C# WinForm编程中的一点小收获(二)

时间:2021-12-26 19:41:52



    光标分为两大类,一是静态光标(*.cur),一是动态光标(*.ani)。这两类光标又有彩色和单像素之分。一般常见的静态光标多数是单像素的,.NET中可以直接支持这种光标。而对于彩色或动态光标则是有256色甚至更高像素组成的动画光标,在.NET中若要支持动态光标或彩色光标需要调用Win32 API实现。


            // The following generates a cursor from an embedded resource.
     // To add a custom cursor, create or use an existing 16x16 bitmap
     //        1. Add a new cursor file to your project: 
     //                File->Add New Item->Local Project Items->Cursor File
     //        2. Select 16x16 image type:
     //                Image->Current Icon Image Types->16x16

     // --- To make the custom cursor an embedded resource  ---
     // In Visual Studio:
     //        1. Select the cursor file in the Solution Explorer
     //        2. Choose View->Properties.
     //        3. In the properties window switch "Build Action" to "Embedded"

     // On the command line:
     //        Add the following flag:
     //            /res:CursorFileName.Cur,Namespace.CursorFileName.Cur
     //        Where "Namespace" is the namespace in which you want to use the cursor
     //        and   "CursorFileName.Cur" is the cursor filename.

     // The following line uses the namespace from the passed-in type
     // and looks for CustomCursor.MyCursor.Cur in the assemblies manifest.
     // NOTE: The cursor name is acase sensitive.
     this.Cursor = new Cursor(GetType(), "MyCursor.Cur");

  C# WinForm编程中的一点小收获(二)

    以下为引用win32 api函数,用于创建自定义光标、设置光标等操作。

   public static extern IntPtr LoadCursorFromFile( string fileName );
   public static extern IntPtr SetCursor( IntPtr cursorHandle );
   public static extern uint DestroyCursor( IntPtr cursorHandle );

    Cursor myCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
  IntPtr colorCursorHandle = LoadCursorFromFil(@"C:/WINNT/Cursors/dinosau2.ani" );
  myCursor.GetType().InvokeMember("handle",BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetField,null,myCursor, new object [] { colorCursorHandle } );
  this.Cursor = myCursor;
