Excel - 计算跨多行传播的时间数据的持续时间

时间:2021-05-22 21:31:34

I have a spreadsheet with a dataset of a number of transactions, each of which is composed of substeps, each of which has the time that it occurred. There can be a variable number and order of steps.


I'd like to find the duration of each transaction. If I can do this in Excel then great, as it's already in that format. If there isn't a straight-forward way to do this in Excel, I'll load it into a database and do the analysis with SQL. If there is an Excel way round this it'll save a few hours setup though :)


A simplified example of my data is as follows:


TransID, Substep, Time
1, step A, 15:00:00
1, step B, 15:01:00
1, step C, 15:02:00
2, step B, 15:03:00
2, step C, 15:04:00
2, step E, 15:05:00
2, step F, 15:06:00
3, step C, 15:07:00
3, step D, 15:08:00

TransID,子步,时间1,步骤A,15:00:00 1,步骤B,15:01:00 1,步骤C,15:02:00 2,步骤B,15:03:00,步骤C, 15:04:00 2,步骤E,15:05:00 2,步骤F,15:06:00 3,步骤C,15:07:00 3,步骤D,15:08:00等

I'd like to produce a result set as follows:


TransID, Duration
1, 00:02:00
2, 00:03:00
3, 00:01:00


My initial try was with an extra column with a formula subtracting end time from start time, but without a repeating number of steps, or the same start and end steps I'm having difficulty seeing how this formula would work.


I've also tried creating a pivot table based on this data with ID as the rows and Time as the data. I can change the field settings on the time data to return grouped values such as count or max, but am struggling to see how this can be setup to show max(time) - min(time) for each ID, hence why I'm thinking about heading to SQL. If anyone can point out anything obvious I'm missing though, I'd be very grateful.

我还尝试根据这些数据创建一个数据透视表,其中ID为行,Time为数据。我可以更改时间数据上的字段设置以返回分组值,例如count或max,但我很难看到如何设置它来显示每个ID的最大(时间) - 最小(时间),因此我为什么考虑前往SQL。如果有人能指出我遗失的任何明显的东西,我会非常感激。

As suggested by Hobbo, I've now used a pivot table with TransID as the rows and twice added Time as the data. After setting the field settings on the Time to Max on the first and Min on the second, a formula can be added just outside the pivot table to calculate the differences. One thing I'd been overlooking here is that the same value can be added to the data section more than once!


A follow-on problem was that the formula I add is of the form =GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time",$A$4,"ID",1)-GETPIVOTDATA("Min of Time",$A$4,"ID",1), whici doesn't then increment when copying and pasting. Solutions to this are to either use the pivot table toolbar to turn off GETPIVOTDATA formulae, or rather than clicking on the pivot table when selecting cells in the formula, type the cell references instead (e.g. =H4-G4)

后续问题是我添加的公式是格式= GETPIVOTDATA(“最大时间”,$ A $ 4,“ID”,1)-GETPIVOTDATA(“最小时间”,$ A $ 4,“ID”) ,1),当复制和粘贴时,whici不会增加。对此的解决方案是使用数据透视表工具栏关闭GETPIVOTDATA公式,或者在公式中选择单元格时单击数据透视表,而是键入单元格引用(例如= H4-G4)

6 个解决方案



You were on the right lines with pivot tables. Drag in TransID as a row field then drag in two copies of Time as data fields in the pivot table; right click on each and specify Min as the summarization function for one and Max for the other. To the right of the pivot table add a formula to calculate the difference.


alt text http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/5866/pivottableey5.jpg

alt text http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/5866/pivottableey5.jpg

"Looks good, the only problem I have is that the formula I add is of the the form =GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1). When I copy that to the cells below, the 1 doesn't update to 2, 3 etc so they all show the same time. – Kris Coverdale "

“看起来很好,我唯一的问题是我添加的公式是形式= GETPIVOTDATA(”最长时间,$ A $ 4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,$ A $ 4, “ID”,1)。当我将其复制到下面的单元格时,1不会更新为2,3等所以它们都显示相同的时间。 - Kris Coverdale“

Use this button on the pivot table toolbar to switch GETPIVOTDATA formulae off.


alt text http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/9937/pivottabletoolbarjn3.jpg




In your formula "GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1)' the cell references are addressed between the symbol "$'. For example $A$4. When the cell references having $ symbol and you copy the formula to other cell then reference cells are not updated automatically. Hence you get the same type.

