音频文件无法在iPhone 5中播放

时间:2022-01-06 18:59:04

I use a code for playing a .caf audio file, the same code works good in an iPhone 4s and an iPad 2 but doesn't play at all in a iPhone 5...

我使用代码播放.caf音频文件,相同的代码在iPhone 4s和iPad 2中运行良好,但在iPhone 5中根本不播放...

this is the code:


    NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Lunatic.caf", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]]; 


NSError *error;

self.audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error];

self.audioPlayer.numberOfLoops = 0; 

self.audioPlayer.volume = 1; 

NSLog(@"log audioplayer: %@",audioPlayer);

if (audioPlayer != nil)
    [self.audioPlayer prepareToPlay];
    [self.audioPlayer play];

if (audioPlayer.playing == NO)
    NSLog(@"not playing, error: %@",error);

if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:@"file://localhost/var/mobile/Applications/0D3F5169-8DB1-4398-A09A-DB2FBADF57EF/myApp.app/Lunatic.caf"])
    NSLog(@"file exist");
    NSLog(@"file doesn't exist");


and this is the log output:


2013-08-07 20:05:52.694 myApp[7006:907] file://localhost/var/mobile/Applications/0D3F5169-8DB1-4398-A09A-DB2FBADF57EF/myApp.app/Lunatic.caf 2013-08-07 20:05:52.697 myApp[7006:907] log audioplayer: (null) 2013-08-07 20:05:52.701 myApp[7006:907] not playing, error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-43 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -43.)" 2013-08-07 20:05:52.703 myApp[7006:907] file doesn't exist

2013-08-07 20:05:52.694 myApp [7006:907] file://localhost/var/mobile/Applications/0D3F5169-8DB1-4398-A09A-DB2FBADF57EF/myApp.app/Lunatic.caf 2013-08-07 20:05:52.697 myApp [7006:907] log audioplayer:(null)2013-08-07 20:05:52.701 myApp [7006:907]没有播放,错误:错误Domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code = -43“操作无法不完整。(OSStatus error -43。)“2013-08-07 20:05:52.703 myApp [7006:907]文件不存在

As you can see the audioplayer log gives "null" and the error log says error -43.... but I repeat... with iphone 4s everything works good....

你可以看到audioplayer日志给出“null”,错误日志说错误-43 ....但我重复...用iphone 4s一切正常....

Any clue why is this happening? Did they change something with audio in iPhone 5? Could it be a setting in my iPhone 5 that's preventing the sound to play? Any help would be greatly appreciated

任何线索为什么会发生这种情况?他们在iPhone 5中用音频改变了什么吗?这可能是我的iPhone 5中的设置阻止声音播放?任何帮助将不胜感激

1 个解决方案



Have you called [audioPlayer prepareToPlay] prior to calling play? Also have you double checked the audioRoutes to ensure it is playing out of the proper channel?

你有没有在调用play之前调用[audioPlayer prepareToPlay]?还有你仔细检查audioRoutes以确保它正在播放正确的频道吗?

Two good sanity checks are to:


1.) Call [audioPlayer isPlaying] and see if it returns yes or no after you call play.

1.)调用[audioPlayer isPlaying]并在调用play后查看是否返回yes。

2.) Set the AVAudioPlayerDelegate and wait for the callback on audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying: and see if it gets called after the length of your audio.



EDIT: Since you're file actually isn't playing, that most likely means you have something wrong with the path you're calling.


Print out your path with an NSLog and also check to see if the file actually exists using:


if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:yourPath])




Have you called [audioPlayer prepareToPlay] prior to calling play? Also have you double checked the audioRoutes to ensure it is playing out of the proper channel?

你有没有在调用play之前调用[audioPlayer prepareToPlay]?还有你仔细检查audioRoutes以确保它正在播放正确的频道吗?

Two good sanity checks are to:


1.) Call [audioPlayer isPlaying] and see if it returns yes or no after you call play.

1.)调用[audioPlayer isPlaying]并在调用play后查看是否返回yes。

2.) Set the AVAudioPlayerDelegate and wait for the callback on audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying: and see if it gets called after the length of your audio.



EDIT: Since you're file actually isn't playing, that most likely means you have something wrong with the path you're calling.


Print out your path with an NSLog and also check to see if the file actually exists using:


if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:yourPath])
