
时间:2022-09-13 21:51:08

I'm trying to deploy a build from jenkins using the artifactory invocation of gradle plugin and get a an HTTP error 302, going through the log looks like there's a checksum problem that cannot be skipped:


13:35:41.463 [DEBUG] [org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.task.BuildInfoBaseTask] Failed checksum deploy of checksum '8d80bb7f1bf2f0457baa3ad7379348c5ecbf2535' with statusCode: 302 13:35:41.466 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http.impl.conn.SingleClientConnManager] Get connection for route HttpRoute[{}->http://artifactory.edegem.eu.thmulti.com] .... 13:35:41.470 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator] Connecting 13:35:41.503 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection] Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 302 Found

13:35:41.463 [DEBUG] [org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.task.BuildInfoBaseTask]校验和'8d80bb7f1bf2f0457baa3ad7379348c5ecbf2535'与statusCode的校验和失败:302 13:35:41.466 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http。 impl.conn.SingleClientConnManager]获取路由的连接HttpRoute [{} - > http://artifactory.edegem.eu.thmulti.com] .... 13:35:41.470 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http.impl .conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator]连接13:35:41.503 [DEBUG] [org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection]接收响应:HTTP / 1.1 302找到

Any clue?


Thanks a lot.


1 个解决方案



302 is a status code for redirects, which means that your Artifactory is not located at 'http://artifactory.edegem.eu.thmulti.com' but in some other location. Browser follows the redirect to the new place (that's the reason you can browse Artifactory under this URL), but Artifactory networking is not. Please verify the 'real' location of Artifactory and point your Jenkins plugin to it.




302 is a status code for redirects, which means that your Artifactory is not located at 'http://artifactory.edegem.eu.thmulti.com' but in some other location. Browser follows the redirect to the new place (that's the reason you can browse Artifactory under this URL), but Artifactory networking is not. Please verify the 'real' location of Artifactory and point your Jenkins plugin to it.
