The alias cmd list your current aliases. For example :
Use alias to shorten a long cmd in current shell session:
alias [name=['command']]
Use unalias to remove the alias , or use "\"(back-slash) before command to disable alias.
Your ~/.bashrc file might look like:
alias cp='cp −vi' #to prompt when copying if you want to overwrite and will tell you where
alias rm='rm −i' #Prompts you if you really want to remove it.
alias mv='mv −i' #Prompts you if you are going to overwrite something
System-wide aliases can be put in the /etc/bashrc
If you are already in one shell session and you want to apply the new .bashrc immediately :
source ~/.bashrc
1. Simplify pathing
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../'
alias .....='cd ../../../../'
2. Call multiple cmds
alias pl='pwd; ls'
3. Call other aliases
alias p="pwd"
alias l="ls -la"
alias l="p; l"
4. Creating two separate aliases simultaneously
alias p="pwd"; l="ls -al"
5. Remove all aliases
unalias -a