在您的公式“GETPIVOTDATA(”最大时间,$ A $ 4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,$ A $ 4,”ID“,1)'单元格引用在符号”$“之间寻址”。例如$ A $ 4。当单元格引用具有$符号并将公式复制到其他单元格时,则不会自动更新引用单元格。因此你得到相同的类型。

Perhaps you modify the formula as follows and then copy the formula to other cells. The formula should be like:


"GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, A4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, A4, "ID", 1)".

“GETPIVOTDATA(”最长时间,A4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,A4,”ID“,1)”。




Maybe something as simple as a query like this.


SELECT TransID, DateDiff(mi, Min(Time),Max(Time)) AS Duration
FROM MyTable



In excel:

  A     B        C
1 1, step A, 15:00:00
2 1, step B, 15:01:00
3 1, step C, 15:02:00
4 2, step B, 15:03:00
5 2, step C, 15:04:00
6 2, step E, 15:05:00
7 2, step F, 15:06:00
8 3, step C, 15:07:00
9 3, step D, 15:08:00

11 1, =max(if($A$1:$A$9=$A11,$C$1:$C$9,"")-min(if($A$1:$A$9=$A11,$C$1:$C$9,"")
12 2, =max(if($A$1:$A$9=$A12,$C$1:$C$9,"")-min(if($A$1:$A$9=$A12,$C$1:$C$9,"")

note: formulas are array functions so press ctrl-shift-enter after editing them.




To add to Kibbee's post, in reference to the comment, you can use ADO with Excel:


'From: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246335 '

strFile = Workbooks(1).FullName
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
    & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

cn.Open strCon

strSQL = "SELECT TransID, DateDiff('n', Min([MyTime]),Max([MyTime])) AS Duration " _
         & "FROM [Sheet1$] GROUP BY TransID"

rs.Open strSQL, cn

'Write out to another sheet '
Worksheets(2).Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs

EDIT: I have corrected some errors in the original post and changed the name of the time column to MyTime. Time is a reserved word in SQL and causes difficulties in queries. This now works on a very simple test.




Sometimes it is possible to do something once in Excel far more easily than it is to do something repeatably.


Assuming you are just trying to get the answer once or twice, and then throw away the spreadsheet (as opposed to run it every night, or give it to someone else to run), here's how I would do it.


I assume your raw data is in columns A, B and C, with headings in row 1, and data starting in row 2.


Sort the table by TransId as your primary key, and Time as your secondary, both ascending. (The following won't work if this isn't done.)

通过TransId将表作为主键进行排序,将Time作为次要键进行排序,均为升序。 (如果不这样做,以下内容将无效。)

Add a new column, D, titled Duration with a formula that like this (Excel formulae haven't formatting or comments; I have added those to help explain, but they need to be stripped out):


=IF(B2=B3,           // if this row's TransId is the same as the next one
    "",              // leave this field blank
    C3-              // else find the difference between the last timestamp and...
     VLOOKUP(        // look for the first value
        A2,          // matching this TransId
        A:C,         // within the entire table,
        3)           // Return the value in the third column - i.e. timestamp

Now the data you want is in column D, but not in the format you want.


Select Columns A-D and copy them. Use Paste Special to copy the values only into a new worksheet.


Delete column B and column C in the new worksheet, so all is left is TransID and Duration.


Sort by Duration, to bring all the rows with values next to each other.


Sort only the rows with values by TransId.


Voila, and there is your solution! Hope you don't need to repeat this!


p.s. This is untested




You were on the right lines with pivot tables. Drag in TransID as a row field then drag in two copies of Time as data fields in the pivot table; right click on each and specify Min as the summarization function for one and Max for the other. To the right of the pivot table add a formula to calculate the difference.


alt text http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/5866/pivottableey5.jpg

alt text http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/5866/pivottableey5.jpg

"Looks good, the only problem I have is that the formula I add is of the the form =GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1). When I copy that to the cells below, the 1 doesn't update to 2, 3 etc so they all show the same time. – Kris Coverdale "

“看起来很好,我唯一的问题是我添加的公式是形式= GETPIVOTDATA(”最长时间,$ A $ 4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,$ A $ 4, “ID”,1)。当我将其复制到下面的单元格时,1不会更新为2,3等所以它们都显示相同的时间。 - Kris Coverdale“

Use this button on the pivot table toolbar to switch GETPIVOTDATA formulae off.


alt text http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/9937/pivottabletoolbarjn3.jpg




In your formula "GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, $A$4, "ID", 1)' the cell references are addressed between the symbol "$'. For example $A$4. When the cell references having $ symbol and you copy the formula to other cell then reference cells are not updated automatically. Hence you get the same type.

