PHP - 由于双引号MYSQL查询而出错

时间:2021-01-15 22:31:28
   $query = "SELECT * ";
   $query .= "FROM subjects ";
   $query .= "WHERE id='" . $subject_id ."' ";
   $query .= "LIMIT 1";

The problem cause is in this line: The error : "Database query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1"

问题原因在于这一行:错误:“数据库查询失败:您的SQL语法中有错误;请检查与您的MySQL服务器版本对应的手册,以便在第1行的'LIMIT 1'附近使用正确的语法”

So why... despite the syntax is right. Given me that error ?!


3 个解决方案



The error message is from the execution of a line of code not shown in your question.


One obvious possibility is that the string value produced by this code is not being passed to MySQL. Another possibility is that $subject_id contains a string value that is being interpreted as SQL text, and the $query does not contain what you think it contains. There's a lot of other possibilities.

一个显而易见的可能性是,此代码生成的字符串值未传递给MySQL。另一种可能性是$ subject_id包含一个被解释为SQL文本的字符串值,而$ query不包含您认为它包含的内容。还有很多其他的可能性。

For debugging issues like this, we really need to identify the line of code that is actually throwing the error. (In your case, it's going to be a call to a mysql_, mysqli or PDO execute or prepare function or method.)

对于这样的调试问题,我们确实需要确定实际抛出错误的代码行。 (在你的情况下,它将调用mysql_,mysqli或PDO执行或准备函数或方法。)

What you can do is add an echo or var_dump of the ACTUAL SQL text that is being passed to MySQL, on a line immediately preceding the line that is throwing the error.

你可以做的是在抛出错误的行之前的一行上添加一个传递给MySQL的ACTUAL SQL文本的echo或var_dump。

For example, you would get this error message if a line of code after this code, and before the parse or execute call, modifies $query

例如,如果在此代码之后,在解析或执行调用之前的一行代码修改$ query,您将收到此错误消息

$query .= " LIMIT 1";

That would add a second LIMIT clause on the query, which is invalid, and would throw the same error you are getting.


To reiterate: the lines of code posted in your question are NOT throwing an error. The lines of code you posted are simply assigning a string value to a variable. (This may be the string value that is being passed to MySQL, but we don't see that anywhere in your code.)

重申:你问题中发布的代码行不会引发错误。您发布的代码行只是将字符串值赋给变量。 (这可能是传递给MySQL的字符串值,但我们在代码中的任何位置都没有看到。)



You are using 'subject_id' may be int format have some problem so use subject_id and Limit 1 alternate Limit 0,1.

您正在使用'subject_id'可能是int格式有一些问题所以使用subject_id和Limit 1 alternate Limit 0,1。

   $query = "SELECT * ";
   $query .= "FROM subjects ";
   $query .= "WHERE id=" . $subject_id;
   $query .= "LIMIT 0,1";



You don't need to concatenate the variable you can use


 $query = "SELECT * ";
 $query .= "FROM subjects ";
 $query .= "WHERE id='$subject_id' ";
 $query .= "LIMIT 1";

You have two semi-colons after your variable as well, and if your variable is a integer, it doesnt need to be in single quotes either.




The error message is from the execution of a line of code not shown in your question.


One obvious possibility is that the string value produced by this code is not being passed to MySQL. Another possibility is that $subject_id contains a string value that is being interpreted as SQL text, and the $query does not contain what you think it contains. There's a lot of other possibilities.

一个显而易见的可能性是,此代码生成的字符串值未传递给MySQL。另一种可能性是$ subject_id包含一个被解释为SQL文本的字符串值,而$ query不包含您认为它包含的内容。还有很多其他的可能性。

For debugging issues like this, we really need to identify the line of code that is actually throwing the error. (In your case, it's going to be a call to a mysql_, mysqli or PDO execute or prepare function or method.)

对于这样的调试问题,我们确实需要确定实际抛出错误的代码行。 (在你的情况下,它将调用mysql_,mysqli或PDO执行或准备函数或方法。)

What you can do is add an echo or var_dump of the ACTUAL SQL text that is being passed to MySQL, on a line immediately preceding the line that is throwing the error.

你可以做的是在抛出错误的行之前的一行上添加一个传递给MySQL的ACTUAL SQL文本的echo或var_dump。

For example, you would get this error message if a line of code after this code, and before the parse or execute call, modifies $query

例如,如果在此代码之后,在解析或执行调用之前的一行代码修改$ query,您将收到此错误消息

$query .= " LIMIT 1";

That would add a second LIMIT clause on the query, which is invalid, and would throw the same error you are getting.


To reiterate: the lines of code posted in your question are NOT throwing an error. The lines of code you posted are simply assigning a string value to a variable. (This may be the string value that is being passed to MySQL, but we don't see that anywhere in your code.)

重申:你问题中发布的代码行不会引发错误。您发布的代码行只是将字符串值赋给变量。 (这可能是传递给MySQL的字符串值,但我们在代码中的任何位置都没有看到。)



You are using 'subject_id' may be int format have some problem so use subject_id and Limit 1 alternate Limit 0,1.

您正在使用'subject_id'可能是int格式有一些问题所以使用subject_id和Limit 1 alternate Limit 0,1。

   $query = "SELECT * ";
   $query .= "FROM subjects ";
   $query .= "WHERE id=" . $subject_id;
   $query .= "LIMIT 0,1";



You don't need to concatenate the variable you can use


 $query = "SELECT * ";
 $query .= "FROM subjects ";
 $query .= "WHERE id='$subject_id' ";
 $query .= "LIMIT 1";

You have two semi-colons after your variable as well, and if your variable is a integer, it doesnt need to be in single quotes either.
