如何将BOOST_FOREACH与boost :: ptr_map一起使用?

时间:2023-01-14 14:00:50

How can I use BOOST_FOREACH efficiently (number-of-character/readability-wise) with a boost::ptr_map?

如何使用boost :: ptr_map有效地使用BOOST_FOREACH(字符数/可读性)?

Kristo demonstrated in his answer that it is possible to use BOOST_FOREACH with a ptr_map, but it does not really save me any typing (or makes my code really more readable) than iterating over the ptr_map with an iterator:


typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, int* const> IntPair;
BOOST_FOREACH(IntPair p, mymap) {
    int i = p.first;

// vs.

boost::ptr_map<int, T>::iterator it;
for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) {
    // doSomething()

The following code is somewhere along the lines what I wish for. It follows the standard way on how to use BOOST_FOREACH with a std::map. Unfortunately this does not compile:

以下代码是我想要的代码。它遵循如何将BOOST_FOREACH与std :: map一起使用的标准方法。不幸的是,这不编译:

boost::ptr_map<int, T> mymap;
// insert something into mymap
// ...

typedef pair<int, T> IntTpair;
BOOST_FOREACH (IntTpair &p, mymap) {
    int i = p.first;

9 个解决方案


As STL style containers, the pointer containers have a value_type typedef that you can use:

作为STL样式容器,指针容器具有可以使用的value_type typedef:

#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

int main()
    typedef boost::ptr_map<int, int> int_map;
    int_map mymap;

    BOOST_FOREACH(int_map::value_type p, mymap)

I find that using a typedef for the container makes the code a lot easier to write.


Also, you should try to avoid using the contents of detail namespaces in boost, it's a boost convention that they contain implementation details.



I just ran into the same problem today. Unfortunately, Daniel's suggestion will not work with a constant reference to a map. In my case, the ptr_map was a member of a class, and I wanted to loop through it in a const member function. Borrowing Daniel's example, this is what I had to do in my case:


#include "boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

int main()
    typedef boost::ptr_map<int, int> int_map;
    int_map mymap;
    const int_map& mymap_const_ref(mymap);

    BOOST_FOREACH(int_map::const_iterator::value_type p, mymap_const_ref)

It seems that int_map::const_iterator::value_type is equivalent to boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, const int* const>.

似乎int_map :: const_iterator :: value_type等效于boost :: ptr_container_detail :: ref_pair ,const>


Save yourself the typing and improve readability by using tuples:


boost::ptr_map<int, T> mymap;
int key;
T * value;
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::tie(key, value), mymap)


This example code compiled for me with g++ 4.1.2:

使用g ++ 4.1.2为我编译的示例代码:

#include "boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

int main()
    boost::ptr_map<int, int> mymap;

    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, int* const> IntPair;
    BOOST_FOREACH(IntPair p, mymap)
        int i = p.first;

    return 0;


I use this homebrew template which adds an iteration type which can be handled by BOOST_FOREACH


namspace homebrew
    class Key,
    class T,
    class Compare        = std::less<Key>,
    class CloneAllocator = boost::heap_clone_allocator,
    class Allocator      = std::allocator< std::pair<const Key,void*> >
  class ptr_map :
    public boost::ptr_map<Key,T,Compare,CloneAllocator,Allocator>
    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<Key,const T* const> const_ref;
    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<Key,T* const> ref;

Let's assume that foo and bar are two of your favorite types ;)


typedef homebrew::ptr_map<foo,bar> Map;
int f( const Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::const_ref v, m)
    v.first;  // foo
    v.second; // const bar* const


int f( Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::ref v, m)
    v.first;  // foo
    v.second; // bar* const

Which one you have to use doesn't seem to depend on the way you use it in the loop (const or non-const) but on the map's constness!! So the following will end up in an error...

您必须使用哪一个似乎并不依赖于您在循环中使用它的方式(const或非const),而是依赖于地图的constness !!所以以下内容最终会出错...

int f( Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::const_ref v, m)  // can't use const_ref because m isn't const

Weird! isn't it?


The greatest thing to me is that of all this solutions which were suggested here, this is the first one which is handled correctly by the Eclipse CDT syntax coloring (when using the 'Code/Problem' syntax coloring attribute).

对我来说最重要的是这里提出的所有这些解决方案,这是第一个由Eclipse CDT语法着色正确处理的解决方案(当使用'Code / Problem'语法着色属性时)。


It should compile without the reference:


BOOST_FOREACH (IntTpair p, mymap)

I think the problem is that maps do not actually store objects as pairs, but as a tree structure with the first element as the key, so BOOST_FOREACH can't get a reference to a pair but it can create a temporary copy of one.



using ::value_type won't let you const-iterate through the container. I use iterator reference types

使用:: value_type将不允许您遍历容器。我使用迭代器引用类型

typedef boost::ptr_map< myKey, myPtrType > MyMap;
MyMap m;
BOOST_FOREACH( MyMap::iterator::reference it, m )
  do_something( it.second );
BOOST_FOREACH( MyMap::const_iterator::reference it, m )
  do_something_const( it.second );


In the end, I went for declaring the iteration variable before the loop.


std::pair<std::string, TrailStep*> step;
BOOST_FOREACH(step, m_steps)

But indeed, there ought to be a simpler way. (Use D instead?)

