
时间:2022-01-17 21:33:29

I have a data frame, which includes a continuous date&time column (column A) in hour and several parameters columns (column B to Z for example) with measured values.


My question is, if I would like to calculate the difference of values in Column B for one parameter between a specific time period, say 6 AM in the morning minus 8 PM in the previous day, how should I write the code?


An example test data using some random numbers:


hour <- seq(as.POSIXct("2014/01/01 00:00:00",tz="EST"), as.POSIXct("2014/3/31 23:00:00",tz="EST"), by="hour")
PM <- runif(2160, 0, 50)
NO <- runif (2160, 0, 200)
test <- data.frame(hour,PM,NO)

How can I calculate the difference in PM between 6 AM in the next day and 8 PM in the previous day for each night? So it's actually not calculating the difference in the same day, but between day 2 (6 AM) and day 1 (8 PM).


2 个解决方案


Which system are you looking for a solution for?


In case of T-SQL it could be something like :


SELECT MAX(ColumnB)-MIN(ColumnB) AS Column_B_Diff 
FROM Data_table 
WHERE Date >= '2011/02/25 20:00:00.000' and Date <= '2011/02/26 06:00:00.000'

This is not tested for syntax, but could point you in the right direction.



A somewhat clumsy solution due to lack of time. If you are sure that EVERY day will have an entry at 6AM and 8PM, you can use subsets:


hour <- seq(as.POSIXct("2014/01/01 00:00:00",tz="EST"), as.POSIXct("2014/3/31 23:00:00",tz="EST"), by="hour")
PM <- runif(2160, 0, 50)
NO <- runif (2160, 0, 200)
test <- data.frame(hour,PM,NO)
test6 = subset(test,grepl("06:00:00",test$hour) == T)
test8 = subset(test,grepl("20:00:00",test$hour) == T)
diffPM = test8$PM - test6$PM

Of course, there are a lot better solutions that check that PM in difference belongs to SAME day, but as a start you might work with that



Which system are you looking for a solution for?


In case of T-SQL it could be something like :


SELECT MAX(ColumnB)-MIN(ColumnB) AS Column_B_Diff 
FROM Data_table 
WHERE Date >= '2011/02/25 20:00:00.000' and Date <= '2011/02/26 06:00:00.000'

This is not tested for syntax, but could point you in the right direction.



A somewhat clumsy solution due to lack of time. If you are sure that EVERY day will have an entry at 6AM and 8PM, you can use subsets:


hour <- seq(as.POSIXct("2014/01/01 00:00:00",tz="EST"), as.POSIXct("2014/3/31 23:00:00",tz="EST"), by="hour")
PM <- runif(2160, 0, 50)
NO <- runif (2160, 0, 200)
test <- data.frame(hour,PM,NO)
test6 = subset(test,grepl("06:00:00",test$hour) == T)
test8 = subset(test,grepl("20:00:00",test$hour) == T)
diffPM = test8$PM - test6$PM

Of course, there are a lot better solutions that check that PM in difference belongs to SAME day, but as a start you might work with that
