我应该使用哪个verisign SSL证书?

时间:2021-01-28 19:40:40

I'm looking an option to buy a verisign ssl certificate for my company. previously we were using godaddy but godaddy ssl is not installed on blackberry. we can install manually or programmatically but its a extra over head for users. you can see here what problem we are facing with goddady

我正在寻找为我的公司购买verisign ssl证书的选项。以前我们使用godaddy但是godaddy ssl没有安装在黑莓上。我们可以手动或以编程方式安装,但对用户来说是额外的。你可以在这里看到我们面临的问题

So now we are moving to verisign ssl certificate. many different verisign ssl certificates are available. http://www.verisign.com/ssl/buy-ssl-certificates/compare-ssl-certificates/index.html

现在我们转向verisign ssl证书。可以使用许多不同的verisign ssl证书。http://www.verisign.com/ssl/buy-ssl-certificates/compare-ssl-certificates/index.html

So my question is Which verisign SSL Certificate should I go with, that covers most of the blackberry , iphone and android devices.

所以我的问题是,我应该使用哪个verisign SSL证书,它涵盖了黑莓、iphone和android设备的大部分。

1 个解决方案



Consider that a site like Amazon.com is not using anything better than what Verisign is calling "Secure Site Pro" (Amazon does not have the green bar). Perhaps if your company is quite small, you are engaged in e-commerce, and you need all the extra credibility you can get - then go for something better. But honestly, I suspect most surfers have little regard for the green bar. And if you are not using this for e-commerce, then you really could go with the lesser certs.




Consider that a site like Amazon.com is not using anything better than what Verisign is calling "Secure Site Pro" (Amazon does not have the green bar). Perhaps if your company is quite small, you are engaged in e-commerce, and you need all the extra credibility you can get - then go for something better. But honestly, I suspect most surfers have little regard for the green bar. And if you are not using this for e-commerce, then you really could go with the lesser certs.