但实际上,应该有一种更简单的方法。 (改用D?)


You might try this uber-cool way to iterate over maps, ptr or otherwise: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/attachment/ticket/3469/foreach_field.hpp


// no typedef needed
BOOST_FOREACH_FIELD((int i)(const T& t), mymap)
   // do something with i or t instead of first/second

I'm not sure it will work with a template parameter, but maybe you used that just for abstraction.



As STL style containers, the pointer containers have a value_type typedef that you can use:

作为STL样式容器,指针容器具有可以使用的value_type typedef:

#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

int main()
    typedef boost::ptr_map<int, int> int_map;
    int_map mymap;

    BOOST_FOREACH(int_map::value_type p, mymap)

I find that using a typedef for the container makes the code a lot easier to write.


Also, you should try to avoid using the contents of detail namespaces in boost, it's a boost convention that they contain implementation details.



I just ran into the same problem today. Unfortunately, Daniel's suggestion will not work with a constant reference to a map. In my case, the ptr_map was a member of a class, and I wanted to loop through it in a const member function. Borrowing Daniel's example, this is what I had to do in my case:


#include "boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

int main()
    typedef boost::ptr_map<int, int> int_map;
    int_map mymap;
    const int_map& mymap_const_ref(mymap);

    BOOST_FOREACH(int_map::const_iterator::value_type p, mymap_const_ref)

It seems that int_map::const_iterator::value_type is equivalent to boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, const int* const>.

似乎int_map :: const_iterator :: value_type等效于boost :: ptr_container_detail :: ref_pair ,const>


Save yourself the typing and improve readability by using tuples:


boost::ptr_map<int, T> mymap;
int key;
T * value;
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::tie(key, value), mymap)


This example code compiled for me with g++ 4.1.2:

使用g ++ 4.1.2为我编译的示例代码:

#include "boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

int main()
    boost::ptr_map<int, int> mymap;

    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, int* const> IntPair;
    BOOST_FOREACH(IntPair p, mymap)
        int i = p.first;

    return 0;


I use this homebrew template which adds an iteration type which can be handled by BOOST_FOREACH


namspace homebrew
    class Key,
    class T,
    class Compare        = std::less<Key>,
    class CloneAllocator = boost::heap_clone_allocator,
    class Allocator      = std::allocator< std::pair<const Key,void*> >
  class ptr_map :
    public boost::ptr_map<Key,T,Compare,CloneAllocator,Allocator>
    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<Key,const T* const> const_ref;
    typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<Key,T* const> ref;

Let's assume that foo and bar are two of your favorite types ;)


typedef homebrew::ptr_map<foo,bar> Map;
int f( const Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::const_ref v, m)
    v.first;  // foo
    v.second; // const bar* const


int f( Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::ref v, m)
    v.first;  // foo
    v.second; // bar* const

Which one you have to use doesn't seem to depend on the way you use it in the loop (const or non-const) but on the map's constness!! So the following will end up in an error...

您必须使用哪一个似乎并不依赖于您在循环中使用它的方式(const或非const),而是依赖于地图的constness !!所以以下内容最终会出错...

int f( Map& m )
  BOOST_FOREACH(Map::const_ref v, m)  // can't use const_ref because m isn't const

Weird! isn't it?


The greatest thing to me is that of all this solutions which were suggested here, this is the first one which is handled correctly by the Eclipse CDT syntax coloring (when using the 'Code/Problem' syntax coloring attribute).

对我来说最重要的是这里提出的所有这些解决方案,这是第一个由Eclipse CDT语法着色正确处理的解决方案(当使用'Code / Problem'语法着色属性时)。


It should compile without the reference:


BOOST_FOREACH (IntTpair p, mymap)

I think the problem is that maps do not actually store objects as pairs, but as a tree structure with the first element as the key, so BOOST_FOREACH can't get a reference to a pair but it can create a temporary copy of one.



using ::value_type won't let you const-iterate through the container. I use iterator reference types

使用:: value_type将不允许您遍历容器。我使用迭代器引用类型

typedef boost::ptr_map< myKey, myPtrType > MyMap;
MyMap m;
BOOST_FOREACH( MyMap::iterator::reference it, m )
  do_something( it.second );
BOOST_FOREACH( MyMap::const_iterator::reference it, m )
  do_something_const( it.second );


In the end, I went for declaring the iteration variable before the loop.


std::pair<std::string, TrailStep*> step;
BOOST_FOREACH(step, m_steps)

But indeed, there ought to be a simpler way. (Use D instead?)

但实际上,应该有一种更简单的方法。 (改用D?)


You might try this uber-cool way to iterate over maps, ptr or otherwise: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/attachment/ticket/3469/foreach_field.hpp


// no typedef needed
BOOST_FOREACH_FIELD((int i)(const T& t), mymap)
   // do something with i or t instead of first/second

I'm not sure it will work with a template parameter, but maybe you used that just for abstraction.
