groovy学习7-groovy sql - 雪霁霜飞 - 博客园

时间:2022-04-15 19:52:25

groovy学习7-groovy sql - 雪霁霜飞 - 博客园

groovy学习7-groovy sql




groovy学习7-groovy sql - 雪霁霜飞 - 博客园

groovy学习7-groovy sql - 雪霁霜飞 - 博客园groovy学习7-groovy sql - 雪霁霜飞 - 博客园代码

import groovy.sql.Sql /* * * @author <a href="">张挺</a> * @since 2010-4-2 15:07:35 * */ piEstimate = 3 ; println( " Pi is about ${piEstimate} " ); println( " Pi is closer to ${22 / 7} " ); // 使用Sql对象查询 // 第一个it是普通的对象应用,第二个it是groovy表达式 sql = Sql.newInstance( " jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test " , " root " , " xxxxxxx " , " com.mysql.jdbc.Driver " ) sql.eachRow( " select * from user " , { println + " -- ${it.username} -- " }); // 取第一行 row = sql.firstRow( " select username, password from user " ) println " Row: columnA = ${row.username} and columnB = ${row.password} " // 执行插入 username = " yue " password = " O'shea " sql.execute( " insert into user (username, password) values (${username}, ${password}) " ) // another insert demo use prepareStatment username = " yue " password = " wu " sql.execute( " insert into user (username, password) values (?,?) " , [username, password]) // 更新操作,也可以用sql.execute("update user set password = ? where id=?", [comment,4]) comment = " test " sql.executeUpdate( " update user set password = ? where id=? " , [comment, 4 ]) // delete sql.execute( " delete from word where word_id = ? " , [ 5 ]) // 在业务逻辑层就可以这么用直接返回list def getPersons() { def persons = [] sql.eachRow( " Select * from user " ) { persons << it.toRowResult() } return persons } // 如果返回的类的属性和表明一致的话就可以这么做 Person p = new Person( it.toRowResult() )