
时间:2021-08-07 20:05:37

In my internship i have to program a tool which should basically have filtering and search options for a database (which i have to update sometimes - probably in csv format) and which should be usable offline as well as online.

在我的实习中,我必须编写一个工具,该工具基本上应该具有数据库的过滤和搜索选项(我有时必须更新 - 可能是csv格式),并且应该可以离线和在线使用。

I was first thinking about creating a webtool with indexeddb but had several issues there (and indexeddb doenst support full text search)

我第一次考虑使用indexeddb创建一个webtool但是有几个问题(而indexeddb doenst支持全文搜索)

Setting up a local webserver for a mysql database for example was my next idea, but then i also have to create server side code and cannot do something like live search and manipulating data on the clientside only. (without much effort)

例如,为mysql数据库设置本地Web服务器是我的下一个想法,但是我还必须创建服务器端代码,而不能仅在客户端执行实时搜索和操作数据。 (没有多少努力)

do any of you guys have an idea for the simplest solution for an easy offline tool with nice GUI for filtering databases and doing full text search in the DB? Programming language is secondary if you have good solutions for it


1 个解决方案



SQLite locally and MySQL/MariaDB on the external server. Probably you'll have to come up with some synchronization mechanism, but fortunately there is quite a lot of information about that on the Internet as this is quite common problem nowadays with mobile apps synchronizing with external databases. Try searching for "android sqlite synchronize mysql" and you'll find tons of info (both theory and code snippets) and also links to some free and open-source replication solutions (e.g. http://www.symmetricds.org/).

本地SQLite和外部服务器上的MySQL / MariaDB。可能你必须提出一些同步机制,但幸运的是在互联网上有很多关于这一点的信息,因为现在移动应用程序与外部数据库同步是一个非常普遍的问题。尝试搜索“android sqlite synchronize mysql”,你会发现大量信息(包括理论和代码片段),还链接到一些免费和开源复制解决方案(例如http://www.symmetricds.org/)。



SQLite locally and MySQL/MariaDB on the external server. Probably you'll have to come up with some synchronization mechanism, but fortunately there is quite a lot of information about that on the Internet as this is quite common problem nowadays with mobile apps synchronizing with external databases. Try searching for "android sqlite synchronize mysql" and you'll find tons of info (both theory and code snippets) and also links to some free and open-source replication solutions (e.g. http://www.symmetricds.org/).

本地SQLite和外部服务器上的MySQL / MariaDB。可能你必须提出一些同步机制,但幸运的是在互联网上有很多关于这一点的信息,因为现在移动应用程序与外部数据库同步是一个非常普遍的问题。尝试搜索“android sqlite synchronize mysql”,你会发现大量信息(包括理论和代码片段),还链接到一些免费和开源复制解决方案(例如http://www.symmetricds.org/)。