests :2
content_length :
content_type :
cookie_name :
document_root :/opt/openresty/nginx/html
document_uri :/info
uri :/info
http_name :
https :
is_args :?
limit_rate :0
msec :1450346470.512
nginx_version :1.9.3
pid :8161
pipe :.
proxy_protocol_addr :
query_string :a=1&b=2
realpath_root :/opt/openresty/nginx/html
remote_addr :
remote_port :57621
remote_user :
request :GET /info?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.1
request_body :
request_body_file :
request_completion :
request_filename :/opt/openresty/nginx/html/info
request_length :391
request_method :GET
request_time :0.000
request_uri :/info?a=1&b=2
scheme :http
sent_http_name :
server_addr :
server_name :localhost
server_port :80
server_protocol :HTTP/1.1
status :200
tcpinfo_rtt :73750
tcpinfo_rttvar :99500
tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :10
tcpinfo_rcv_space :14480
tcpinfo_rtt :73750
tcpinfo_rttvar :99500
tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :10
tcpinfo_rcv_space :14480
tcpinfo_rtt :73750
tcpinfo_rttvar :99500
tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :10
tcpinfo_rcv_space :14480
tcpinfo_rtt :73750
tcpinfo_rttvar :99500
tcpinfo_snd_cwnd :10
tcpinfo_rcv_space :14480
time_iso8601 :2015-12-17T18:01:10+08:00
time_local :17/Dec/2015:18:01:10 +0800
uri :/info



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