I have installed android SDK and eclipse successfully on ubuntu 14.04.
However,now it's not running.This is the output error when I start the AVD:
Starting emulator for AVD 'avd' Failed to start emulator: Cannot run program "/opt/adt-bundle-linux/sdk//tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory
I find information via google, everyone says this is because my system version is 64, while the adt only support 32.
The solutions:
Go to emulator directory(xx/sdk/tools) and run:
mv emulator emulator.bak ln -s emulator64-arm emulator
No need to install any ia32 libs.
post from: http://*.com/questions/17474401/cannot-run-program-xx-sdk-tools-emulator-java-io-ioexception-error-2-no-s