
时间:2022-06-05 22:26:54

I am having trouble with memory building up and am not able to empty it once I am done with it. When I look at the diagnostic tool ": Allocations: Instruments: Object summary: statistics", the memory is just continuously building up.

我在内存构建方面遇到了麻烦,一旦完成内存就无法清空内存。当我查看诊断工具“:Allocations:Instruments:Object summary:statistics”时,内存正在不断积累。


for (int i=0; i<100000; i++){
    UILabel *lblPost = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,d)];
    [lblPost setText: "Hello World"];
    [self.view addSubview: lblPost];

    // tried each of the following
    //[lblPost dealloc]; //neither work to clear memory it just builds
    //[lblPost release]; //

--> Do I need to seperate CGRect out and clear that.

- >我是否需要分离CGRect并清除它。

--> (I know I can just keep writing to one label, this is a simplified version where in the bigger version, one label would not work so easily. )

- >(我知道我可以继续写一个标签,这是一个简化版本,在较大的版本中,一个标签不会那么容易。)

--> (I find it hard to believe that I can not create an object and then destroy it 10000 or 100000000 times over. In standard C, I can accomplish this with memory-blocks by using "free()" )

- >(我发现很难相信我无法创建一个对象,然后将其销毁10000或100000000倍。在标准C中,我可以通过使用“free()”来完成内存块

5 个解决方案



This is fun! I have decided to jump in. I posted this in my comments but here it is again:


I think madhu misunderstood the [lblPost release]. This "release" only applies to the lblPost instance. Not the ones retained by self.view... etc. So you still have 10000 label retained by self.view...


So, you create 10000 instances of lblPost and then release all of them (10000) by this line [lblPost release] in your for loop. That is just fine. But then in your for loop you also have this line [self.view addSubview: lblPost]. This line will add 10000 instances to your self.view. And they are the reason why your system crashed.

因此,您创建10000个lblPost实例,然后在for循环中通过此行[lblPost release]释放所有这些实例(10000)。那很好。但是在你的for循环中你也有这一行[self.view addSubview:lblPost]。此行将为您的self.view添加10000个实例。它们是您的系统崩溃的原因。



The view you are adding your label to is retaining it, that's why each none of the labels is deallocated (even if you send release message)




Maybe i really don't understand what you're trying to do, but your each indiviual object you'r allocating is retained in the view. Let me try to explain it in the code:


 for (int i=0; i<10000; i++){
  UILabel *lblPost = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,d)];
 // lblPost now has a retain count of 1, as you alloc'd it, you'll have to release it!
  [lblPost setText: "Hello World"];
  [self.view addSubview: lblPost];
 // lblPost now has a retain count of 2, as adding to the view adds a reference to it
  [lblPost release]
 // you alloc'd it, now you should release it. it now has a retain count of 1, which means it's in the ownerhsip of the self.view

Now, when you release or free self.view, the lblPost objects should be released as well




Why are you allocating memory for 10000 UILabels and adding them as a subview exactly? That's iPhone torture. The items in bold cause your surge in memory. Plus you're releasing none of them.

为什么要为10000 UILabels分配内存并将它们准确地添加为子视图?那是iPhone的折磨。粗体项目会导致内存激增。另外你没有发布任何一个。

Also - never ever ever call dealloc yourself - dealloc is called automatically when you release something.

另外 - 永远不要自己调用dealloc - 释放内容时会自动调用dealloc。




for (int i=0; i<10000; i++){
    UILabel *lblPost = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,d)];
    [lblPost setText: "Hello World"];
    [self.view addSubview: lblPost];

    [lblPost release];
    //You should release after adding it to your view




This is fun! I have decided to jump in. I posted this in my comments but here it is again:


I think madhu misunderstood the [lblPost release]. This "release" only applies to the lblPost instance. Not the ones retained by self.view... etc. So you still have 10000 label retained by self.view...


So, you create 10000 instances of lblPost and then release all of them (10000) by this line [lblPost release] in your for loop. That is just fine. But then in your for loop you also have this line [self.view addSubview: lblPost]. This line will add 10000 instances to your self.view. And they are the reason why your system crashed.

因此,您创建10000个lblPost实例,然后在for循环中通过此行[lblPost release]释放所有这些实例(10000)。那很好。但是在你的for循环中你也有这一行[self.view addSubview:lblPost]。此行将为您的self.view添加10000个实例。它们是您的系统崩溃的原因。



The view you are adding your label to is retaining it, that's why each none of the labels is deallocated (even if you send release message)




Maybe i really don't understand what you're trying to do, but your each indiviual object you'r allocating is retained in the view. Let me try to explain it in the code:


 for (int i=0; i<10000; i++){
  UILabel *lblPost = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,d)];
 // lblPost now has a retain count of 1, as you alloc'd it, you'll have to release it!
  [lblPost setText: "Hello World"];
  [self.view addSubview: lblPost];
 // lblPost now has a retain count of 2, as adding to the view adds a reference to it
  [lblPost release]
 // you alloc'd it, now you should release it. it now has a retain count of 1, which means it's in the ownerhsip of the self.view

Now, when you release or free self.view, the lblPost objects should be released as well




Why are you allocating memory for 10000 UILabels and adding them as a subview exactly? That's iPhone torture. The items in bold cause your surge in memory. Plus you're releasing none of them.

为什么要为10000 UILabels分配内存并将它们准确地添加为子视图?那是iPhone的折磨。粗体项目会导致内存激增。另外你没有发布任何一个。

Also - never ever ever call dealloc yourself - dealloc is called automatically when you release something.

另外 - 永远不要自己调用dealloc - 释放内容时会自动调用dealloc。




for (int i=0; i<10000; i++){
    UILabel *lblPost = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,d)];
    [lblPost setText: "Hello World"];
    [self.view addSubview: lblPost];

    [lblPost release];
    //You should release after adding it to your view
