
时间:2021-01-15 22:31:22

I thought it would be a neat idea to put my default css which has no width/height/.. dependencies in a media query like this:

我认为在媒体查询中放置我没有宽度/高度/ ..依赖关系的默认css是一个很好的想法,如下所示:

@media only all and (min-width: 0px){ ... }

Are there any possible drawbacks I've missed?


2 个解决方案



It's not as readable to be honest with you. If I were to see that in a CSS file, I would assume it's some weird CSS hack.


The other downside is you're adding an unnecessary media query. Setting all your default attributes through a media query is making more work for the CSS compiler.


Finally is support. Not all browsers support media queries, especially if you work in enterprise or with clients who have very old browsers. If you have all your defaults set through media queries you don't have an easy fallback if those queries fail.




It's not a good idea to use anything that isn't really adding to your webpages.


The unnecessary use of media queries can also cause problems with old browsers (eg. IE 7,8,9) if there is no polyfilling. It will also add to the page load time.

如果没有填充,不必要地使用媒体查询也会导致旧浏览器(例如IE 7,8,9)出现问题。它还会增加页面加载时间。

There are other numerous ways to increase readablity:


1.opening and closing comment lines to a set of CSS blocks


/******default code******/

/****--default code--****/
  1. separate CSS files
  2. 单独的CSS文件
  3. code collapsing in IDE
  4. 代码在IDE中崩溃

other tips are mentioned here at Improving Code Readability With CSS Styleguides

这里提到了使用CSS Styleguides提高代码可读性的其他技巧



It's not as readable to be honest with you. If I were to see that in a CSS file, I would assume it's some weird CSS hack.


The other downside is you're adding an unnecessary media query. Setting all your default attributes through a media query is making more work for the CSS compiler.


Finally is support. Not all browsers support media queries, especially if you work in enterprise or with clients who have very old browsers. If you have all your defaults set through media queries you don't have an easy fallback if those queries fail.




It's not a good idea to use anything that isn't really adding to your webpages.


The unnecessary use of media queries can also cause problems with old browsers (eg. IE 7,8,9) if there is no polyfilling. It will also add to the page load time.

如果没有填充,不必要地使用媒体查询也会导致旧浏览器(例如IE 7,8,9)出现问题。它还会增加页面加载时间。

There are other numerous ways to increase readablity:


1.opening and closing comment lines to a set of CSS blocks


/******default code******/

/****--default code--****/
  1. separate CSS files
  2. 单独的CSS文件
  3. code collapsing in IDE
  4. 代码在IDE中崩溃

other tips are mentioned here at Improving Code Readability With CSS Styleguides

这里提到了使用CSS Styleguides提高代码可读性的其他技巧