- 类文件必须在本地,当程序运行时需要次类时,这时类装载器会自动装载该类,程序员不需要关注此过程。
- 编译的时候必须有这个类文件,否则编译不通过。
A class loader that loads classes from .jar
and .apk
files containing a classes.dex
entry. This can be used to execute code not installed as part of an application.
This class loader requires an application-private, writable directory to cache optimized classes. Use Context.getDir(String, int)
to create such a directory:
File dexOutputDir = context.getDir("dex", 0);
Do not cache optimized classes on external storage. External storage does not provide access controls necessary to protect your application from code injection attacks.
翻译:这个类加载器用来从.jar和.apk类型的文件内部加载classes.dex文件。通过这种方式可以用来执行非安装的程序代码,作为程序的一部分进行运行。 这个装载类需要一个程序私有的,可写的文件目录去存放优化后的classes文件。通过Contexct.getDir(String, int)来创建这个目录:
File dexOutputDir = context.getDir("dex", 0);
public DexClassLoader (String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent)
Added in API level 3Creates a DexClassLoader
that finds interpreted and native code. Interpreted classes are found in a set of DEX files contained in Jar or APK files.
路径的分隔符使用通过System的属性 path.separator
获得 :
String separeater = System.getProperty("path.separtor");
dexPath | 需要装载的APK或者Jar文件的路径。包含多个路径用File.pathSeparator间隔开 ,在Android上默认是 ":" |
optimizedDirectory | 优化后的dex文件存放目录,不能为null |
libraryPath | 目标类中使用的C/C++库的列表,每个目录用File.pathSeparator间隔开 ; 可以为 null
parent | 该类装载器的父装载器,一般用当前执行类的装载器 |
- 通过PacageMangager获得指定的apk的安装的目录,dex的解压缩目录,c/c++库的目录
- 创建一个 DexClassLoader实例
- 加载指定的类返回一个Class
- 然后使用反射调用这个Class
- @SuppressLint("NewApi") private void useDexClassLoader(){
- //创建一个意图,用来找到指定的apk
- Intent intent = new Intent("com.suchangli.android.plugin", null);
- //获得包管理器
- PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
- List<ResolveInfo> resolveinfoes = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
- //获得指定的activity的信息
- ActivityInfo actInfo = resolveinfoes.get(0).activityInfo;
- //获得包名
- String pacageName = actInfo.packageName;
- //获得apk的目录或者jar的目录
- String apkPath = actInfo.applicationInfo.sourceDir;
- //dex解压后的目录,注意,这个用宿主程序的目录,android中只允许程序读取写自己
- //目录下的文件
- String dexOutputDir = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
- //native代码的目录
- String libPath = actInfo.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;
- //创建类加载器,把dex加载到虚拟机中
- DexClassLoader calssLoader = new DexClassLoader(apkPath, dexOutputDir, libPath,
- this.getClass().getClassLoader());
- //利用反射调用插件包内的类的方法
- try {
- Class<?> clazz = calssLoader.loadClass(pacageName+".Plugin1");
- Object obj = clazz.newInstance();
- Class[] param = new Class[2];
- param[0] = Integer.TYPE;
- param[1] = Integer.TYPE;
- Method method = clazz.getMethod("function1", param);
- Integer ret = (Integer)method.invoke(obj, 1,12);
- Log.i("Host", "return result is " + ret);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- package com.suchangli.plugin1;
- public class Plugin1 {
- public int function1(int a, int b){
- return a+b;
- }
- }