
时间:2021-10-14 22:30:16

I am trying to memcpy from one ptr to another. I know the size that I want to copy. Both the destination and source pointers are void pointers. Is this valid? Does it actually copy the ELEMENT_SIZE (integer like 128) from source to the destination? I know this is not the most ideal thing to do. But I want to know if this works.


memcpy(to_add, element_ptr, ELEMENT_SIZE);

3 个解决方案



Does it actually copy the ELEMENT_SIZE (integer like 128) from source to the destination?


Yes, If you know the size information,then its working fine.


See the reference link :




Parameter descriptions for memcpy from the documentation:


void * memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, size_t num );

void * memcpy(void * destination,const void * source,size_t num);

destination: Pointer to the destination array where the content is to be copied, type-casted to a pointer of type void*.

destination:指向要复制内容的目标数组的指针,类型转换为void *类型的指针。

source: Pointer to the source of data to be copied, type-casted to a pointer of type const void*.

source:指向要复制的数据源的指针,类型转换为const void *类型的指针。

num: Number of bytes to copy. size_t is an unsigned integral type.

num:要复制的字节数。 size_t是无符号整数类型。

memcpy simply takes num bytes starting from the address source and copies them to memory starting at address destination.


A pointer is a fixed length memory address, regardless of type. It does not matter whether the pointer is char * (points to character data), int * (points to integer data), or void * (points to data of unknown type), it still just points to memory.

无论类型如何,指针都是固定长度的存储器地址。无论指针是char *(指向字符数据),int *(指向整数数据)还是void *(指向未知类型的数据)都无关紧要,它仍指向内存。

Because memcpy copies an explicit number of bytes, the type of data being pointed to is irrelevant; it just need memory addresses to data.




It does not matter what pointer it is really. It is a very plain process of having two memory addresses and engaging a copy.




Does it actually copy the ELEMENT_SIZE (integer like 128) from source to the destination?


Yes, If you know the size information,then its working fine.


See the reference link :




Parameter descriptions for memcpy from the documentation:


void * memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, size_t num );

void * memcpy(void * destination,const void * source,size_t num);

destination: Pointer to the destination array where the content is to be copied, type-casted to a pointer of type void*.

destination:指向要复制内容的目标数组的指针,类型转换为void *类型的指针。

source: Pointer to the source of data to be copied, type-casted to a pointer of type const void*.

source:指向要复制的数据源的指针,类型转换为const void *类型的指针。

num: Number of bytes to copy. size_t is an unsigned integral type.

num:要复制的字节数。 size_t是无符号整数类型。

memcpy simply takes num bytes starting from the address source and copies them to memory starting at address destination.


A pointer is a fixed length memory address, regardless of type. It does not matter whether the pointer is char * (points to character data), int * (points to integer data), or void * (points to data of unknown type), it still just points to memory.

无论类型如何,指针都是固定长度的存储器地址。无论指针是char *(指向字符数据),int *(指向整数数据)还是void *(指向未知类型的数据)都无关紧要,它仍指向内存。

Because memcpy copies an explicit number of bytes, the type of data being pointed to is irrelevant; it just need memory addresses to data.




It does not matter what pointer it is really. It is a very plain process of having two memory addresses and engaging a copy.
