
时间:2021-11-04 22:28:07

I have seen code like this that XCode created from objective-c initializers:


init!(logMsg: String!, level logLevel: DDLogLevel, flag logFlag: DDLogFlag, context logContext: Int32, file: UnsafePointer<Int8>, function: UnsafePointer<Int8>, line: Int32, tag: AnyObject!, options optionsMask: DDLogMessageOptions)
init!(logMsg: String!, level logLevel: DDLogLevel, flag logFlag: DDLogFlag, context logContext: Int32, file: UnsafePointer<Int8>, function: UnsafePointer<Int8>, line: Int32, tag: AnyObject!, options optionsMask: DDLogMessageOptions, timestamp aTimestamp: NSDate!)

The original code is:


- (instancetype)initWithLogMsg:(NSString *)logMsg
                          file:(const char *)file
                      function:(const char *)function
- (instancetype)initWithLogMsg:(NSString *)logMsg
                          file:(const char *)file
                      function:(const char *)function
                     timestamp:(NSDate *)aTimestamp;

What does the exclamation mark mean after the init keyword?


3 个解决方案



It is failable initializer, introduced in Swift 1.1 (with Xcode 6.1)

它是可故障初始化器,在Swift 1.1中引入(带有Xcode 6.1)

From Apple Developer:


The init! Failable Initializer

You typically define a failable initializer that creates an optional instance of the appropriate type by placing a question mark after the init keyword (init?). Alternatively, you can define a failable initializer that creates an implicitly unwrapped optional instance of the appropriate type. Do this by placing an exclamation mark after the init keyword (init!) instead of a question mark.


You can delegate from init? to init! and vice versa, and you can override init? with init! and vice versa. You can also delegate from init to init!, although doing so will trigger an assertion if the init! initializer causes initialization to fail.


(emphasis mine)




The currently accepted answer gives the what, but not the why. I think in this case, understanding why is especially important.


To answer your question directly, it's an initializer that returns an implicitly-unwrapped optional.


Using init? to indicate that initialization can fail is an effective way to handle errors. It returns an "optional" (such as Type?), implying that either a value was initialized, or nothing could be initialized and its contents are nil instead. But when would init!, which returns an implicitly-unwrapped optional, be useful?


Implicitly-unwrapped optionals indicate that you can be confident that the value you're currently working with is not nil without having to check it, but that it may have been nil at some point in its lifetime. This is in direct contrast to non-optional types, which can never be nil. Since you're working with a value from the very beginning of its lifetime when you obtain it from an initializer, there aren't many use cases for init!.


It likely exists primarily to help out with the Objective-C framework transitions to avoid having to manually check every single automatically-converted initializer. "This thing might be nil but probably isn't" is how Objective-C works by default. In your case, there's no way for Xcode to know whether or not those methods return an initialized value 100% of the time. It's quite an effort to go through every single framework and figure out whether an initialize should return a Type or Type?, so Type! is a sensible default in the meantime. As proof, Xcode is smart enough to convert initializers containing (NSError **) to init?.

它可能主要用于帮助处理Objective-C框架转换,以避免必须手动检查每个自动转换初始化器。“这个东西可能是nil,但很可能不是”,这是Objective-C默认的工作方式。在您的示例中,Xcode无法知道这些方法是否100%地返回初始化值。遍历每个框架并确定初始化应该返回类型还是类型是相当困难的。,所以类型!与此同时,这是一个合理的违约。作为证明,Xcode足够聪明,可以将包含(NSError *)的初始化器转换为init?。

One other use case is delegating to a failable initializer with one that you know will never cause the failure condition. But other than that, writing init! in your own Swift code should probably be avoided when possible (and even that case is still pretty iffy).




  • Xcode release notes on the ongoing optional conformance conversion
  • 关于正在进行的可选一致性转换的Xcode发布说明
  • This post on the Apple Developer Forums
  • 这篇文章发表在苹果开发者论坛上
  • My own thoughts on the matter
  • 我对这件事的看法



These are called 'Implictly Unwrapped Optionals'[1]. The obj-c type for logMsg (for example) is NSString*, which can be nil. It could be used as an optional - String?, in which case you would to explictly unwrap it to get the value. String! will give you the value directly, so this assumes that logMsg won't be nil.