在您的公式“GETPIVOTDATA(”最大时间,$ A $ 4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,$ A $ 4,”ID“,1)'单元格引用在符号”$“之间寻址”。例如$ A $ 4。当单元格引用具有$符号并将公式复制到其他单元格时,则不会自动更新引用单元格。因此你得到相同的类型。

Perhaps you modify the formula as follows and then copy the formula to other cells. The formula should be like:


"GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, A4, "ID", 1) - GETPIVOTDATA("Max of Time, A4, "ID", 1)".

“GETPIVOTDATA(”最长时间,A4,“ID”,1) - GETPIVOTDATA(“最长时间,A4,”ID“,1)”。




Maybe something as simple as a query like this.


SELECT TransID, DateDiff(mi, Min(Time),Max(Time)) AS Duration
FROM MyTable



In excel:

  A     B        C
1 1, step A, 15:00:00
2 1, step B, 15:01:00
3 1, step C, 15:02:00
4 2, step B, 15:03:00
5 2, step C, 15:04:00
6 2, step E, 15:05:00
7 2, step F, 15:06:00
8 3, step C, 15:07:00
9 3, step D, 15:08:00

11 1, =max(if($A$1:$A$9=$A11,$C$1:$C$9,"")-min(if($A$1:$A$9=$A11,$C$1:$C$9,"")
12 2, =max(if($A$1:$A$9=$A12,$C$1:$C$9,"")-min(if($A$1:$A$9=$A12,$C$1:$C$9,"")

note: formulas are array functions so press ctrl-shift-enter after editing them.




To add to Kibbee's post, in reference to the comment, you can use ADO with Excel:


'From: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246335 '

strFile = Workbooks(1).FullName
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
    & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

cn.Open strCon

strSQL = "SELECT TransID, DateDiff('n', Min([MyTime]),Max([MyTime])) AS Duration " _
         & "FROM [Sheet1$] GROUP BY TransID"

rs.Open strSQL, cn

'Write out to another sheet '
Worksheets(2).Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs

EDIT: I have corrected some errors in the original post and changed the name of the time column to MyTime. Time is a reserved word in SQL and causes difficulties in queries. This now works on a very simple test.




Sometimes it is possible to do something once in Excel far more easily than it is to do something repeatably.


Assuming you are just trying to get the answer once or twice, and then throw away the spreadsheet (as opposed to run it every night, or give it to someone else to run), here's how I would do it.


I assume your raw data is in columns A, B and C, with headings in row 1, and data starting in row 2.


Sort the table by TransId as your primary key, and Time as your secondary, both ascending. (The following won't work if this isn't done.)

通过TransId将表作为主键进行排序,将Time作为次要键进行排序,均为升序。 (如果不这样做,以下内容将无效。)

Add a new column, D, titled Duration with a formula that like this (Excel formulae haven't formatting or comments; I have added those to help explain, but they need to be stripped out):


=IF(B2=B3,           // if this row's TransId is the same as the next one
    "",              // leave this field blank
    C3-              // else find the difference between the last timestamp and...
     VLOOKUP(        // look for the first value
        A2,          // matching this TransId
        A:C,         // within the entire table,
        3)           // Return the value in the third column - i.e. timestamp

Now the data you want is in column D, but not in the format you want.


Select Columns A-D and copy them. Use Paste Special to copy the values only into a new worksheet.


Delete column B and column C in the new worksheet, so all is left is TransID and Duration.


Sort by Duration, to bring all the rows with values next to each other.


Sort only the rows with values by TransId.


Voila, and there is your solution! Hope you don't need to repeat this!


p.s. This is untested
