
时间:2022-04-12 22:14:51

I have a 50k records are stored in my mysql database. I have to insert 1k records into excel.


So, I am querying the records using limit 0, 1000 and limit 1000, 1000 like this. I have to get records using order by of a particular column. I can do this by queryinng using order by.

所以,我使用限制0,1000查询记录,并限制1000,1000这样。我必须使用特定列的顺序获取记录。我可以通过queryinng使用order by来做到这一点。

But if I have same order by of a particular column records from 990 to 1030 because of this limit 0, 1000 function these are splitting. but I want to get all order by values into same excel. If limit is increased or decreased by 50 or 100 records it is ok for me.


Example: Actually I am getting first 1000 records as one query using limit 0, 1000. Agian I am getting next 1000 records by using limit 1000, 1000. If I've a records from 990 to 1050 of a same order by column data beacuse of this limit i am getting first 1000 records in one file and when I query next 1k records from 1000 to 2000 records i am getting. but the records 990 to 1050 of a same order by is divided. I want to get all order by records in one excel. Increase of records per query is ok for me but lesthan 100 records


2 个解决方案



From the question, it seems that you only want top 1000 records and a value should not get repeated. In this case, you can use distinct clause along with column name.




Maybe you can do it with this SQL


selcect distinct(column) from Table group by column  order by column  limt A ,B 



From the question, it seems that you only want top 1000 records and a value should not get repeated. In this case, you can use distinct clause along with column name.




Maybe you can do it with this SQL


selcect distinct(column) from Table group by column  order by column  limt A ,B