
时间:2021-10-10 22:17:36

Im trying to convert JsonObject to XML but it seems to be encored.


This is my JsonObject -

这是我的JsonObject -

  "customerName": "cus1",
  "invoiceNumber": "in1",
  "invoiceDate": "2017-01-23",
  "amount": 110.1,
  "invoiceItems": [
      "chargeName": "null",
      "subscriptionName": "TestSub",
      "amount": 129,
      "servicePeriod": "2017-01-23to 2017-02-23"
      "subscriptionName": "",
      "servicePeriod": "",
      "chargeDate": "",
      "chargeName": "Discounted Amount",
      "amount": -12.9

Output I'm getting is -

我得到的输出是 -

{"customerName":"cus1;,"invoiceNumber":"in1;,"invoiceDate":"2017-01-23","amount":116.1,"invoiceItems":[{"chargeName":"null","subscriptionName":"TestSubd","amount":129.0,"servicePeriod":"2017-01-23to 2017-02-23"},{"subscriptionName":"","servicePeriod":"","chargeDate":"","chargeName":"Discounted Amount","amount":-12.9}]}"

Output im expecting is without encoding <customerName>cus1<customerName> format.

输出im期望没有编码 cus1 格式。

I have used org.json.XML to convert the json object to xml


  JsonObject invoiceDetailObj = new JsonObject();
invoiceDetailObj.addProperty("customerName", aa.get("customer").asText());

I added properties to the invoiceDetailObj so that its currently looks like the jsonObj I have added in the top


 xml = XML.toString(invoiceDetailObj);

1 个解决方案



Your problem is related to the fact that you mix com.google.gson.JsonObject from Google Gson with org.json.JSONObject. Actually, the method XML.toString(object) expects an instance of org.json.JSONObject or org.json.JSONArray or an array of org.json.JSONObject so what you get is simply the default behavior of this method when none of those types are found.

您的问题与将Google Gson中的com.google.gson.JsonObject与org.json.JSONObject混合的事实有关。实际上,方法XML.toString(object)需要一个org.json.JSONObject或org.json.JSONArray的实例或一个org.json.JSONObject数组,所以你得到的只是这个方法的默认行为,当没有这些时找到类型。

Simply rewrite your code to use org.json.JSONObject instead of com.google.gson.JsonObject, your code should then look like something like this:


JSONObject invoiceDetailObj = new JSONObject();
invoiceDetailObj.put("customerName", "cus1");
invoiceDetailObj.put("invoiceNumber", "in1");
String xml = XML.toString(invoiceDetailObj);

Or even better, if you have your JSON object as a String, you could simply use the constructor JSONObject(String source) to let it parse and build the JSONObject for you:

或者甚至更好,如果你把你的JSON对象作为一个String,你可以简单地使用构造函数JSONObject(String source)让它为你解析和构建JSONObject:

String xml = XML.toString(new JSONObject(myJSONString));



Your problem is related to the fact that you mix com.google.gson.JsonObject from Google Gson with org.json.JSONObject. Actually, the method XML.toString(object) expects an instance of org.json.JSONObject or org.json.JSONArray or an array of org.json.JSONObject so what you get is simply the default behavior of this method when none of those types are found.

您的问题与将Google Gson中的com.google.gson.JsonObject与org.json.JSONObject混合的事实有关。实际上,方法XML.toString(object)需要一个org.json.JSONObject或org.json.JSONArray的实例或一个org.json.JSONObject数组,所以你得到的只是这个方法的默认行为,当没有这些时找到类型。

Simply rewrite your code to use org.json.JSONObject instead of com.google.gson.JsonObject, your code should then look like something like this:


JSONObject invoiceDetailObj = new JSONObject();
invoiceDetailObj.put("customerName", "cus1");
invoiceDetailObj.put("invoiceNumber", "in1");
String xml = XML.toString(invoiceDetailObj);

Or even better, if you have your JSON object as a String, you could simply use the constructor JSONObject(String source) to let it parse and build the JSONObject for you:

或者甚至更好,如果你把你的JSON对象作为一个String,你可以简单地使用构造函数JSONObject(String source)让它为你解析和构建JSONObject:

String xml = XML.toString(new JSONObject(myJSONString));