Netsuite > Employee Record Name维护规则

时间:2024-11-13 12:34:50

Employee Record Name 维护规则

- 在NS系统设计中,默认的Field展现是:First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

- 在General Preferences(Setup > Company > Genernal Prefrences)中,影响员工姓名展示的参数为:USE LAST NAME FIRST FOR EMPLOYEES

  -- Check this box to order employee lists by last names.

This lists employees alphabetically by their last names instead of their first names.


  -- 在Help中的信息为:Check this box to list employees by last name first for tax and payroll purposes.

  -- 实际上国内客户能影响到的就是Employee list的展示问题,I.e.

- 为了实现维护和展示的国内Employee和国外Employee的name都make sense:

- 可维护成:

First Name:Lisa 陈某某

Middle Name:

Last Name:Chen,

这样配合设置checked-on = USE LAST NAME FIRST FOR EMPLOYEES;就会得到完美结果:

Chen, Lisa 陈某某 (这个展示是可以完美被中西方都接受和容易读懂的)

- 国内的Employee (举例)

First Name:某某

Middle Name:

Last Name:李,

得到结果:李, 某某(跨国公司, 外资企业的prefer)或者维护出结果:李某某(国内大陆公司的prefer)。