
时间:2022-10-01 22:25:28

I want to use the traditional C-style for loop in python. I want to loop through characters of a string, but also know what it is, and be able to jump through characters (eg i = 5 somewhere in the code).

我想在python中使用传统的C风格循环。我想循环遍历字符串的字符,但也知道它是什么,并能够跳过字符(例如代码中的某处i = 5)。

for with range doesn't give me the flexibility of an actual for loop.

for range并没有给我一个实际for循环的灵活性。

6 个解决方案



The simple answer is that there is no simple, precise equivalent of C's for statement in Python. Other answers covered using a Python for statement with a range. If you want to be able to modify the loop variable in the loop (and have it affect subsequent iterations), you have to use a while loop:

简单的答案是在Python中没有简单,精确的等价C语句。使用带有范围的Python for语句涵盖了其他答案。如果您希望能够在循环中修改循环变量(并使其影响后续迭代),则必须使用while循环:

i = 0
while i < 7:
    if someCondition(i):
        i = 5
    i += 1

But in that loop, a continue statement will not have the same effect that a continue statement would have in a C for loop. If you want continue to work the way it does in C, you have to throw in a try/finally statement:

但是在该循环中,continue语句将不会具有与C for循环中的continue语句相同的效果。如果你想继续按照它在C中的方式工作,你必须抛出一个try / finally语句:

i = 0
while i < 7:
        if someCondition(i):
            i = 5
        elif otherCondition(i):
        print 'i = %d' % i
        i += 1

As you can see, this is pretty ugly. You should look for a more Pythonic way to write your loop.



This just occurred to me... there is a complicated answer that lets you use a normal Python for loop like a C-style loop, and allows updating the loop variable, by writing a custom iterator. I wouldn't recommend this solution for any real programs, but it's a fun exercise.

这刚刚发生在我身上......有一个复杂的答案让你像C风格的循环一样使用普通的Python for循环,并允许通过编写自定义迭代器来更新循环变量。我不会为任何真正的程序推荐这个解决方案,但这是一个有趣的练习。

Example “C-style” for loop:


for i in forrange(10):
    if i == 3:



The trick is forrange uses a subclass of int that adds an update method. Implementation of forrange:

诀窍是forrange使用int的子类来添加更新方法。 forrange的实现:

class forrange:

    def __init__(self, startOrStop, stop=None, step=1):
        if step == 0:
            raise ValueError('forrange step argument must not be zero')
        if not isinstance(startOrStop, int):
            raise TypeError('forrange startOrStop argument must be an int')
        if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, int):
            raise TypeError('forrange stop argument must be an int')

        if stop is None:
            self.start = 0
            self.stop = startOrStop
            self.step = step
            self.start = startOrStop
            self.stop = stop
            self.step = step

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.foriterator(self.start, self.stop, self.step)

    class foriterator:

        def __init__(self, start, stop, step):
            self.currentValue = None
            self.nextValue = start
            self.stop = stop
            self.step = step

        def __iter__(self): return self

        def next(self):
            if self.step > 0 and self.nextValue >= self.stop:
                raise StopIteration
            if self.step < 0 and self.nextValue <= self.stop:
                raise StopIteration
            self.currentValue = forrange.forvalue(self.nextValue, self)
            self.nextValue += self.step
            return self.currentValue

    class forvalue(int):
        def __new__(cls, value, iterator):
            value = super(forrange.forvalue, cls).__new__(cls, value)
            value.iterator = iterator
            return value

        def update(self, value):
            if not isinstance(self, int):
                raise TypeError('forvalue.update value must be an int')
            if self == self.iterator.currentValue:
                self.iterator.nextValue = value + self.iterator.step



In C:

for(int i=0; i<9; i+=2)

In python3:

for i in range(0, 9, 2):

You just express the same idea in different languages.




for i in range(n):

...is the Python equivalent of the C...


for (i = 0; i < n; i++){

Or well, you can use:


for i in range(a, n, s):

...which is equivalent to...


for (i = a; i < n; i+=s){



I provide the following entirely facetious solution by way of protest. Note that 'break' and 'continue' will not work. Also note that the loop body must not be indented.


class For:
    def __init__(self, **loop_vars):
        self.loop_vars = loop_vars
    def __call__(self, arg):
        if not hasattr(self, 'condition'):
            self.condition = arg
            return self
        if not hasattr(self, 'update'):
            self.update = arg
            return self
        while eval(self.condition, self.loop_vars, self.loop_vars):
            exec arg in self.loop_vars
            exec self.update in self.loop_vars

For(i = 1, j = 1)('i * j < 50')('i += 1; j += 1')('''
print i, j



You can do the following, given an array a:


for i in range(len(a)):
  a[i] = i

That's the closest Python can get to C-style loops.


You can also give the range command more arguments; for example,


for i in range(2, len(a), 3)


will start at i = 2, and increment it by 3 as long as the result is less than len(a).

将从i = 2开始,并且只要结果小于len(a),就将其递增3。



The Python for loop always has foreach semantics. You can, however, do this:

Python for循环总是具有foreach语义。但是,你可以这样做:

for i in xrange(10):
    print i

This is very much like a C for loop. xrange (or range, as it was renamed in Python 3) is a constructor for a Python object that iterates through a range of numbers. See the docs for more information.

