IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.3 Ultimate:运行配置停止前未连接Application Server,原因:无法在localhost上ping服务器:1099

时间:2021-03-27 20:12:47

I'm trying to run an exploded war, to deploy it from IDEA Ultimate through a local Tomcat Server run configuration. When I start the main artifact I'm always getting this error.

我正在尝试进行爆炸式战争,通过本地Tomcat服务器运行配置从IDEA Ultimate部署它。当我启动主要工件时,我总是遇到这个错误。

I looked at other threads in here, for example, and I think I have a different problem. After IDEA reports failure, Tomcat is up and running and I can connect without a problem to localhost:1099 with Java VisualVM.

例如,我查看了这里的其他主题,我认为我有一个不同的问题。在IDEA报告失败后,Tomcat启动并运行,我可以毫无问题地连接到localhost:1099 with Java VisualVM。

Regarding this one, I'm running a Debian 6 x64 system and localhost refers to without issue. Also Java VisualVM works, so I'm confident I'm not having this problem. The tomcat distribution I'm using is apache-tomcat-6.0.43.

关于这个,我正在运行Debian 6 x64系统,localhost引用127.0.0.1没有问题。 Java VisualVM也可以工作,所以我有信心我没有遇到这个问题。我正在使用的tomcat发行版是apache-tomcat-6.0.43。

There was a different problem I read about on the JetBrains trac and at least the -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= VM option specified there didn't help.

我在JetBrains trac上看到了一个不同的问题,至少指定的-Djava.rmi.server.hostname = VM选项没有帮助。

According to this thread (yet I'm obviously not running OS X) there might be an issue with JDK and the JMX interface, somewhere between 1.7.0_40 and 1.7.0_60. I have my problem though with 1.7.0_53, 1.7.0_23 and 1.7.0_80. And JMX probably works fine in my case (as I said above, VisualVM connects to the tomcat launched and "forgotten" by IDEA at localhost:1099 without failure).

根据这个线程(但我显然没有运行OS X),JDK和JMX接口可能存在问题,介于1.7.0_40和1.7.0_60之间。我有问题,但1.7.0_53,1.7.0_23和1.7.0_80。在我的情况下,JMX可能正常工作(正如我上面所说的那样,VisualVM连接到由IDEA在localhost上启动和“遗忘”的tomcat:1099没有失败)。

Any clue about fixing this error?


1 个解决方案


I got this error when i put a jar into ..\domains\domain_name\lib folder (weblogic)

当我将一个jar放入.. \ domains \ domain_name \ lib文件夹(weblogic)时出现此错误

It is interesting that not all jar files lead to this problem.


Anyway, after i deleted the jar file (in my situation it was httpclient-4.4.1.jar) error has gone away.



I got this error when i put a jar into ..\domains\domain_name\lib folder (weblogic)

当我将一个jar放入.. \ domains \ domain_name \ lib文件夹(weblogic)时出现此错误

It is interesting that not all jar files lead to this problem.


Anyway, after i deleted the jar file (in my situation it was httpclient-4.4.1.jar) error has gone away.
