有没有一种方法可以让Excel VBA IDE与TFS 2010一起工作?

时间:2021-08-22 20:24:32

I have team members that need to be able to checkin VBA modules/classes created in Excel 2007/2010.
I want to be able to use some TFS functionality, ideally from within the VBA IDE.

我的团队成员需要能够签入在Excel 2007/2010中创建的VBA模块/类。我希望能够使用一些TFS功能,最好是从VBA IDE中使用。

I don't want to checkin Excel files as artefacts. Ive seen the MSSCCI provider download from MS.


I don't think in this case the Windows shell extensions from the Power Toys helps because I don't want to have to create an additional process for developers to export and/or import class & module files from their work in VBA project maintenance.

我不认为在这种情况下,Power Toys的Windows shell扩展会有所帮助,因为我不想为开发人员创建一个额外的过程,以便从他们在VBA项目维护中的工作中导出和/或导入类和模块文件。

Question: Can someone provide a way to use the MSSCCI provider with Excel 2007 (or even Excel 2010 only)? Do you think this would only be possible with custom VBA addin?




I've thought about using an approach such as making a custom VBA addin and adding some commands that make basic calls to the TFS client object model.


Just found this post from Codeproject from another question this time looking for the same thing but for SVN rather than TFS.


1 个解决方案



There is a Visual SorceSafe provider for VBE that comes with Office XP Developer. I used it for many years and still have it installed. It does what you want, but using VSS and not TFS.

有一个VBE的Visual SorceSafe提供程序,它是由Office XP开发人员提供的。我用了很多年,现在还在安装。它做你想做的,但是使用VSS而不是TFS。

Note that the product is not supported, but VBA/VBE has not changed since Office 2000. I used the provider for two years for Excel 2003 development with no problems.


I seem to remember recently an article describing how you can use VBA/VSS with the extra benefit of having the code also "posted" to TFS. Since I no longer professionally code in VBA/VSS, I didn't have a need for the article, but did find the topic interesting.


Office XP Developer has a few other tools that make it worth the time to install.

Office XP开发人员还有其他一些工具,值得花时间安装。

Access Source Code Control and Team Foundation Server

Today's guest writer is Mike Sullivan - a tester on the Access team

今天的特邀撰稿人是Mike Sullivan——访问团队的测试人员

With the release of Visual Studio Team System 2008, we've recently received questions from several customers regarding whether or not Team Foundation Server (TFS) can act as a source code control provider for the Access source code control (SCC) component. The answer is yes!

随着Visual Studio Team System 2008的发布,我们最近收到了几个客户关于Team Foundation Server (TFS)是否可以作为访问源代码控制(SCC)组件的源代码控制提供商的问题。答案是肯定的!

Although many folks refer to Access’ source code control component as “SourceSafe integration,” that only tells part of the story. SCC integration within Access is fully compatible with any provider that implements the Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI). Although Visual SourceSafe is one of the more widely used MSSCCI providers, there are several other products that implement this interface, including Team Foundation Server 2005 & 2008 as well as IBM ClearCase.

尽管许多人将Access的源代码控制组件称为“SourceSafe集成”,但这只是故事的一部分。Access中的SCC集成与实现Microsoft源代码控制接口(MSSCCI)的任何提供者都是完全兼容的。尽管Visual SourceSafe是使用更广泛的MSSCCI提供程序之一,但是还有其他几个实现这个接口的产品,包括Team Foundation Server 2005和2008以及IBM ClearCase。

However, MSSCCI support in Team Foundation Server is not native and requires an additional add-in available for download:

但是,Team Foundation Server中的MSSCCI支持不是本地的,并且需要一个附加的可下载的插件:

Of course, to enable SCC functionality from within Access, you’ll also need the Source Code Control add-in. This shipped as a free download as a part of the Access Developer Extensions for Access 2007 and as a separate free add-in for Access 2003:

当然,要从内部访问中启用SCC功能,还需要源代码控制插件。作为Access Developer扩展的一部分,作为一个免费下载,作为Access 2007和Access 2003的一个单独的免费插件:

If you’re interested in taking this configuration for a whirl, you might want to download the Team Foundation Server Virtual PC image that has been made available by the Visual Studio team. Included on this virtual PC are copies of Visual Studio Team System 2008 and Office 2007 Enterprise SP1 (though Access is not installed by default on this image – you’ll need to go to Add/Remove programs within Control panel and launch setup to install Access). This trial image is good through December 31, 2008.

