I am using playframework 2.4.4 and am trying to achieve the following:
我正在使用playframework 2.4.4并尝试实现以下目标:
In the backend I serialize a Map<Lagerplatz, Integer>
to JSON (com.fasterxml.jackson
) where Lagerplatz
is a class inheriting from com.avaje.ebean.Model
In the frontend I want to deserialize the map to construct a picking list, telling the picker from which place (=Lagerplatz) to pick how many items.
在前端,我想反序列化地图以构建一个选择列表,告诉选择器从哪个地方(= Lagerplatz)选择多少项。
The JSON I get from the serialization looks like this:
...so instead of serializing the whole Lagerplatz-object - for some reason only a String representation that looks like some kind of id is sent via JSON.
...所以不是序列化整个Lagerplatz对象 - 由于某种原因,只有一个看起来像某种id的String表示通过JSON发送。
My question is how to access e.g. the value "3" for the key "models.Lagerplatz@21" with Javascript when all I have is a list with real Lagerplatz objects...how do I find out which Lagerplatz object refers to which "id"?
(By the way: I also serialize a java.util.List which carries the order in which the picker is supposed to pick the items and here the Lagerplatz objects get serialized "normally" so there actually is a whole Lagerplatz object in the JSON...)
(顺便说一下:我还序列化一个java.util.List,它带有选择器应该选择项目的顺序,这里Lagerplatz对象“正常”序列化,所以JSON中实际上有一个完整的Lagerplatz对象。 ..)
This is the class Lagerplatz:
package models;
import javax.persistence.*;
import play.data.validation.Constraints.Min;
import play.data.validation.Constraints.Required;
import com.avaje.ebean.Model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonBackReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonManagedReference;
public class Lagerplatz extends Model {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private int menge;
private int kapazitaet;
private Material material;
private Kommissionierlager kommissionierlager;
private Lagerplatz vorgaenger;
private Lagerplatz nachfolger;
public static Finder<Long,Lagerplatz> find = new Finder<>(Lagerplatz.class);
1 个解决方案
is actually the String representation of an ebean object as indicated by wwkudu (see his comment to my question).
is the package in which the class resides, Lagerplatz
is the object's class name and since any ebean object has a unique id (so it can be persisted to a database using ebean ORM) the part after the @ is that very id. For the model Lagerplatz this id is an auto generated Long value which for some reason is converted to a hexa-decimal value for the String representation.
models是类所在的包,Lagerplatz是对象的类名,因为任何ebean对象都有唯一的id(所以它可以使用ebean ORM持久化到数据库)@之后的部分就是那个id。对于模型Lagerplatz,此id是一个自动生成的Long值,由于某种原因,该值被转换为String表示的十六进制值。
So I was able to solve my problem by converting the id I get from the correctly serialized List which carries the picking order to hexa-decimal and constructing that String representation (I ommitted some code that is not necessary to understand the solution here - kommissionierreihenfolge
is the deserialized List<Lagerplatz>
that carries properly serialized and deserialized Lagerplatz objects, kommissionierliste
is the Map<Lagerplatz, Integer>
that carries the strangely serialized and deserialized Lagerplatz objects as keys and the Integers as values):
所以我能够通过将我从正确序列化的List中获取的id转换为hexa-decimal并构造该String表示来解决我的问题(我省略了一些不需要理解解决方案的代码 - kommissionierreihenfolge是反序列化的List
function setKommissionierliste(kommissionierreihenfolge, kommissionierliste) {
var tableBodyWrapper = document.getElementById("kommissionierliste-table-body");
for (var index in kommissionierreihenfolge) {
var mengeNode = document.createTextNode(kommissionierliste["models.Lagerplatz@@" + kommissionierreihenfolge[index].id.toString(16)]);
Since I really only need the Lagerplatz in the Map<Lagerplatz, Integer>
as a key to retrieve the Integer value associated with it, this solution works fine for me although it is a bit of a workaround.
As indicated by wwkudu, the proper solution would be to get the server to actually send Lagerplatz objects.
is actually the String representation of an ebean object as indicated by wwkudu (see his comment to my question).
is the package in which the class resides, Lagerplatz
is the object's class name and since any ebean object has a unique id (so it can be persisted to a database using ebean ORM) the part after the @ is that very id. For the model Lagerplatz this id is an auto generated Long value which for some reason is converted to a hexa-decimal value for the String representation.
models是类所在的包,Lagerplatz是对象的类名,因为任何ebean对象都有唯一的id(所以它可以使用ebean ORM持久化到数据库)@之后的部分就是那个id。对于模型Lagerplatz,此id是一个自动生成的Long值,由于某种原因,该值被转换为String表示的十六进制值。
So I was able to solve my problem by converting the id I get from the correctly serialized List which carries the picking order to hexa-decimal and constructing that String representation (I ommitted some code that is not necessary to understand the solution here - kommissionierreihenfolge
is the deserialized List<Lagerplatz>
that carries properly serialized and deserialized Lagerplatz objects, kommissionierliste
is the Map<Lagerplatz, Integer>
that carries the strangely serialized and deserialized Lagerplatz objects as keys and the Integers as values):
所以我能够通过将我从正确序列化的List中获取的id转换为hexa-decimal并构造该String表示来解决我的问题(我省略了一些不需要理解解决方案的代码 - kommissionierreihenfolge是反序列化的List
function setKommissionierliste(kommissionierreihenfolge, kommissionierliste) {
var tableBodyWrapper = document.getElementById("kommissionierliste-table-body");
for (var index in kommissionierreihenfolge) {
var mengeNode = document.createTextNode(kommissionierliste["models.Lagerplatz@@" + kommissionierreihenfolge[index].id.toString(16)]);
Since I really only need the Lagerplatz in the Map<Lagerplatz, Integer>
as a key to retrieve the Integer value associated with it, this solution works fine for me although it is a bit of a workaround.
As indicated by wwkudu, the proper solution would be to get the server to actually send Lagerplatz objects.