
时间:2021-09-10 22:27:25

I have an excel sheet that is loaded with a dynamic result set of data. I need to add a YES/NO dropdown at the end of each row once all the data is loaded. I have to do this dynamically as I do not know the size of the result set beforehand. The following code throws an 'Applicaton-defined or object-defined error':

我有一个excel表,加载了动态的数据结果集。加载所有数据后,我需要在每行的末尾添加YES / NO下拉列表。我必须动态地执行此操作,因为我事先不知道结果集的大小。以下代码抛出'Applicaton-defined或object-defined error':

Dim firstRow As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim VOptions As String
VOptions = "1. Yes, 2. No"

firstRow = GetResultRowStart.row + 1
lastRow = GetResultRowStart.End(xlDown).row

For I = firstRow To lastRow

Range("AO" & firstRow & ":AO" & lastRow).Select

With Selection.Validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
    xlBetween, Formula1:=VOptions
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .InCellDropdown = True
    .InputTitle = "Options"
    .ErrorTitle = ""
    .InputMessage = "Click yes or no"
    .errorMessage = ""
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With

 Next I

The method GetResultRowStart gives me the row starting which result data is populated in the sheet. I have used this method elsewhere in some other part of the code too and it works perfectly. Debugging using message boxes suggested error being thrown at the Range(..).select statement.


Any ideas about the cause of this error.


8 个解决方案


Final thoughts on this one :


Setting the SetFocusOnClick property of every button in the workbook to false seems to have done the trick (atleast for now). But if this is a required condition, it shouldn't have worked at all with the value set as true. However , it sometimes did. But this is the dependable solution I found.



Let me try to channel my inner-Spolsky here:

让我试着在这里引导我的内心 - 斯波尔斯基:

If you're referring to a range not on the ActiveSheet you should fully qualify the reference.


Something like the following should work:


ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("mysheet").Range("AO" & firstRow & ":AO" & lastRow).Select


The solution i used was to unprotect the worksheet before With xx.validation and then protect if afterwards. [I didn't have to do this in Excel 2000 and I think i didn't have to do it in Excel 2003 until maybe a service pack was added though can't say 100%.]

我使用的解决方案是在使用xx.validation之前取消保护工作表,然后在之后保护。 [我没有必要在Excel 2000中执行此操作,我认为我不必在Excel 2003中执行此操作,直到可能添加了一个服务包,但不能说100%。]


I also faced the same problem, "automation error". What I did was activate the sheet that I was going to put the validation list in and the error just disappeared.



I've just experienced a very similar problem in Excel. I found the code to programmatically set the validation dropdown worked fine when I ran it in the immediate window, but didn't work when called from a button on the worksheet. I've now realised it's because the button had the focus, and no amount of trying to select or activate the sheet or cell in the code prior to setting the validation seemed to fix this. However, I've just realised there is a 'TakefocusOnClick' property of buttons in Excel, which is set to True by default. By setting this to False, the button never gets the focus, and hey presto, my code to set validation now works fine.


It might not be the answer to everyone's validation problems, but I hope there might just be somebody who can benefit from the above.




This is a variation on the "Method 'Add' of object 'Validation' failed" error. Here are the possible causes and how to resolve them:


  1. Protected worksheet: The sheet on which the data validation is being added can’t be protected, even if the cells to which the validation is being added are not Locked and even if the protection mode is UserInterfaceOnly. You must fully unprotect the sheet, add the validation, and then re-protect the sheet.


  2. Loss of focus by the worksheet cell range: If focus has been taken by any control on the active worksheet (usually a command button) that has been previously clicked by the user, this error will be triggered when the Validation.Add method is subsequently called. (Really, it’s true!) This applies, especially, to any command button that executes the code that adds the validation but it also applies to any control on the worksheet that could be clicked prior to execution of that code. Since there seems to be no legitimate connection between the focus state and the addition of data validation to a cell or range, I consider this an Excel bug. Here are the workarounds:

    工作表单元格范围内的焦点丢失:如果用户先前单击过的活动工作表(通常是命令按钮)上的任何控件都已进行了焦点,则在随后调用Validation.Add方法时将触发此错误。 (确实,这是真的!)这尤其适用于执行添加验证的代码的任何命令按钮,但它也适用于在执行该代码之前可以单击的工作表上的任何控件。由于在焦点状态和向单元格或范围添加数据验证之间似乎没有合法的连接,我认为这是一个Excel错误。以下是解决方法:

    A. Prevent loss of focus by the worksheet’s cell range: Set the TakeFocusOnClick property of all controls on the worksheet to False.


    B. Retrieve focus to the worksheet’s cell range: In the VBA code, prior to executing the Validation.Add method, call the Select method of any cell on the worksheet. The logical choice is to select the cell or range to which data validation is being added, but any cell will do.



First thing is to get rid of Selection object. It is best suited for Macro Recorder :)

首先是摆脱Selection对象。它最适合Macro Recorder :)

btw in your loop each time you are selecting the same block again and again, even if you are doing some more processing on it, consider selecting the block being worked on in each iteration or remove the whole loop.


