I'm finishing one project in JSF, but now I have to recreate all links (like localhost:8080/project/recoverpassword
to the www.project.com/recoverpassword
for instance and many others. So I wonder if there's any other way to do that in a easier way ?
我正在JSF完成一个项目,但现在我必须重新创建所有链接(例如localhost:8080 / project / recoverpassword到www.project.com/recoverpassword等等。所以我想知道是否有其他方法可以以更简单的方式做到这一点?
Other thing is that I'm using Windows 7
to development plataform and this project is gonna be deployed in Linux
(probably CentOS 6) and the paths
are totally different, for links, for image, for video, etc, referring to the local content of course (I think would be expensive host these files outside where the application is running), 'cause the file system is different, this 'cause problems even with database in names of tables that are referred in entities in JPA. So the lesson here is that I HAVE to develop my project where it's gonna be deployed ? Or am I wrong ? There's another way to work around this issue ?
另一件事是我正在使用Windows 7开发平台,这个项目将部署在Linux(可能是CentOS 6)中,路径完全不同,用于链接,图像,视频等,指的是本地内容当然(我认为在运行应用程序的地方以外会很昂贵地托管这些文件),'因为文件系统不同,这会导致问题,即使在JPA中的实体中引用的表的名称中使用数据库也是如此。所以这里的教训是,我必须开发我的项目,它将被部署?或者我错了?还有另一种方法可以解决这个问题吗?
3 个解决方案
I gather that /project
is the context path. The context path is indeed a dynamic value, completely beyond the control of your web application project.
我认为/ project是上下文路径。上下文路径确实是一个动态值,完全超出了Web应用程序项目的控制范围。
You should not have the need to recreate all links if you have from the beginning on properly used:
instead of<a>
for internal links -
而不是 用于内部链接 :link> -
instead of<img>
for internal images -
代替 :graphicimage>用于内部图像
instead of<script>
for internal JS -
instead of<style>
for internal CSS -
instead of hardcoded"/project"
to print context path in view - #{request.contextPath}而不是硬编码的“/ project”来打印视图中的上下文路径
to get it in bean - ExternalContext#getRequestContextPath()在bean中获取它
The mentioned tags automatically prepend the current context path when necessary. In other words, you should never have had the need to hardcode the string /project
representing the context path anywhere in the code.
Pick together yourself, bite the bullet, take a full day to fix them all in the current project and profit of the lesson learnt for future projects.
See also:
- Is there something like <c:url> for JSF?
的JSF? :url>
You should always have the same environment for developing, testing and for production.
Otherwise, tracking faults becomes a nightmare as you might not now if they are caused by the environment or your own software.
One thing you could do is e.g. setting up virtual machines replicating the target environment.
I faced your problem some times ago. The solution I had for myself was to create a Constants
file where I put all the system-dependent variable inside. For example,
public class Constants {
// Local development
private static final String PHOTO_FOLDER = "C:\path\to\photos\Windows";
private static final String APP_PATH = "localhost:8080/project/";
// Online server
private static final String PHOTO_FOLDER = "/path/to/photos/Linux";
private static final String APP_PATH = "www.project.com/";
Any constants in the above class can be accessed in any @ManagedBean
using Constants.PROPERTY
. In case, you want to access your constants inside your .xhtml
pages, you can create a .properties
file with similar content:
// Local development
PHOTO_FOLDER = C:\path\to\photos\Windows
APP_PATH = localhost:8080/project/
// Online server
PHOTO_FOLDER = /path/to/photos/Linux
APP_PATH = www.project.com/
Then declare this .properties
file in your faces-config.xml
as a ResourceBundle
<faces-config version="2.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-facesconfig_2_0.xsd">
At this point, you can access your constants in .xhtml
pages using #{constants.PROPERTY}
Depend on where you're deploying the app, just comment out the unnecessary lines :).
Besides, when you're dealing with file names, just use File.separator
to separate the folders and you should be fine :P.
What I'm doing is definitely NOT the best practices, but it's a pretty easy way to achieve what you want :P. BalusC's answer should be the best practices at the moment while dealing with those components. So perhaps a hybrid should be cool? :)
我正在做的绝对不是最好的做法,但它是一种很容易实现你想要的方法:P。 BalusC的答案应该是处理这些组件时的最佳实践。那么也许混合动力应该很酷? :)
I gather that /project
is the context path. The context path is indeed a dynamic value, completely beyond the control of your web application project.
我认为/ project是上下文路径。上下文路径确实是一个动态值,完全超出了Web应用程序项目的控制范围。
You should not have the need to recreate all links if you have from the beginning on properly used:
instead of<a>
for internal links -
而不是 用于内部链接 :link> -
instead of<img>
for internal images -
代替 :graphicimage>用于内部图像
instead of<script>
for internal JS -
instead of<style>
for internal CSS -
instead of hardcoded"/project"
to print context path in view - #{request.contextPath}而不是硬编码的“/ project”来打印视图中的上下文路径
to get it in bean - ExternalContext#getRequestContextPath()在bean中获取它
The mentioned tags automatically prepend the current context path when necessary. In other words, you should never have had the need to hardcode the string /project
representing the context path anywhere in the code.
Pick together yourself, bite the bullet, take a full day to fix them all in the current project and profit of the lesson learnt for future projects.
See also:
- Is there something like <c:url> for JSF?
的JSF? :url>
You should always have the same environment for developing, testing and for production.
Otherwise, tracking faults becomes a nightmare as you might not now if they are caused by the environment or your own software.
One thing you could do is e.g. setting up virtual machines replicating the target environment.
I faced your problem some times ago. The solution I had for myself was to create a Constants
file where I put all the system-dependent variable inside. For example,
public class Constants {
// Local development
private static final String PHOTO_FOLDER = "C:\path\to\photos\Windows";
private static final String APP_PATH = "localhost:8080/project/";
// Online server
private static final String PHOTO_FOLDER = "/path/to/photos/Linux";
private static final String APP_PATH = "www.project.com/";
Any constants in the above class can be accessed in any @ManagedBean
using Constants.PROPERTY
. In case, you want to access your constants inside your .xhtml
pages, you can create a .properties
file with similar content:
// Local development
PHOTO_FOLDER = C:\path\to\photos\Windows
APP_PATH = localhost:8080/project/
// Online server
PHOTO_FOLDER = /path/to/photos/Linux
APP_PATH = www.project.com/
Then declare this .properties
file in your faces-config.xml
as a ResourceBundle
<faces-config version="2.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-facesconfig_2_0.xsd">
At this point, you can access your constants in .xhtml
pages using #{constants.PROPERTY}
Depend on where you're deploying the app, just comment out the unnecessary lines :).
Besides, when you're dealing with file names, just use File.separator
to separate the folders and you should be fine :P.
What I'm doing is definitely NOT the best practices, but it's a pretty easy way to achieve what you want :P. BalusC's answer should be the best practices at the moment while dealing with those components. So perhaps a hybrid should be cool? :)
我正在做的绝对不是最好的做法,但它是一种很容易实现你想要的方法:P。 BalusC的答案应该是处理这些组件时的最佳实践。那么也许混合动力应该很酷? :)