
时间:2022-02-01 20:43:19

At work today we were trying to come up with any reason you would use strspn.


I searched google code to see if it's ever been implemented in a useful way and came up blank. I just can't imagine a situation in which I would really need to know the length of the first segment of a string that contains only characters from another string. Any ideas?


5 个解决方案



Although you link to the PHP manual, the strspn() function comes from C libraries, along with strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), etc.


strspn() is a convenient alternative to picking through a string character by character, testing if the characters match one of a set of values. It's useful when writing tokenizers. The alternative to strspn() would be lots of repetitive and error-prone code like the following:

strspn()是逐个字符串挑选的一种方便的替代方法,测试字符是否匹配一组值中的一个。在编写tokenizer时很有用。 strspn()的替代方案将是许多重复且容易出错的代码,如下所示:

for (p = stringbuf; *p; p++) {
  if (*p == 'a' || *p == 'b' || *p = 'c' ... || *p == 'z') {
    /* still parsing current token */

Can you spot the error? :-)

你能发现错误吗? :-)

Of course in a language with builtin support for regular expression matching, strspn() makes little sense. But when writing a rudimentary parser for a DSL in C, it's pretty nifty.




It's based on the the ANSI C function strspn(). It can be useful in low-level C parsing code, where there is no high-level string class. It's considerably less useful in PHP, which has lots of useful string parsing functions.

它基于ANSI C函数strspn()。它在低级C语法分析代码中很有用,其中没有高级字符串类。它在PHP中没那么有用,它有很多有用的字符串解析函数。



I think its great for blacklisting and letting the user know from where the error started. Like MySQL returns part of the query from where the error occured.


Please see this function, that lets the user know which part of his comment is not valid:


function blacklistChars($yourComment){

$blacklistedChars = "!@#$%^&*()";
$validLength = strcspn($yourComment, $blacklistedChars);
if ($validLength !== strlen($yourComment))

    $error = "Your comment contains invalid chars starting from here: `" . 
        substr($yourComment, (int) '-' . $validLength) . "`";

    return $error;

return false;

$yourComment = "Hello, why can you not type and $ dollar sign in the text?"; 
$yourCommentError = blacklistChars($yourComment);

if ($yourCommentError <> false)
echo $yourCommentError;



Well, by my understanding, its the same thing as this regex:



Where set is the string containing the characters to be found.


You could use it to search for any number or text at the beginning of a string and split.


It seems it would be useful when porting code to php.




It is useful specificaly for functions like atoi - where you have a string you want to convert to a number, and you don't want to deal with anything that isn't in the set "-.0123456789"

它特别适用于像atoi这样的函数 - 你有一个你想要转换为数字的字符串,而你不想处理那些不在集合中的任何东西“-.0123456789”

But yes, it has limited use.





Although you link to the PHP manual, the strspn() function comes from C libraries, along with strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), etc.


strspn() is a convenient alternative to picking through a string character by character, testing if the characters match one of a set of values. It's useful when writing tokenizers. The alternative to strspn() would be lots of repetitive and error-prone code like the following:

strspn()是逐个字符串挑选的一种方便的替代方法,测试字符是否匹配一组值中的一个。在编写tokenizer时很有用。 strspn()的替代方案将是许多重复且容易出错的代码,如下所示:

for (p = stringbuf; *p; p++) {
  if (*p == 'a' || *p == 'b' || *p = 'c' ... || *p == 'z') {
    /* still parsing current token */

Can you spot the error? :-)

你能发现错误吗? :-)

Of course in a language with builtin support for regular expression matching, strspn() makes little sense. But when writing a rudimentary parser for a DSL in C, it's pretty nifty.




It's based on the the ANSI C function strspn(). It can be useful in low-level C parsing code, where there is no high-level string class. It's considerably less useful in PHP, which has lots of useful string parsing functions.

它基于ANSI C函数strspn()。它在低级C语法分析代码中很有用,其中没有高级字符串类。它在PHP中没那么有用,它有很多有用的字符串解析函数。



I think its great for blacklisting and letting the user know from where the error started. Like MySQL returns part of the query from where the error occured.


Please see this function, that lets the user know which part of his comment is not valid:


function blacklistChars($yourComment){

$blacklistedChars = "!@#$%^&*()";
$validLength = strcspn($yourComment, $blacklistedChars);
if ($validLength !== strlen($yourComment))

    $error = "Your comment contains invalid chars starting from here: `" . 
        substr($yourComment, (int) '-' . $validLength) . "`";

    return $error;

return false;

$yourComment = "Hello, why can you not type and $ dollar sign in the text?"; 
$yourCommentError = blacklistChars($yourComment);

if ($yourCommentError <> false)
echo $yourCommentError;



Well, by my understanding, its the same thing as this regex:



Where set is the string containing the characters to be found.


You could use it to search for any number or text at the beginning of a string and split.


It seems it would be useful when porting code to php.




It is useful specificaly for functions like atoi - where you have a string you want to convert to a number, and you don't want to deal with anything that isn't in the set "-.0123456789"

它特别适用于像atoi这样的函数 - 你有一个你想要转换为数字的字符串,而你不想处理那些不在集合中的任何东西“-.0123456789”

But yes, it has limited use.