Can you try this after you for loop?


With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("AO" & firstRow & ":AO" & lastRow).Validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
    xlBetween, Formula1:=VOptions
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .InCellDropdown = True
    .InputTitle = "Options"
    .ErrorTitle = ""
    .InputMessage = "Click yes or no"
    .ErrorMessage = ""
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With


I had the same problem and found the error was related to the setting of Application.ReferenceStyle


See corrected code below-

见以下更正的代码 -

If Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 Then
  .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=R1C16:R" & foldercnt & "C16"
  .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=$P1:$P" & foldercnt
End If


Final thoughts on this one :


Setting the SetFocusOnClick property of every button in the workbook to false seems to have done the trick (atleast for now). But if this is a required condition, it shouldn't have worked at all with the value set as true. However , it sometimes did. But this is the dependable solution I found.



Let me try to channel my inner-Spolsky here:

让我试着在这里引导我的内心 - 斯波尔斯基:

If you're referring to a range not on the ActiveSheet you should fully qualify the reference.


Something like the following should work:


ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("mysheet").Range("AO" & firstRow & ":AO" & lastRow).Select


The solution i used was to unprotect the worksheet before With xx.validation and then protect if afterwards. [I didn't have to do this in Excel 2000 and I think i didn't have to do it in Excel 2003 until maybe a service pack was added though can't say 100%.]

我使用的解决方案是在使用xx.validation之前取消保护工作表,然后在之后保护。 [我没有必要在Excel 2000中执行此操作,我认为我不必在Excel 2003中执行此操作,直到可能添加了一个服务包,但不能说100%。]


I also faced the same problem, "automation error". What I did was activate the sheet that I was going to put the validation list in and the error just disappeared.



I've just experienced a very similar problem in Excel. I found the code to programmatically set the validation dropdown worked fine when I ran it in the immediate window, but didn't work when called from a button on the worksheet. I've now realised it's because the button had the focus, and no amount of trying to select or activate the sheet or cell in the code prior to setting the validation seemed to fix this. However, I've just realised there is a 'TakefocusOnClick' property of buttons in Excel, which is set to True by default. By setting this to False, the button never gets the focus, and hey presto, my code to set validation now works fine.


It might not be the answer to everyone's validation problems, but I hope there might just be somebody who can benefit from the above.




This is a variation on the "Method 'Add' of object 'Validation' failed" error. Here are the possible causes and how to resolve them:


  1. Protected worksheet: The sheet on which the data validation is being added can’t be protected, even if the cells to which the validation is being added are not Locked and even if the protection mode is UserInterfaceOnly. You must fully unprotect the sheet, add the validation, and then re-protect the sheet.


  2. Loss of focus by the worksheet cell range: If focus has been taken by any control on the active worksheet (usually a command button) that has been previously clicked by the user, this error will be triggered when the Validation.Add method is subsequently called. (Really, it’s true!) This applies, especially, to any command button that executes the code that adds the validation but it also applies to any control on the worksheet that could be clicked prior to execution of that code. Since there seems to be no legitimate connection between the focus state and the addition of data validation to a cell or range, I consider this an Excel bug. Here are the workarounds:

    工作表单元格范围内的焦点丢失:如果用户先前单击过的活动工作表(通常是命令按钮)上的任何控件都已进行了焦点,则在随后调用Validation.Add方法时将触发此错误。 (确实,这是真的!)这尤其适用于执行添加验证的代码的任何命令按钮,但它也适用于在执行该代码之前可以单击的工作表上的任何控件。由于在焦点状态和向单元格或范围添加数据验证之间似乎没有合法的连接,我认为这是一个Excel错误。以下是解决方法:

    A. Prevent loss of focus by the worksheet’s cell range: Set the TakeFocusOnClick property of all controls on the worksheet to False.


    B. Retrieve focus to the worksheet’s cell range: In the VBA code, prior to executing the Validation.Add method, call the Select method of any cell on the worksheet. The logical choice is to select the cell or range to which data validation is being added, but any cell will do.



First thing is to get rid of Selection object. It is best suited for Macro Recorder :)

首先是摆脱Selection对象。它最适合Macro Recorder :)

btw in your loop each time you are selecting the same block again and again, even if you are doing some more processing on it, consider selecting the block being worked on in each iteration or remove the whole loop.


Can you try this after you for loop?


With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("AO" & firstRow & ":AO" & lastRow).Validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
    xlBetween, Formula1:=VOptions
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .InCellDropdown = True
    .InputTitle = "Options"
    .ErrorTitle = ""
    .InputMessage = "Click yes or no"
    .ErrorMessage = ""
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With


I had the same problem and found the error was related to the setting of Application.ReferenceStyle


See corrected code below-

见以下更正的代码 -

If Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 Then
  .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=R1C16:R" & foldercnt & "C16"
  .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=$P1:$P" & foldercnt
End If