这非常像C for循环。 xrange(或范围,因为它在Python 3中重命名)是Python对象的构造函数,它遍历一系列数字。有关更多信息,请参阅文档。



The simple answer is that there is no simple, precise equivalent of C's for statement in Python. Other answers covered using a Python for statement with a range. If you want to be able to modify the loop variable in the loop (and have it affect subsequent iterations), you have to use a while loop:

简单的答案是在Python中没有简单,精确的等价C语句。使用带有范围的Python for语句涵盖了其他答案。如果您希望能够在循环中修改循环变量(并使其影响后续迭代),则必须使用while循环:

i = 0
while i < 7:
    if someCondition(i):
        i = 5
    i += 1

But in that loop, a continue statement will not have the same effect that a continue statement would have in a C for loop. If you want continue to work the way it does in C, you have to throw in a try/finally statement:

但是在该循环中,continue语句将不会具有与C for循环中的continue语句相同的效果。如果你想继续按照它在C中的方式工作,你必须抛出一个try / finally语句:

i = 0
while i < 7:
        if someCondition(i):
            i = 5
        elif otherCondition(i):
        print 'i = %d' % i
        i += 1

As you can see, this is pretty ugly. You should look for a more Pythonic way to write your loop.



This just occurred to me... there is a complicated answer that lets you use a normal Python for loop like a C-style loop, and allows updating the loop variable, by writing a custom iterator. I wouldn't recommend this solution for any real programs, but it's a fun exercise.

这刚刚发生在我身上......有一个复杂的答案让你像C风格的循环一样使用普通的Python for循环,并允许通过编写自定义迭代器来更新循环变量。我不会为任何真正的程序推荐这个解决方案,但这是一个有趣的练习。

Example “C-style” for loop:


for i in forrange(10):
    if i == 3:



The trick is forrange uses a subclass of int that adds an update method. Implementation of forrange:

诀窍是forrange使用int的子类来添加更新方法。 forrange的实现:

class forrange:

    def __init__(self, startOrStop, stop=None, step=1):
        if step == 0:
            raise ValueError('forrange step argument must not be zero')
        if not isinstance(startOrStop, int):
            raise TypeError('forrange startOrStop argument must be an int')
        if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, int):
            raise TypeError('forrange stop argument must be an int')

        if stop is None:
            self.start = 0
            self.stop = startOrStop
            self.step = step
            self.start = startOrStop
            self.stop = stop
            self.step = step

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.foriterator(self.start, self.stop, self.step)

    class foriterator:

        def __init__(self, start, stop, step):
            self.currentValue = None
            self.nextValue = start
            self.stop = stop
            self.step = step

        def __iter__(self): return self

        def next(self):
            if self.step > 0 and self.nextValue >= self.stop:
                raise StopIteration
            if self.step < 0 and self.nextValue <= self.stop:
                raise StopIteration
            self.currentValue = forrange.forvalue(self.nextValue, self)
            self.nextValue += self.step
            return self.currentValue

    class forvalue(int):
        def __new__(cls, value, iterator):
            value = super(forrange.forvalue, cls).__new__(cls, value)
            value.iterator = iterator
            return value

        def update(self, value):
            if not isinstance(self, int):
                raise TypeError('forvalue.update value must be an int')
            if self == self.iterator.currentValue:
                self.iterator.nextValue = value + self.iterator.step



In C:

for(int i=0; i<9; i+=2)

In python3:

for i in range(0, 9, 2):

You just express the same idea in different languages.




for i in range(n):

...is the Python equivalent of the C...


for (i = 0; i < n; i++){

Or well, you can use:


for i in range(a, n, s):

...which is equivalent to...


for (i = a; i < n; i+=s){



I provide the following entirely facetious solution by way of protest. Note that 'break' and 'continue' will not work. Also note that the loop body must not be indented.


class For:
    def __init__(self, **loop_vars):
        self.loop_vars = loop_vars
    def __call__(self, arg):
        if not hasattr(self, 'condition'):
            self.condition = arg
            return self
        if not hasattr(self, 'update'):
            self.update = arg
            return self
        while eval(self.condition, self.loop_vars, self.loop_vars):
            exec arg in self.loop_vars
            exec self.update in self.loop_vars

For(i = 1, j = 1)('i * j < 50')('i += 1; j += 1')('''
print i, j



You can do the following, given an array a:


for i in range(len(a)):
  a[i] = i

That's the closest Python can get to C-style loops.


You can also give the range command more arguments; for example,


for i in range(2, len(a), 3)


will start at i = 2, and increment it by 3 as long as the result is less than len(a).

将从i = 2开始,并且只要结果小于len(a),就将其递增3。



The Python for loop always has foreach semantics. You can, however, do this:

Python for循环总是具有foreach语义。但是,你可以这样做:

for i in xrange(10):
    print i

This is very much like a C for loop. xrange (or range, as it was renamed in Python 3) is a constructor for a Python object that iterates through a range of numbers. See the docs for more information.

这非常像C for循环。 xrange(或范围,因为它在Python 3中重命名)是Python对象的构造函数,它遍历一系列数字。有关更多信息,请参阅文档。