
时间:2021-05-14 21:28:03

Am thinking about building a social networking site,that can function more like an application then a site,thus giving it better performance and user interface. what am stuck up with here is which would be the best framework to try this out?


GWT-i have some experience(about 2 years) with Java and it looks easy but the forum appears dead.

gwt -我有一些Java的经验(大约2年),看起来很简单,但是论坛似乎已经死了。

Ruby on Rails- i visited the website today,went through a few tutorials and it looks easy to learn,but i never programmed on this 1 before.

Ruby on Rails——我今天访问了这个网站,浏览了一些教程,看起来很容易学,但是我以前从来没有编写过这个1。

Grails - i have heard that this is a very god framework and based on java,but i've never personally tried it.


What would you think would be the right choice? it would be cool if you consider factors like performance,scalability and the widgets already available.I don't really care about the development time...i've got more than 2months!


4 个解决方案



Especially with a Java background, Grails would be a good choice. Grails is built on top of Spring and Hibernate, but makes using them much easier. No painful editing of XML config files.


Although, I'd make sure you evaluate using Ning and the existing open source projects before you bother building another one from scratch.




I'm not sure what you mean by "more like an application then a site". If what you mean is give the app a desktop application feel, then I think GWT fits more. Though if you want to have something really fast, (half the development time that you'd use to develop it in GWT), then I'd recommend rails. I haven't tried Grails before but it seems neat.




The best for you to use is ruby on rails if it about performance,scalability and the widgets then you have no problem at all. It also has lots of gems/plugins that can help you so much

您最好使用的是ruby on rails,如果它涉及性能、可扩展性和小部件,那么您就完全没有问题了。它也有很多gem /plugins可以帮助你很多



Read this book Grails in action.

阅读《Grails in action》这本书。

It shows you how to make a social networking site using grails.


It uses an old version of Grails but you can adapt it.




Especially with a Java background, Grails would be a good choice. Grails is built on top of Spring and Hibernate, but makes using them much easier. No painful editing of XML config files.


Although, I'd make sure you evaluate using Ning and the existing open source projects before you bother building another one from scratch.




I'm not sure what you mean by "more like an application then a site". If what you mean is give the app a desktop application feel, then I think GWT fits more. Though if you want to have something really fast, (half the development time that you'd use to develop it in GWT), then I'd recommend rails. I haven't tried Grails before but it seems neat.




The best for you to use is ruby on rails if it about performance,scalability and the widgets then you have no problem at all. It also has lots of gems/plugins that can help you so much

您最好使用的是ruby on rails,如果它涉及性能、可扩展性和小部件,那么您就完全没有问题了。它也有很多gem /plugins可以帮助你很多



Read this book Grails in action.

阅读《Grails in action》这本书。

It shows you how to make a social networking site using grails.


It uses an old version of Grails but you can adapt it.
