
时间:2021-08-27 20:26:21

I have a table created from List of data. How to find the header text of each column



When I select the activecell's header is high lighted to orange but I want to retrieve that value using visual basic. I am able to find excel sheet's address but I need table's column header

当我选择activecell的标题高亮到橙色但我想使用visual basic检索该值。我能找到excel表的地址,但我需要表的列标题

   Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
      MsgBox Target.Value 
      MsgBox ActiveCell.Address
   End Sub

4 个解决方案



This will return the column header, if the passed cell is in a table


Function TableHeader(cl As Range) As Variant
    Dim lst As ListObject
    Dim strHeading As String

    Set lst = cl.ListObject

    If Not lst Is Nothing Then
        TableHeader = lst.HeaderRowRange.Cells(1, cl.Column - lst.Range.Column + 1).Value
        TableHeader = ""
    End If
End Function



strCurrentColName = Cells(ActiveCell.ListObject.Range.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Value



If by column header you mean the cell in the first row in the same column that a change has been made then you can construct the header using Cells, ie


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    MsgBox Target.Value
    MsgBox ActiveCell.Address & vbNewLine & "Column header is " & Cells(1, Target.Column)
End Sub

If your header was in row 2 you would use Cells(2, ActiveCell.Column) etc


[Updated after comment below]


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Target.End(xlUp)
MsgBox "First value before a blank cell/top of sheet is " & rng1.Value
End Sub



I was online searching for a good way to find the header value of any given cell in the table and after a little brainstorming came up with this working solution that I thought I would share.


    Target.Offset(1 - Target.Row).Value

In the event that your headers aren't in row 1 then change the 1 to whatever row they happen to be in.




This will return the column header, if the passed cell is in a table


Function TableHeader(cl As Range) As Variant
    Dim lst As ListObject
    Dim strHeading As String

    Set lst = cl.ListObject

    If Not lst Is Nothing Then
        TableHeader = lst.HeaderRowRange.Cells(1, cl.Column - lst.Range.Column + 1).Value
        TableHeader = ""
    End If
End Function



strCurrentColName = Cells(ActiveCell.ListObject.Range.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Value



If by column header you mean the cell in the first row in the same column that a change has been made then you can construct the header using Cells, ie


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    MsgBox Target.Value
    MsgBox ActiveCell.Address & vbNewLine & "Column header is " & Cells(1, Target.Column)
End Sub

If your header was in row 2 you would use Cells(2, ActiveCell.Column) etc


[Updated after comment below]


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Target.End(xlUp)
MsgBox "First value before a blank cell/top of sheet is " & rng1.Value
End Sub



I was online searching for a good way to find the header value of any given cell in the table and after a little brainstorming came up with this working solution that I thought I would share.


    Target.Offset(1 - Target.Row).Value

In the event that your headers aren't in row 1 then change the 1 to whatever row they happen to be in.