这些被称为“隐含无包选项”[1]。logMsg的object -c类型(例如)是NSString*,它可以是nil。它可以用作可选字符串吗?在这种情况下,你需要明确地打开它以得到它的值。字符串!会直接给你值,所以这假设logMsg不是nil。

These kinds of optionals are defined as implicitly unwrapped optionals. You write an implicitly unwrapped optional by placing an exclamation mark (String!) rather than a question mark (String?) after the type that you want to make optional.


Implicitly unwrapped optionals are useful when an optional’s value is confirmed to exist immediately after the optional is first defined and can definitely be assumed to exist at every point thereafter.


1. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/TheBasics.html




It is failable initializer, introduced in Swift 1.1 (with Xcode 6.1)

它是可故障初始化器,在Swift 1.1中引入(带有Xcode 6.1)

From Apple Developer:


The init! Failable Initializer

You typically define a failable initializer that creates an optional instance of the appropriate type by placing a question mark after the init keyword (init?). Alternatively, you can define a failable initializer that creates an implicitly unwrapped optional instance of the appropriate type. Do this by placing an exclamation mark after the init keyword (init!) instead of a question mark.


You can delegate from init? to init! and vice versa, and you can override init? with init! and vice versa. You can also delegate from init to init!, although doing so will trigger an assertion if the init! initializer causes initialization to fail.


(emphasis mine)




The currently accepted answer gives the what, but not the why. I think in this case, understanding why is especially important.


To answer your question directly, it's an initializer that returns an implicitly-unwrapped optional.


Using init? to indicate that initialization can fail is an effective way to handle errors. It returns an "optional" (such as Type?), implying that either a value was initialized, or nothing could be initialized and its contents are nil instead. But when would init!, which returns an implicitly-unwrapped optional, be useful?


Implicitly-unwrapped optionals indicate that you can be confident that the value you're currently working with is not nil without having to check it, but that it may have been nil at some point in its lifetime. This is in direct contrast to non-optional types, which can never be nil. Since you're working with a value from the very beginning of its lifetime when you obtain it from an initializer, there aren't many use cases for init!.


It likely exists primarily to help out with the Objective-C framework transitions to avoid having to manually check every single automatically-converted initializer. "This thing might be nil but probably isn't" is how Objective-C works by default. In your case, there's no way for Xcode to know whether or not those methods return an initialized value 100% of the time. It's quite an effort to go through every single framework and figure out whether an initialize should return a Type or Type?, so Type! is a sensible default in the meantime. As proof, Xcode is smart enough to convert initializers containing (NSError **) to init?.

它可能主要用于帮助处理Objective-C框架转换,以避免必须手动检查每个自动转换初始化器。“这个东西可能是nil,但很可能不是”,这是Objective-C默认的工作方式。在您的示例中,Xcode无法知道这些方法是否100%地返回初始化值。遍历每个框架并确定初始化应该返回类型还是类型是相当困难的。,所以类型!与此同时,这是一个合理的违约。作为证明,Xcode足够聪明,可以将包含(NSError *)的初始化器转换为init?。

One other use case is delegating to a failable initializer with one that you know will never cause the failure condition. But other than that, writing init! in your own Swift code should probably be avoided when possible (and even that case is still pretty iffy).




  • Xcode release notes on the ongoing optional conformance conversion
  • 关于正在进行的可选一致性转换的Xcode发布说明
  • This post on the Apple Developer Forums
  • 这篇文章发表在苹果开发者论坛上
  • My own thoughts on the matter
  • 我对这件事的看法



These are called 'Implictly Unwrapped Optionals'[1]. The obj-c type for logMsg (for example) is NSString*, which can be nil. It could be used as an optional - String?, in which case you would to explictly unwrap it to get the value. String! will give you the value directly, so this assumes that logMsg won't be nil.

这些被称为“隐含无包选项”[1]。logMsg的object -c类型(例如)是NSString*,它可以是nil。它可以用作可选字符串吗?在这种情况下,你需要明确地打开它以得到它的值。字符串!会直接给你值,所以这假设logMsg不是nil。

These kinds of optionals are defined as implicitly unwrapped optionals. You write an implicitly unwrapped optional by placing an exclamation mark (String!) rather than a question mark (String?) after the type that you want to make optional.


Implicitly unwrapped optionals are useful when an optional’s value is confirmed to exist immediately after the optional is first defined and can definitely be assumed to exist at every point thereafter.


1. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/TheBasics.html
