Swift - Firebase数据库查询项目范围

时间:2022-09-08 21:24:52

Consider the following database tree:


root: {
    followees: {
        <uid-1> : {
            // list of all users "uid-1" is following (each child node is a different FCM topic)
            <uid-1-1>: true, // true = subscribed to FCM topic
            <uid-1-2>: false,
            // theoretically, "uid-1" could be following millions of users, but 100k is probably a more reasonable maximum
        <uid-2> : {
            // list of all users "uid-2" is following

What would be the most efficient and memory-saving method to iterate all children in subtree?


I've created a recursive solution using a limiting query that reads 1000 children at a time. This works, but due to the recursive aspect, all children are stored in memory until the base case it hit; it's essentially the same as loading all children at once.


I've thought of clearing out the collection returned by observeSingleEvent(.value), but that doesn't work because the collection is immutable.


The best solution I can think of is to query the database for the first 1000 children, then the second 1000, and so on:


query(startIndex:0, endIndex:999)
query(startIndex:1000, endIndex:1999)
query(startIndex:2000, endIndex:2999)

How can this be done using Firebase? Can it be done at all? Should my database structure be redesigned so a subtree can't contain millions of entries?


Any advice is appreciated!


P.S. Here's my recursive solution if you're interested. Note it's not valid Swift code -- it just shows the concept.

附:如果您有兴趣,这是我的递归解决方案。注意它不是有效的Swift代码 - 它只是显示了这个概念。

func iterateChildren(startingAt: String, block: (child) -> Void) {
    // The actual query would use queryStartingAt and queryLimited.
    ref.query { children in
        // Used in recursive call.
        var nextStartingId: String? = nil

        for (index, child) in children.enumerated() {
            if (UInt(index) == limit - 1) {
                // Firebase Database's queryStarting(atValue:) method is inclusive of
                // atValue, so skip the last item as it will be included in the next
                // iteration.
                nextStartingId = child.key

        if (nextStartingId != nil) {
            self.iterateChildren(startingAtId: nextStartingId, block: block)

1 个解决方案



Instead of a single big child, try to use small and concise child. Why you don't try to group your sub child with some logic?


A nice solution might be to group data by insertion date (but depends of your use case):


root : {
   child : {
      "20/09/2017" : {
          "uid" : true  
      "21/09/2017" : {
          "uid" : false
          "uid" : true

With this solution you could iterate your child node with observe(.childAdded) where every completionHandler give you a small block of data.


Anyway, what I'm sure is that using a .value observer is a bad solution.


Firebase suggest to avoid god child, so try to follow this simple rule: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/ios/structure-data




Instead of a single big child, try to use small and concise child. Why you don't try to group your sub child with some logic?


A nice solution might be to group data by insertion date (but depends of your use case):


root : {
   child : {
      "20/09/2017" : {
          "uid" : true  
      "21/09/2017" : {
          "uid" : false
          "uid" : true

With this solution you could iterate your child node with observe(.childAdded) where every completionHandler give you a small block of data.


Anyway, what I'm sure is that using a .value observer is a bad solution.


Firebase suggest to avoid god child, so try to follow this simple rule: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/ios/structure-data
