MVC 3采用Razor最佳实践

时间:2022-07-03 20:04:57

I am looking for best practices for using Razor with MVC 3. Now what I am hoping for is some type of article, not just a list of your professed best practices, but if you have any feel free to post them.

我正在寻找使用Razor和MVC 3的最佳实践。现在我希望的是某种类型的文章,而不仅仅是您自称的最佳实践列表,但如果您有任何发布它们的话。

Why is this SO worthy? It seems hard to find info on how to best use Razor with MVC views. I know about the typical MVC best practices, I am looking for Razor specific ones. Those who use Razor know that its more than a token replacer. I want to know more about how you setup the site templates using Razor.


Like I said, I am looking for a good resource on the subject.


4 个解决方案



have you ever heard of that website has been created with ASP.NET MVC an it is open source on codeplex.

你听说过Nerddinner.com吗?该网站是使用ASP.NET MVC创建的,它在codeplex上是开源的。

Here is the release that has razor and MVC3 version of it;


You could download the source code and play with it.


Edit :

Also have a look at below blog posts;




Razor syntax is not all that you are looking for, you want the best patterns and practices with using MVC 3 as well. It is a shame there are Zero books out on MVC3, only web references with vary from small to large degree. At this point you must use * and constantly use google and set a date range to search past month or so. Also, setup a google "alert" on mvc 3 razor etc..

Razor语法并不是您所需要的,您也希望使用MVC 3获得最佳模式和实践。遗憾的是MVC3上有零书,只有网络参考从小到大不等。此时,您必须使用*并不断使用谷歌并设置一个日期范围来搜索过去一个月左右。此外,在mvc 3剃须刀等设置谷歌“警报”..

I find that pluralsight examples, nerddinner, Silk (MileageStats), MvcMusicStore, ProDinner, and several others to be "useful" yet not one is (or can be) the best practices in every area. Everyone tries the "happy path" but many of the example veer from this. Many examples are doing various IOC containers. Some use Unity others Structuremap, others Ninject. Depending on skill level and existing knowledge, it can be overwhelming.


Personally I'm on a new project with vs 2010 / mvc3 with Oracle 9... Thus MOST of the examples are not terribly helpful as the database integration with EntityFramework use datacontext / IQueryable is great and all, but with Oracle EF in beta, and sprocs not even working with Oracle 9 with EF (per trying , and email responses from Oracle trainers etc..) I end up having to go old school and retrofit ADO.NET and convert to List ... and use IEnumerable. Thus many of the things stubbed out for easy use in the models/controllers/views in the demo projects are half in vain for me with my environment with Oracle.

就个人而言,我正在使用带有Oracle 9的vs / 2010 / mvc3的新项目......因此,大多数示例都不是非常有用,因为与EntityFramework的数据库集成使用datacontext / IQueryable非常棒,但是在测试版中使用Oracle EF,并且sprocs甚至没有使用带有EF的Oracle 9(每次尝试,以及来自Oracle培训师的电子邮件响应等)。我最终不得不去旧学校并改造ADO.NET并转换为List ...并使用IEnumerable。因此,在我的环境中使用Oracle时,许多在演示项目中的模型/控制器/视图中易于使用的东西都是徒劳的。



Well... I use MVC 2 and work and MVC 3 at home and I really haven't found too many differences in terms of best practices for the Razor syntax. I generally just read ScottGu's or Phil Haack's blogs if I want to read about ways to use the features of Razor. Not sure if that helps you any but I am drawing a blank.

嗯......我在家里使用MVC 2和工作以及MVC 3,我真的没有在Razor语法的最佳实践方面找到太多差异。如果我想阅读有关使用Razor功能的方法,我通常只阅读ScottGu或Phil Haack的博客。不确定这对你有什么帮助,但我在画一个空白。



Please check below link for example with good presentation.




have you ever heard of that website has been created with ASP.NET MVC an it is open source on codeplex.

你听说过Nerddinner.com吗?该网站是使用ASP.NET MVC创建的,它在codeplex上是开源的。

Here is the release that has razor and MVC3 version of it;


You could download the source code and play with it.


Edit :

Also have a look at below blog posts;




Razor syntax is not all that you are looking for, you want the best patterns and practices with using MVC 3 as well. It is a shame there are Zero books out on MVC3, only web references with vary from small to large degree. At this point you must use * and constantly use google and set a date range to search past month or so. Also, setup a google "alert" on mvc 3 razor etc..

Razor语法并不是您所需要的,您也希望使用MVC 3获得最佳模式和实践。遗憾的是MVC3上有零书,只有网络参考从小到大不等。此时,您必须使用*并不断使用谷歌并设置一个日期范围来搜索过去一个月左右。此外,在mvc 3剃须刀等设置谷歌“警报”..

I find that pluralsight examples, nerddinner, Silk (MileageStats), MvcMusicStore, ProDinner, and several others to be "useful" yet not one is (or can be) the best practices in every area. Everyone tries the "happy path" but many of the example veer from this. Many examples are doing various IOC containers. Some use Unity others Structuremap, others Ninject. Depending on skill level and existing knowledge, it can be overwhelming.


Personally I'm on a new project with vs 2010 / mvc3 with Oracle 9... Thus MOST of the examples are not terribly helpful as the database integration with EntityFramework use datacontext / IQueryable is great and all, but with Oracle EF in beta, and sprocs not even working with Oracle 9 with EF (per trying , and email responses from Oracle trainers etc..) I end up having to go old school and retrofit ADO.NET and convert to List ... and use IEnumerable. Thus many of the things stubbed out for easy use in the models/controllers/views in the demo projects are half in vain for me with my environment with Oracle.

就个人而言,我正在使用带有Oracle 9的vs / 2010 / mvc3的新项目......因此,大多数示例都不是非常有用,因为与EntityFramework的数据库集成使用datacontext / IQueryable非常棒,但是在测试版中使用Oracle EF,并且sprocs甚至没有使用带有EF的Oracle 9(每次尝试,以及来自Oracle培训师的电子邮件响应等)。我最终不得不去旧学校并改造ADO.NET并转换为List ...并使用IEnumerable。因此,在我的环境中使用Oracle时,许多在演示项目中的模型/控制器/视图中易于使用的东西都是徒劳的。



Well... I use MVC 2 and work and MVC 3 at home and I really haven't found too many differences in terms of best practices for the Razor syntax. I generally just read ScottGu's or Phil Haack's blogs if I want to read about ways to use the features of Razor. Not sure if that helps you any but I am drawing a blank.

嗯......我在家里使用MVC 2和工作以及MVC 3,我真的没有在Razor语法的最佳实践方面找到太多差异。如果我想阅读有关使用Razor功能的方法,我通常只阅读ScottGu或Phil Haack的博客。不确定这对你有什么帮助,但我在画一个空白。



Please check below link for example with good presentation.
