I am making my own app in Swift, and wanted to include the feature of resetting passwords using Parse. My console eventually shows a successful notice, but when I go to the email to see if Parse sent the email to reset password, I don't receive anything. Would really appreciate it if you could help me sort this issue :D I've added a screenshot so that you can see what my console shows.
@IBAction func recoverPasswordButton(_ sender: Any) {
PFUser.requestPasswordResetForEmail(inBackground: emailTextField.text!, block: { (success, error) in
if self.emailTextField != nil {
self.displayAlert(title: "Check your email", message: "A link has been sent to recover your password. Follow the instructions.")
print("A link to recover your password has been sent")
} else {
var errorText = "Unknown error: please try again"
if let error = error {
errorText = error.localizedDescription
self.displayAlert(title: "Email is not valid", message: errorText)