Gmail for Android在我的电子邮件布局中增加了一个空白

时间:2022-11-10 22:22:11

Gmail in android devices adds a gap to an image in my layout. I know it's a common problem, I've read some solutions and tryed them, but they would'nt work.


I've tried with:


  • Adding display: block to my images (inline styles)
  • 添加显示:阻止我的图像(内联样式)

  • Wrapping the images with p style="margin: 0;font-size: 0;line-height: 0;"
  • 用p style =“margin:0; font-size:0; line-height:0;”包装图像

  • Adding style="line-height: 0" to my td and img
  • 将style =“line-height:0”添加到我的td和img

  • Setting margin:-2px or margin:0 to my td and img
  • 设置保证金:-2px或保证金:0到我的td和img

None of them work, if someone can tell me why, I'll be more than grateful


1 个解决方案



For images in it's own table try line-height: 50%; so your code should look like this I found an css guide on line that gives the complete breakdown of the css support for the most popular email clients. css guide

对于它自己的表中的图像,尝试line-height:50%;所以你的代码看起来应该是这样我在网上发现了一个css指南,它给出了对最流行的电子邮件客户端的css支持的完整细分。 css指南



For images in it's own table try line-height: 50%; so your code should look like this I found an css guide on line that gives the complete breakdown of the css support for the most popular email clients. css guide

对于它自己的表中的图像,尝试line-height:50%;所以你的代码看起来应该是这样我在网上发现了一个css指南,它给出了对最流行的电子邮件客户端的css支持的完整细分。 css指南