最佳实践是什么?对每个用户使用不同的数据库,或者使用userid coloumn相同的数据库

时间:2021-06-04 20:05:41

What is the best practice? use different database for every users or use same database with userid coloumn.

最佳实践是什么?对每个用户使用不同的数据库,或者使用userid coloumn相同的数据库。

I am working on mysql database and php. I having a little bit confusion about my project.


My project is user based. If a user has been registered then he can store data on a many tables. I have created all tables with userid column to find data for particular user. But now I am thinking about it if tables having huge amount of rows then my project will getting slow to fetch records.


Now the confusion is "what is the best practice use different database for every users or use same database with userid coloumn."

现在的困惑是“什么是最佳实践,对每个用户使用不同的数据库,或者使用userid coloumn相同的数据库。”

2 个解决方案



Use one database.


Using different database will not help scalability if you have a "huge amount of rows". Acquiring a database connection is much slower in general than simple queries, especially those running against indexed columns like primary keys and unique keys. (A popular webhost considers the performance equivalence of connections to queries as 25:1)


If you are worried about scalability, you'll need to read up on database connection pools, database indexes, and, in extremely large datasets, database sharding.


I've never heard of using different databases per user. I've heard of hosted applications that host data for third-party customers use different databases for each customer in order to keep data completely separate (the alternative, hosting all customers' data in one database, is called multitenancy).




Use one database only,


For scaling it further you can use many things like:-


  1. sharding of user table. MySQL sharding approaches?
  2. 用户表的切分。MySQL分片的方法吗?
  3. Mysql Partitioning (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html)
  4. Mysql分区(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html)
  5. using Master- slave configurations (insert/update/delete on master and select on slave)
  6. 使用主-从配置(在主服务器上插入/更新/删除,在从服务器上选择)
  7. a caching layer over mysql like (Redis/Memcache)
  8. 类似于mysql的缓存层(Redis/Memcache)
  9. optimizing table structures, using primary key in where clause
  10. 使用where子句中的主键优化表结构
  11. putting right indexing on table structure.
  12. 在表结构上设置正确的索引。



Use one database.


Using different database will not help scalability if you have a "huge amount of rows". Acquiring a database connection is much slower in general than simple queries, especially those running against indexed columns like primary keys and unique keys. (A popular webhost considers the performance equivalence of connections to queries as 25:1)


If you are worried about scalability, you'll need to read up on database connection pools, database indexes, and, in extremely large datasets, database sharding.


I've never heard of using different databases per user. I've heard of hosted applications that host data for third-party customers use different databases for each customer in order to keep data completely separate (the alternative, hosting all customers' data in one database, is called multitenancy).




Use one database only,


For scaling it further you can use many things like:-


  1. sharding of user table. MySQL sharding approaches?
  2. 用户表的切分。MySQL分片的方法吗?
  3. Mysql Partitioning (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html)
  4. Mysql分区(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html)
  5. using Master- slave configurations (insert/update/delete on master and select on slave)
  6. 使用主-从配置(在主服务器上插入/更新/删除,在从服务器上选择)
  7. a caching layer over mysql like (Redis/Memcache)
  8. 类似于mysql的缓存层(Redis/Memcache)
  9. optimizing table structures, using primary key in where clause
  10. 使用where子句中的主键优化表结构
  11. putting right indexing on table structure.
  12. 在表结构上设置正确的索引。