如果您对这个配置感兴趣,您可能想下载Visual Studio团队提供的Team Foundation Server虚拟PC映像。这个虚拟PC上包含了Visual Studio Team System 2008和Office 2007 Enterprise SP1的副本(虽然在这个映像上默认不安装访问——您需要在控制面板中添加/删除程序,并启动安装设置来安装访问)。这一试验图像一直到2008年12月31日。

To get the Virtual PC image working, you’ll also need to install the Access Developer Extensions (the MSSCCI add-in is preinstalled). Since VSS is the default MSSCCI provider on the machine, you’ll need to tweak a registry key to get Access to use Team Foundation instead:

要使虚拟PC映像正常工作,还需要安装Access Developer扩展(预装MSSCCI外接程序)。由于VSS是机器上默认的MSSCCI提供程序,您需要调整一个注册表键来获得对Team Foundation的访问:

Key: ProviderRegKey
Value: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider

路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\SOURCECODECONTROLPROVIDER Key: ProviderRegKey Value: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider

Hopefully those of you curious about support for TFS have had your questions answered!




There is a Visual SorceSafe provider for VBE that comes with Office XP Developer. I used it for many years and still have it installed. It does what you want, but using VSS and not TFS.

有一个VBE的Visual SorceSafe提供程序,它是由Office XP开发人员提供的。我用了很多年,现在还在安装。它做你想做的,但是使用VSS而不是TFS。

Note that the product is not supported, but VBA/VBE has not changed since Office 2000. I used the provider for two years for Excel 2003 development with no problems.


I seem to remember recently an article describing how you can use VBA/VSS with the extra benefit of having the code also "posted" to TFS. Since I no longer professionally code in VBA/VSS, I didn't have a need for the article, but did find the topic interesting.


Office XP Developer has a few other tools that make it worth the time to install.

Office XP开发人员还有其他一些工具,值得花时间安装。

Access Source Code Control and Team Foundation Server

Today's guest writer is Mike Sullivan - a tester on the Access team

今天的特邀撰稿人是Mike Sullivan——访问团队的测试人员

With the release of Visual Studio Team System 2008, we've recently received questions from several customers regarding whether or not Team Foundation Server (TFS) can act as a source code control provider for the Access source code control (SCC) component. The answer is yes!

随着Visual Studio Team System 2008的发布,我们最近收到了几个客户关于Team Foundation Server (TFS)是否可以作为访问源代码控制(SCC)组件的源代码控制提供商的问题。答案是肯定的!

Although many folks refer to Access’ source code control component as “SourceSafe integration,” that only tells part of the story. SCC integration within Access is fully compatible with any provider that implements the Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI). Although Visual SourceSafe is one of the more widely used MSSCCI providers, there are several other products that implement this interface, including Team Foundation Server 2005 & 2008 as well as IBM ClearCase.

尽管许多人将Access的源代码控制组件称为“SourceSafe集成”,但这只是故事的一部分。Access中的SCC集成与实现Microsoft源代码控制接口(MSSCCI)的任何提供者都是完全兼容的。尽管Visual SourceSafe是使用更广泛的MSSCCI提供程序之一,但是还有其他几个实现这个接口的产品,包括Team Foundation Server 2005和2008以及IBM ClearCase。

However, MSSCCI support in Team Foundation Server is not native and requires an additional add-in available for download:

但是,Team Foundation Server中的MSSCCI支持不是本地的,并且需要一个附加的可下载的插件:

Of course, to enable SCC functionality from within Access, you’ll also need the Source Code Control add-in. This shipped as a free download as a part of the Access Developer Extensions for Access 2007 and as a separate free add-in for Access 2003:

当然,要从内部访问中启用SCC功能,还需要源代码控制插件。作为Access Developer扩展的一部分,作为一个免费下载,作为Access 2007和Access 2003的一个单独的免费插件:

If you’re interested in taking this configuration for a whirl, you might want to download the Team Foundation Server Virtual PC image that has been made available by the Visual Studio team. Included on this virtual PC are copies of Visual Studio Team System 2008 and Office 2007 Enterprise SP1 (though Access is not installed by default on this image – you’ll need to go to Add/Remove programs within Control panel and launch setup to install Access). This trial image is good through December 31, 2008.

如果您对这个配置感兴趣,您可能想下载Visual Studio团队提供的Team Foundation Server虚拟PC映像。这个虚拟PC上包含了Visual Studio Team System 2008和Office 2007 Enterprise SP1的副本(虽然在这个映像上默认不安装访问——您需要在控制面板中添加/删除程序,并启动安装设置来安装访问)。这一试验图像一直到2008年12月31日。

To get the Virtual PC image working, you’ll also need to install the Access Developer Extensions (the MSSCCI add-in is preinstalled). Since VSS is the default MSSCCI provider on the machine, you’ll need to tweak a registry key to get Access to use Team Foundation instead:

要使虚拟PC映像正常工作,还需要安装Access Developer扩展(预装MSSCCI外接程序)。由于VSS是机器上默认的MSSCCI提供程序,您需要调整一个注册表键来获得对Team Foundation的访问:

Key: ProviderRegKey
Value: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider

路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\SOURCECODECONTROLPROVIDER Key: ProviderRegKey Value: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider

Hopefully those of you curious about support for TFS have had your questions answered!
