Our's is a product specific to a domain.Here are some of the typical security use cases,
- A normal User can edit only his profile data or anybody data based on permission
- A user can see only data that belongs to his department while another user can data from all departments
These requirements changes from customer to customer so we can not just hard code the filtering logic in our application code or maintain multiple versions of the application.
We use Hibernate criteria based filtering and like to add additional Restrictions based on some expressions associated with a Permission. An expression for use case 1, mentioned above, may look like this, 'userId=user.userId'
where 'user' is a keyword and represents current authenticated user and 'userId' is a property of the object for which criteria is created.
我们使用基于Hibernate标准的过滤,并喜欢根据与Permission相关的一些表达式添加其他限制。上面提到的用例1的表达式可能如下所示,'userId = user.userId'其中'user'是关键字并表示当前经过身份验证的用户,'userId'是为其创建条件的对象的属性。
We want to define a dsl using which we can derive criteria restriction as well as 'where' clause for sql.
Are there any existing frameworks which will enable us to do it, without going for dsl? Based on the use cases mentioned above, do you think it can be achieved in different way?
Additional Info: We define only domain objects with some meta information to generate UI. Persistence, security etc are taken care by our core framework.
2 个解决方案
Have you tested Hibernate filters? They are great mechanism for record level filtering, you can define multiple filters (for example two filters for your case) on each entity and enable or disable them according to current user. Shall mention that filters can accept parameters (for example your current user id).
We have used this great feature of Hibernate 3 on a large project, which had a hierarchical organization unit and that worked fine.
我们在一个大型项目中使用了Hibernate 3的这个强大功能,该项目具有分层组织单元并且工作正常。
By the way if you use Oracle as your database, consider Oracle's virtual private database feature.
We decided to go with our own dsl using antlr
Have you tested Hibernate filters? They are great mechanism for record level filtering, you can define multiple filters (for example two filters for your case) on each entity and enable or disable them according to current user. Shall mention that filters can accept parameters (for example your current user id).
We have used this great feature of Hibernate 3 on a large project, which had a hierarchical organization unit and that worked fine.
我们在一个大型项目中使用了Hibernate 3的这个强大功能,该项目具有分层组织单元并且工作正常。
By the way if you use Oracle as your database, consider Oracle's virtual private database feature.
We decided to go with our own dsl using antlr